Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1679

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\ ]( ;§,'j TITLE 49.~·——TRAL scttiég forth briefly theiuuscs for. which he claims damages, md the order of fhe`commi§si0u”iu the premises. l Such gui; in the district c0urt"»ot—the United States shell proceed in all A

·€>rp·0C$S like othereiytl sultefor dameges, erceptlthat on the

arial of such suit the findings endorder of the commission shall he prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated; end except gm; the petitioner éhall hot berliable for costs in the district t ‘ must n0r for costs at any eubsequeut stage of the proceedings mzlesée they accrue upon his appeal. If the petitioner . hal1 fiuzaily prevait he shall be allowed a reasonable ·attomey’s‘ fcc, to he texedand collected as a port 0t—the·c~ests of the suit. ‘ c {3) Limixateion of act£o·na.—(a} A11 eactionsi at law by car-` ricrs subject to this chapter f<>1'·*‘If€(!0V€l’¥f 01 their ,chargcs,_ or eeypart thereof, shall be begun within three. years from the _ time the cruise affection accrues,_ax1d mit utter. · · § tm All complaints qgainst carriers? subject to this chapter \\ for the recovery of demagesjuot based on overchargesl shall be mm with the commissiorx withi¤`two$ycars_fr0m the time thecxmsc ofo action gccmesx and not after, subject to sufidivjgion, gd) of this parégrdphie . · " _ v · ur) For recovery of overchnrges-action a_t law shall be begun ger wmplaint Bled with the commission against carrier subgjoct to this chapter within three years from the time the cause mi ectiom eccrucelmad not after, subject. to siibdivisieu `(_d) bt mir paregreph, except that it claim for the overchargeéhas iéew presented in "writing to the carrier within the tkirecqcar

  • p<·x‘§od ot limimtioxi raid period shal1_be extended to include

six months from the-time notice in writing is given by the ezxrrier to the ciai&13,x1t ot Qisallowance oi the claim, or may wrt me- parts thereof, specmed in the notice. ‘ .- < M If on .._ } or before expiration of the twoyear period of lim- } ismion in oubdi Acton (blot this pm·agrapl:i_ or of the three- §`£‘2iI' period ee limitation in subdivision (c) of this.{parag·raph a e·:a;~:·icr subject to this ciiaptcfbcgins a,cti0u·'u11dcr_subdiv1siou ea} pfithis paragraph foryrecovery of charges in respect of the 5::1 me trzmeprfrtotiorn service, or, without beginning action, col- I iwxe: charges in respect of thot serrtce, bait! period of iirnitation e<}s:¤,i1 hc exteuglcel to include umety daye from the time ouch

e¢·:§.g>c is begun or such charges are collected by the carrier.
 ic) {Fine cause ot action in resbect ot a shipment of property

t sdm}, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to accrue upon _ _~ m»1ivery or tenderot delivery thereof by the cm·rie1·,,¤¤d not after. » ` , . ·‘ 1 if) A petition for the enforcement of an order ot the commission for the_pe.yme1E1t otmoxicy ehalltébe Bled in the district `cmrt or the State court within, one year from the date ottthe order, and not after; . P ‘ ~ _ . · . _ _ (gt) The term " overcherges " as "izzed in thi; section shall he deemed to mean charges for transportation scrviceo in excess [ or timee a.pp1icecb1e;thereto under the terms mwtuily on me with the *commiséion. ‘ _ »VV G U ·· I “A ih) The provioiohs `ot this l paragraph N (F3) chai; extend to {and cmbracgjcetecs in which the cause ot action eccrttw prior to June 7, 1924, is well ns- cases in which the "gaueg of action cccruce thereafter, erceimt that- action; at laév or com— juleiote med wite the commieéism against carriers subject to this ‘ chapter for the recovery cg everchirgcs wher¤;th_9 ciuoe _ of action eccr11ed' on_or other March *1, lg ] , riot be ‘ deemed to be berred tmder ecbdivision (c) of thi! vamgrapgh , if such ecticr1s.che11‘haré tmc l®¤” or compleioté §1ed_ prior to Juno 1, 1921, or within aix months thereefter. · —- b · (4) Jolmer §`§*of—‘ { Brecon; I¤id»9~n@.·-—·-···I¤, such suits an partieclin ences moor. the com sion may have xmde an ewerd for demagw by n Kstcgle crdce be joined nrplsin-· titfc, ucd all oi" the carricrc`_partic.s to sock or<1er¢_§wr.rqing ouch demagec may be as detcétlants, nm} may be memtci¤ed` by such ‘ joint ‘;‘>1a,i¤ti£¤"aml agonist queer Quint 'defeodunta ip am;-· district wher; any emo et joint plamé . $e2·:o··--2o·---1¢¤ o

NSPORTATION § 15 tiifs could maintain such suit against guy one of sm-in jnint defgndgnts-;`ax1d service of process against any one of such ‘defeudax1ts‘a$ may riot be found it; the district whom: the mit is brought may be made in any district whore smh cleicndsmt carrier has its principal operating p@c·e. In czrée of (such joint suit the recovery, if any; may be by jueigmient in favor of any ”0ne of such plaintiffs, against the defendant fmmd to be liable to such iplaintiif. '- . " t ,(5)·’»S'0r·v€ce of (orders of commission.-L-Every `ordor of the commission glmll be forthwith served upon the e§<=·g~=ig·x;:1t<>zl agent cm the carrier in the city of Washington 01*111 such othef manner as may bb provided by law; A 3 l _ * ( ·.. » (6)_ Susymwimn 'or modtéifcqtiem of O1°dGI‘8.jé=—T}l€·€OH}llliSt¥iOH - shall bg aixthorized 1:6 "suspend- 0;.·_p;1édify"its "orders ixpgn such _n0tica and in such manner as it shall dcejm proper. · (7 )jC;0mpZiancc with orders;-—It shall be the duty of evexty , commtm carrier, its agents and g-Employees; tp observe m1d· comply with 4suéh orders so· long as the same shall remain iu Vleifect. ( ‘ * l A . V , (8) ‘Fa£Zure of barrier or omcér to gbcy midcvs; pe·zm?ty.—- Any carrier; any odiéer, representative, br agent of a carrier, or any receiver, frustee, lessee, dr agéntféf either of them, ight} knowingly fails- or- uezlegts to obey may order made under the provisions bf séctions ( 3, 13, dr 15 of t1fis chapter shall forfeit to the United Statés 'the sum of $5,000 for each offense;. , Every ” `distinct violation shall be { separate oignse, and *11:1 casepf a

 cbntixiuing Ylolatlch each day shall be deemed p8 separate

oténsé. ‘ ( U · { na ( ( __ (9) Suit for regmvery of fg>rfe£tu%·c,-———Tl1éjfnrfeitutés provide?} f for- ixr this chapter shall be payable i¤‘to—the Trcésury of the United States, and" shall bemcpvcrable in .a ·clt-j_i1_st2it in the name of the United States, `Eirmxght in the district whmré the céixfier has its_ prigelripal opéréting twice, ·0r` in éxiy district through which the road of the carrier runs. · - » ~ ‘ (10) Districf a¢¢w~¤.eye_ to prosecute ferr fs»z·fs·£{¢zm*s; costs ( and eazpemaa.-4¥It shall be the duty ·0ftl1e various dlstt·ict;,attomeya, under the direction of the Attm·mey_ Geeneml of tlge ‘Unlt&d States, t0» prosecute for the rc·€0vct·y of tpforfeitttres. The gusts and expvnsecélof siich `pm·»secuti<m shall bepaitl cm: pt J.; Tthe appropriation for the égpenses at the courts of tige ljntttzd 'Sta_tes.` ’ ( p " - v (1_1) Eertplbvynmzf of `_¢zttm·ntey.g by c·0mne*£s.s£mzw-—-The cmn— missicim may c11ipl0y stich* attorncspts as it: fimls necesszzry fm; proper legal aid and sefvice of the cmiitnigzsimi or its members ln the tondtzct of their wc1+k,»0r for pmpez: xpeprespntatitm lu? K lthé public ixitemsté intl investigations uxacle by it or C‘§1>2€S`QFv proceedings pgmtlixxg before whether at the comuxissivnk 0wn`,1nstance`0x· upon camplairiti cr to appear for or re;·prt;~senf »tf1l€’·‘QOIlllIliBSiOH? lp any <~¢;·ase» in` (!0H`l‘t§~,21fl€L the eztpczxses of such employmexzgt; shall be paid out of the ap;m.>priatit»¤ fm (the ccmmisslcm. _ * _ _ ’_ » ·_ M W __ (12) Prbcésdinga t¢`mtf<i¢ce'0·r¢@r.s 0th¢r—tIzt¢ztzz `fqr pszymvemt of m<mey.=·—-I! any carrier falls 01: neglects to obey any m·cle:·r· qt the mmgxlgsién other than for the paymémt at imoraeey, ( while thé same is in effect; the Iittersmte Cpmmeréé C0mmi>a~ mon or auypparty mjured·e5y,; or: the United Staties, by its Atttoénéy Gmerél, may apply to fI1&~app1*Qpri§t¥& clistrivt ’· court cr? the *Unit8d Sixties for the egxfcmcemetxt offS*i1C1l_ m·d<>r, If, after heéxing, that *Ct}£ll‘t determines that tha, or-der was `fegularly made lgmlldpuly saxjved, and that the cax··rie»;;· is`. iu diaéwdieum bf {hd saline; tlgie ccmrt slmll mfarce ¢W»l>;>Hit>:l¤—a ta S1E}1_0I’dg1§ bytpn writ bi tnjumfgtiou pr other proper ;>r<»<2e>e¤s, ( maqglntcryw or »(}th&i'W’iS€, tq restfain Such mrrier, its <»tii<·ex·>:, ,

 ascnts, mr ·x•em.*asc¤tat1vés,_ fiom (further diml;mdi$:>z1@¢· of suqh ··~

( ézderh of 1:5 enjoin uponiit: mr them pbedience ;m thaw samp. ( ( (18) Qcpwx éf aclwd-ales, `mriys, sontriwts, ele.; Icegm as piswiq records; s¤¥de·¤c&.——-·;Zl‘h¤ ccpieswpf schednlesf and ¢;#lm·¤;·;i—‘§ · t§catl¤a.s dud tgu+iHS at rate; Iartpg, ami clmrge&=, uml of ml