Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1707

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` 1693 · ’ ; _ ‘Yr1:z·1;; l or etzhance the quality of the product ini comparison with ‘it `cost and in the opinion of the Secretary shall be so `worthy. a to eaititle the employee making the same to receive the reward Provided further, That the awarded to employees t l . · accordance with this sebtiou shall be paid them in addition t ’ their`usi1ai' pompensationl &!1§1..Bh§u constimte port of th gwergr or shop` expense ot establishment: Provided funnel That the total amouét paid xfnder the provisions of this sectlo; shell 1 hot exceed $1,000 for my one mouth`: And prootde {w·mer,"1‘bat uoedioloyée shall be paid a· reward under thi _;4ol·tion until he has properly executed an agreeuiept `to th eifect that the use by the United Stdtes o of the suggestion; o Series- ot suggestions, msdoiby not term the basis e o further claim of my nntdre upon the United States by ·hi¤ his heirs, or assigns, and that applicatlo¤f for patent- has ng been made "tor they-invention. (July _17,_1912,· ‘c. 236, ·8 sglmrss.} ~ y `_ 2 . __ ,- r __ _, “ ` `59. °Testihg riEed canned for Navy.--One or more bride — cannon of each type cohstructed at the cost ot theafllxlite ‘ states for the Navy shall be fpubllely subjected to the. prope test. for endurance, mcludiué such rqpid ming. as a like gu ¤_ would be subgected to` in. battle. This test shall be under th ` - direction nod to the sotistaction of the Secretary ot the Nav; , and it such do not proveratistactory, `the‘type they re; resent shall not be put in use in the naval seryice. (J my 21 H86, c. 781, { 1,,24- Stat. 151.) ’ _ . " · _‘ — · 60. .Tra¤sfer· of navel ordnance to War Department.-~Suc€ - mural ordnance and ordnance matérldl asthe Secretary ot,`Wé and the Secretary of the `Nsvy may deterzininemecessary is or _ thorized.-to be transferred from the Navy Department to th Wa r" 1)epnrtmeut:_ Provided, That it such ordnance and- qrt . ugmce material is obsolete for naval purposes the; trnuste shall beYmade*without reimbursement and pdymentto the Nav for other ordnance uml ordnance material traosterred here umler shall be made- only after estimates shqll have been sul -` mined to Congress and ·a specidc-.approprlatlou for such pa; ment shall have been made, (July 8, 1918, c. 137, _§ 1, 4 Slut. S17.) _ . _` . ‘ __ Y 61; Arms `snd ammunition issued to protect public firon er¢y.·—»Upon· the request of the head ot _ only department, th Seoretary ot War is authorized and directed to issue arm

 and ammunition whenever they may be required for therprc

motion or the public money ond; property; and they may b elolirered to jany cmcer of the department designated. by th head Qotfzmch department, to be. accounted for to the Secrc tory ot War, and to be returned when the nemsaityj for-· the! um hss expired.` Arms and smmdnltion heretofore tumishe to any department by the Wdr Department, {or which the Ws Department has not been reimburwd, may be reeelpted to under the provisions ot this section. (Mar. ·3, 1879,1:.- 18£ 20 stat. .410.) V y _ ·‘ , ‘ V · [ ` 62. Loco of rides to orgdhizatioos of honornbly discharge soldiers, and no _ forth.·éy·~'I.'l1e Secretary of War is hereby au thorlzed, under rulm, llmltations, and regulntiohs to be pre scribed by him, to loan obsolete or condemned Army rlilea I slings,. and cartridge belts to posts or csmwl of orgonlzation composed of hooorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines for . use by them in connection with ‘ the funeral ·.cmemo¤1e of dmswd soldiers, sailors, 8.Ild'H1Rl’1l1®, and for other pos ceremonial purpom;,d.11d to sell such posts and camps blsml ommmlltion id suitable dmoupts for said rides ¤t·` cost price Dios east ot packing and trsnsportstion: Provided, howevea That not to exceed ten such ridm shell be issued to any ori mst or camp. i (June 5, 1920, c. 240, 41 Stat.._976.)·‘ " _ . 62a;. of ordngnee to sehoolarud &zte`homes for vet erans’ orphans.-—'I‘he Secretary ot ,'Wur is hereby authorize to issue, st his dlmretion and under proper rmlhtions to b ` prescribed by him, without • cost ot transportation to `th

v 50.+-was , Q the ·§ 69 a. United States, such obsolete ordnance and ordnance stores s` as pay be available to State and `-Territorial_·educatioi1al'

i. institutions and to State soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans homes,

n for purposes of dxjlll and instruction, · . · " ~ ' 0 _ And the Secretary ot °Wa1* shall. require from such- institw .e tions or homes a bond in each case in double the value of . r·,- the property lssued, for the care and saIe·keeping thereof n ai1d.for·_the·‘1*etum of the same to the {United States, when d required: Pr612idcd,‘f1‘hat the c-issues herein provided for shall " is. be made only to institutions upon recommendation or the _. ae governors of States and Territories and shall not be made in , mj any case to any _ educational institution to which` issues of, »!, such stores are allowed to be made under provisions of law 1. existing on June- _30, 1906. (June 30, 1906, cl 3938, 34 Stat. »t·817.)=.· __ `· .. - .` ¢7· ‘ 63. Saleaof ordnance property to schools State homes ·_ -· for vete:ans’ orphans.-¥Salea ot articles of ordnance property d_ are authorized _ to educational,. institutions and State soldiers j d and sailors’ orphans homes for maintaining the ordnance A an and ordnance stores Issued to then:. . (May 11, 1908, c. 1%, I ¤'35_Slgat.125.) — " ,» Le 64. Snlefof obsolete small. arms to patriotic organizations.-- r,_ The Chief of Ordnance ._is lréxzeby authorized to sell without J- advertisement -to patriotic organizations lor. military. pm--- B.·_ poses. suzpnis obsolete lsxnall arms and their equiptnents and » `ammunltion at . such prices as he niayf deem reasonable and h just: Provided; That obsolete small arms and their equip .r xnent and ammunition shall not disposed ot to such organn· izations except as provided for- in this section. (May 28, L6. 1908, c. 215,;} 14, 35_Stat. 443.) _ , , . _. f l-' 65. Sale of ordnance to designers;g-—The- Secretary of War rt hereby authorised to `sell ‘tQ·Amé1:1Q8il designers such sérv·· y iceable_ ordnance and ordnance stores as may be necessary in B- the development ot designs which may be used in the military ` F service: __Prov£ded, That · such ordnance and ordnance stores _ V·_ CRD be spared for the puqrposep and funds grxsmg, {nom such 0 sales shall benvailable to replace likeordnance and ordnance ~ stores; (Apr. 23, 1904, c. 1485, 33. Stat;276.) ._ _ _ · · »· · 66; Issue of ordxiimce to soldiers’ homes.?-—T1¤c e ~Ohlef of Ordnance is authorized tojssue such obsolete or conos damned ordnance, gun carriages and ordnance stores, as `may. »- be needed for ornamental purposes, to the homes of disabled »e volunteer soldiers, the hom& to pay- for transportation and e such other expenses as ape necwsaryf (Man. 3, 1899, c. 423, s 30 Stat.~1073.~) t ‘ · _ » . - · .r · -674 or gift of condemned ordnance to soldiers’ momn— d ment. associations.-;·il‘he Secretary ot Wai- and the Secretary at of the Navy are eachfauthorlzed, ln their discretion, to Iona m ·or‘ give to soldlers’ monument aaeoelations, postsbt the Grand l, ~ Ariny ot the Republic, and municipal corporations, condemned _ ·0!fd¤8D.¢8}°·K¥Illl; and cannon balls which may nofbe needed in sl the service of either ot said departsnents. ” . 1; Such 19an- or gift shall be_made·subject to `mles and regulay >- ations covering the same ln each department, and the Govern- », invent shall be at no expepm connection with any such, loan s or gift. (May w, 1896, c,. 231, 29 Stat, 133.) . · · · s, 68. Solo. of obsolete `ordnance for public parks.—·———The Chlet ·s- ot Ordnance is hereby authorized to sell. without advertisest ment for publlc parks, public buildings, and soldiens" monuk ments . purpom aurplus obsolete_brass on bronze cannon, car; z, rlagw, andcannon balls at such prices. as he may deem reason- ·,° ablewmd just:_Pro·vided, That obsolete brassor bronze carmou e and their acee@orIes shall not, be disposed of for auch `pu»r— poses exceptjas provldedfor ln this section, (Mar. 4, 1909, lc. _:_

- 319, l 47, 35 Stat. 1075.) · ~ · Q? Y

cl _ 69. Sale of individual pieces of 8Em§m€Rt.—¢Illdl\'ldll2ll ef pieces ot United Statm_arn1nment which are not needed on. e- account of historical yalue, and can be advantageously re-