Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1670

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§ · .· TITLE $9.-TRLV1 pagny, or by` stockholders or dlrectors in common, or in any other el mnnnerylin any commoncarrler by water operated through the 1 l1 Panama Cane! or elsewhere with whleh said railroad or other p carrier aforesaid does or may compete tori treme or fnny vessel .s1 carryiing freight or passengers upon sal;} ysiter route or else- r where, with which said railroad · or other carrier aforesaid t1 does or niayeompete for treme; andfin case of the violation et, i1 this provision each dey in which such violation continues shall tu be deemed a separate otlens/e._ ·. " _ `_ · ` (11) Determination of fact of competition; hearbtga;-ordera.¤— 11 Jurisdiction is conferred on the Interstate `Comuierce"`Commis·· f Q sion to determine questions otlfnet as to the competition or- c possibility of. competition, after full l1é·nrlDS» On the application n of any railroad company or other `cnrrler, Such application 0 may be- illed for the purpose of `determining whether any; exQ s Q isting service is in violation of paragraphs (10), (11), ‘_0r (12) ·c of this section ‘ and pray for en order permitting the com ~f tinnzmce ot any vessel or. vessels already in operation, or for the a purpose of asking nn.; order to install uewgservlce not in°con-_ c dict with the provisions of-. this perngrdph; The icominission .1.1 may on its" own motion or the application-lot. any shipper in- -11 stitute proéeedlngs to inquire into the operation *of_ any yessel é in use by `hny railroad or other earrler which has not applied o to the commission. and had the question of competition or the · ’ possibility — ot competition determined as herein provided. In. ¢ all eneh cases the order of said°commission shall be Emil. __ . ° 1 (12) Continuation of water service permitted; ming of rates, 'l ached ales, am; _.proetwes.-·—I£ the Interstate Commerce Commise g ision. shall be ot the. opinion that any such existing speci¤ed— 2 · service by water other than through the Panama Canal is being 1 operated in me__interest‘of the pnblic andls otiadvantnge to '¢ the convenience and commerce ot the people, end that such 1 extension, wll1‘_nelther· exclude, prevent, nor reduce eoxnpetb _1 _ tion on the route by ’ water under consideration, the Interstate 1 G0xnmé?c°€~`. Commission may, by order, extend the time dnring1 1 .. which "snch serviee by-1water may continue to be opemtedbeg 1 youd July 1, 1914. ln every `wse of such extension the rates, _ 1 schedules, ‘ and practices ot such water carrier shall be med, 1 with the Interstate Commerce Commission and shall be subject 1 to thi; chapter in the game mannerjand be the same extent as `1 is the rellrohd or other- common carrier controlling such water 1 carrier or interested ln any @.ll11Bl'_l!1 its operation; (Feb. 4, 1 1887, c. 104, S 5, 24 Stat. 380; Aug, 24, 1912, c. @9, T11, 37 Stat. ·1 566; Feb.- 28, 1920, c. 91, £f_40'l, 408, .41 Stat. 480,482; and `1 June 10,1921,. c. 20, 42 Stet. 27.) _ ‘ " - *1 6. » Schedules and statements of rates, etc., joint rail rnd 1 water transportntlenr-—(1) Schedule of _|*G·{6I,K fares, . and i oleorgca ; Ming and posting--Every common carrier eubjeét to- ; y the pro1vlsions`of this chapter. shell ile with the comml$lon rreated,by this chapter and print end? keep open to public 1 i»1~=pe¢;tio¤ echedules showing all the rates, tures, and charges 1

w·r trnneportation between different points on its own route 1

‘l11£1l_het\\‘een points on its own route and points outhe route 1 or only other earrler by railroad, by l pipe line, or by water 1 e.11o¤1 a through route end joint rate here been established. 1

 rm` joint rate over the through route has been established.! :

ale several carriers in suoh through route shell ille, prlntnngl ·1 t 2;e·t·p ..pon_to public inspection as ntoma.ld,`tl1e separately es-._ ‘ a·;111:isuod rates, fares and charge; appll& to the through tranm 1 _‘;¤1»x‘t:ll10l1. fI'he' schedules printed as nforeenld by any Such 1 ~‘¢¤llllll0ll` (‘&!'I"l£§' Shan; Qlaillly U18 { g11··•pmty and pemngem will be carried, and qhell eontgln the 1 _` :l·—;<i1i1·—e_giou of freight in ’!orce, end shell nleo State sepe— §’:il(*§*fill terminal ehnrga, Steithse charges, lclug ehetgee, And 1 .1 lx 1&h1¤i·ges which the commiwn may require, ell priri- 1 2.·;,1—r or muilitiee granted or ruewea and my. rules 0; l‘$¤· 1 $2l!l~*llS wuichln any wise chage, •¤ect, or determine any : ,ez1·; or the nggregzlte of such aforesaid rebel, fn!e8. &¤¢·

 ..a-t·<..1>x· the value of the service rendered to the P&&I1#8l‘; 1

apozammzozv. . 1656 hipper, of corisiguec. Such schedules. shall be plainly primted a Ieygc type, and `copiés for the hee of the public shell be kcpto osted in two public and conspicuous places in eirery depot, tation, or omce of such carrier where passengers 'or height, cepgctively, are received ” for truhsportfation, in such form thot hey shall he `gcccsslblc to the public end can be conveniently uspectcd: The provisions of this fsection cehell epply to a11_ ramc, transportation,. and facllltiw detlrged in this chapter. _ (2)_ Bchodsdw of ratd tkvjough forcipm country.-;·A¤y comaoxi carrier Subject to the provisions of this chapter receiving reight in the United Btgtéso to be carried through a foreign _ country to any place in the. United _ Statcé {hall also in like cannot- print ankrkcep open to public inepcctionmat every depot · »r ofilce where mich freight is received for "eoiimehz, echehoxoe bowing the through fotos., estebllehcd and charged 'by such ommon carrier to all points in the United Sfntm beyond the ofcigufcouutry to which it accepts frdghf . for shipment'; and my freight shipped from the -Unit€:deBti1t$ thro a. foreign country into the United- States th; through r hich eholl not have beep made Qpublic, as requlrcd by _ chapter, shall »cto;·c it is admitted lnto the United §tat¢ `. sold foreign roimtry, be ·¤u¤1e¤:~?¤¤¢¤m¤ duties as if said freight were _ vi fofcigmproduction. j _ * . ·` _ __ , . · ‘ ‘ (8) Qhonée in ra es, fares,  ; notice ·fcq¤%rcQ;_ dmpliw atm of eclggdulca.-——No change. shall be hiade lnflthe rates, Euros, and charges or joint rates, {eros, and charges which mve been med. and published by any common cerrlcc in zompliapce with! the requiremchte of 'thie section, except _° after thirty days' notice to`- the commission engl to the pub- ` Lic` published l as aforesaid, vihich shall plainly the zhougcs proposed to be mode in =the schedule. thw in force one che time When the changed retw, farce, or chargw will go into ztect; and the proposed changes shell he _ shown by printing new schedules, or shell be plainly lndtentcd upon the schedules in force at. the time had kept open to public inspection: Pro= vided, That the commleeloh may, ih- its illscretiou auditor good zeuee shown, · tllow changes "upon lose than r the notice herein specified, or modify the rcqhlrcment; ot this section in respect to publishing, posting, and ming of thrmui either in particular lustencee or by. o general orqwer Applicable to special or peculiar circumstances or conditions: ‘Proo¢do8 further; Thot the com· _ mission is authorized to mekesuitnhle mlw and regulations for me qmpnmemoe or mheemeb or rites, force. •¤¤c dawhwdom and to permit £¤_ such rules and rgolatiooe the ‘ ullhg ot nnemehdmeut of or change in any rate, fare, chaige, · _ or `claseiilcetion Jwithout Ning complete schedules coverlhg · rates, fares, cherzw or clomlmtions not cocogeo ii', in its . ludgment, not inconsistent with the public interest. _ _ (`§) Joint t61"#|.-s-·Th€_I|£!!1@ os the several writers which are portiu to any joint term sh l be speclned therein, and nach of the DGYUGQ thereto, other they the one ming the some; shell me with the commission such evidence ot concurrence therein or acceptance thereof he may be or approved bfthe` comxhimloh, and where such evidence ot concurrence or ncceptnncels tiled it shall not behecceeary for thevcarricre liking the edme toeleo me copies of the tariHn`1¤ which they are named up partlm · _ . . o . _ (5) · Ooplea of treme oontroctc to be ytlcd.-—-—Every common carrier subject- to this chapter shell also me with sold commission copies of ell centrocte, egremehts, or or;;hngexpcnts` with other common carrier; l¤ relation to . thy treme "amsctcdg hy? the provisions ot thin chapter to which it mey he s party. (6) Forma of zclredoleé prescribed by oonmsisdom-#-The commission may .Q€t8!'mgI1Q and prcecrlm the form in which the schedules required hi' this motion to he `kcpt open to public ~~ · lhnpection shall. be and kfttheéd and may change the ’ tom from time to is shall be found expcdieht. 1 ‘(7)· Transcription without nlm; on-d peblcabtssp rote; for- . Mdéen; rebates; priieilegee.-—·~No carrier, unless. otherwise pro-·e