Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/178

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§ 4077 M h T1T1.1£.rS.—~,lL1LJi.\*l granted by courts of competent jurisdiction prior to Decem ber 31. 1.918, upon petitions forynaturaliaatjtin filed prior. t· January 31, 1.918,.. upon declarations° of intention tiled prior t· _Septemberi·27, 1966, are declared to he valid inso far as .th i declaration of intention is concerned, butfslnall not be furthe validated or legalizedby the provisions of this section. (Ma; 9, 1918, c. 40 Stat.) `_ o u to i · 497. 'Ccrtihcates oil naturalization failing to show "eom ( pliaaee with requirements of Act March 3,1903, validated.- `Natn.rallr.ation` certificates issued after the time of the takin; edectiof Act March_3, 1903,. Thirty-second Statutes, page 122E wrliicli fail to show that, the courtsnissuingh said { certificate complied with_tlle.,rc1;uiren1cnts of section 39of said __Act; bu which were otherwise lawfully issued,} are declared to he a " validas though said -eertlfica—tes complied ewith said section ( In all such cases. applications shall bcnmade for new naturali Z§lIl0l1‘CQI‘tlHi?8tt?S, and when the same are granted, upon corr pliance with the cprovisioé of said Act of 1903, they shall re late hackhto the defective certificates, .and‘ citizenship, shall b deemed to have been perfected at the date ioffthe defectiv certincate. (June 29, 1906, c. 3621, §_ 1, (34 Stat. .·NA'I?URALIZA'I‘ION FORMS i 408. Naturalization forms supplied `courts on requisition I certiicates to be consecutively h\llRb€l‘€d.··r*·TllQ` courts speclile in sections 357 and of thistitle shall, `upon the redigisitio; of the·clerks‘of-such courts, be furnished ~ from time to tim by the Bureau; of Naturalization with such blank forrns a

 required`in·. the naturalization o:)a11ons,°u—A11;¢erzn

cafes of naturalization shall be consecutively numberéfl an printedon safety paper furnished bye said bureau.) _*(June 2i 1906; c. 3592, § 3,,34 Stat. 596.) h · . - a , 469: Forms.-——Substantially· the following, forms shall be~use in theprooeedings to vvhlchjtheyirelatez · _ sv _ T _ ._ ‘ ».·Decl_aration of Intention __ V (D 4(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof ____f_____;____’.SS:.l.‘ · ‘ _ a _ .. . I, ·——-—-· -·—-·5¥-, aged -—-———-—— years, occupation -—--j,- do declar onoath (atlirm) that my personal description is.: color —·—--- I complexion ¥—·——-—,_lielght `—·-———-·,- yveighti ~——>·—-,;—-, color of .hair~ colorof eyes i-—-4-·,' other visible distinctive marks I wa born, in on the ———-4- dayiof'}-—e-—-·, anno Dornini._,;·5Q-»·-=·-; . now reside) at_-e-T—;·I emigrated to the United States of Amen ica from _·—--—-—- on the vessel my last foreign resldénc was ——-——-. `It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever al allegiance and fidelity to any foreign rprlnce, potent‘ate, state or sovcreignty,`and’ particularly to --——··-, ofwhich I 1am noir citizen (subject) _; I arrived at the (port) of -—··-·# inithe Stat `(Territorypoir the District of Columbia) of -·-—— on or abou the day of anno Domini ·-——·»-—;‘ Iam not an anarchist SI am not a polygamlst not a believer in the practice of poly; jamy; and itlis my intention or good faith to becomes clthe of thelfnlted States of America and-to permanently resid therein.) ,So help me God. ~ ·` ` ( V , _ i · _ “ · `. i (Original signature of declarant) -··-·-— -—·-·-·. Subscribed and sworn to (aiiirmed) beforeme this `·——·-—--··du iof»·~——-——-,anno Domiul °` in ‘ *. 2 V . -' *""""""·¤¤*_•. . I Q[r..'s.] ._ . (O$clal_ character of attestor.) I’etll% for Naturalization A

   Court of  I

In the matter of theo petitionof•-—--4-· ·-q-··-to be admitted as I citizen of the United States of America i__ To the--—-5-—·*Q0urt: _, ' ( _1 1 h , °,The~pe_tltion.*of ·-——--—·- 4--- respectfully shows} First; My full lname is -—-L-·¤-t, l

S AND; CV1T1ZENS1{lP' t 164 l- ‘; 8econd.‘b¥y’ pldce, of ‘re Sid€_QCé i8MBUmb€’!?·······-— street, my ot of ·—·-5-··»~—~—~, State (Territory or the District of C0li1mbie)_ of 0 · Third.Z_Myctoccupation is · l ’ - ‘ ._ e ` e _ Fourth; I was borneni the ··-—-—·-—- day of»·—-—·—- at ———--. t;· t [Fifth. I emigrated to.-the United States from ——-», gm (,1. y -·8,b0Ut't¥1& dey oft-·—~—-—, anno D0mini_·———-·-,_ and arr1t·gq_ at the port of ——·-, in the United States, on the vessel _- Sixth; I declared my intention to become a .citT§zeu ¢,sf;;,,, -‘ United Stateeon the -4-%-- day of at ——¥·—-—·, in the -——-~»· Cuiirt g· of T __ V { n — a 3, r ·oo_ Seventh, ·I 'am Q?-J-·-Jixxérried. My twjffc-£’s name is A-4 ·s_ She wsis born in -——— and now resides at ·—-——-. `· I lmyg 1 at; children,t:m&d the name, date, and place of Birth andplaco of V s residence of each of satdchildrexx is as follows: T-Q..;;c..;;.,;.t; 1. .,.,,..,,,,,•· 4 . · ·,_ , _ ’. '·, - ., _` ~_ ·, i-_ ;;.?1Qighth.»1 em. note disbelieverin or `oppoéed to. orgnmimi n-. government or ta member of or.aE1iated with amy organize-

4 tion`o1·`bodjn of persone teaching disbelief. in `orgzmizegl gm:-·

et e£•nment.· tIT·u1h_ nof-a polfgamist nor Q belietrer in the practice e of polyggmy,. I gm; attached to the ixriucipleeot-·ti1e Coinstim. tion- ofe·t]1e Uixited States; 8nd·.it is,’mye i¤tention to becomegai citizx of the United States- andf to renounce absolutely gum tore all allegiance and Hglekity to my foreign jlpriince, poteng t; tate; state, or sovéteigpty, and particularly to --4-;-, of which dj`. ·a£~·thi3 time I am Jl citizen (or subject). and it is intentimx no to reside permanently in, the United States. e i_ t o t e Nipth, I gm;-ante to §peak"the Engiigeh }8!1ST!hk9·- _ Q Tenth. I· have resided contirmously in the United States ot l·· _America,fo1f a¥ term ot_·H#etye3rs~pt» least immediately px·eeedZ dj ing the ···date“.of this petitiori, t0_%¥t,I§iH(!0 -——-=—-, qmo `Domiui A lf -Q-;-, zmg1Yiu.the Sthte c(Territory.or_the District ot Columbia} ; `» of_‘-¢——4-for one year afleasti next épecediég the date ottthts d petitiottgto wit, since day of te---, gm:0cDqé;ini - ~ E¤¤v¤¤¤¤- c weretnetchere¢ef9rect_¤zzte®;tpet;ti_¢ccctettgcirizenshiv ·t In to—$Biv}i“co{{¥E" y (.1 made petitioe forieitizenehtp to the-—-~·—·court

 ” . of 4--§.»at Q-——-,_ai1d the sqictpetition was derxietl by thesaid » -

I) court for"the following reasone phd causeei to wit,*e-—-+%-—-amt} ‘ - theceuse of such qeuiel has since been cured ofiemoved.), _ ,e U t

 °Attached hereto sind made}; part_of~this petition are<my

., Idecl:irafioh`0£ iutenition to become acitizeri bf United States = .., end the certificate from the Department of Labor;req¤i1*ed_!»5· tg. *1:1w., Wherefore yourpetitiouer pmys that hemay be siemitted I 11: citizen of the United Sta-tes Q!4H*fi1€-l`i08, `fll ` 9 ·" ``.' { · " (Signature of petitioner) ———·-e- {1 4——-—-—--:—,sga~:V  ;.~ - .ft B; · »‘ beiug`duiy sworn, depoms, and says t.h&fhe_is the a petitioner in the aboveentitleq proceeding; that the ·-lgas rein!

.; the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; that the}

It . Some is true of .itsiown.·knowledge, except as tolmatters therein, ( _

»;° stated .t0 be allegedupon information and bélietgaind that HSV ·

g. "to those matters he‘<to be true. t · t on Subscribed and ssworu to before me this —~———-_day of A ge zixmo. Domini t t ‘· — Q t + t t In 8.1 o- M _ . ‘ Clerk of the ·-——--g— Court. y _ ’ Atii di1v‘it of Witnesses _` t In_the matter, of *the..petition‘ ot‘;——~——--·————·————— to be admitted ’a ” citizen of the United States of~Americe_ I t ~ —·—-Q-·-—··?-·,¢occupation_—é-——-g, residing gat -5---, and -·-+-—-,toccup;1- * a ti01i~—---; residing at each being severallyydxily, and re- · eipectively sworn, depoees and says that he is a citizen ot the- P United States of Atuericu; tbet hehas personully»`k¤ovnfi1

—-—¢-·-·, the pefitioixer above mentioned, to be a resident ot the ~ _,

United States. for a period ofat least five years co¤ti¤uous1y