Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1911

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1897 rrrnn s.-Ar.mws· I TITLE 8.-ALIENS. 1 Chapter 6.-I-emMIGRA’I'I0N.i BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION, DDIIGRATION _ ORFICERSJ AND` A IKIIGRANT STATIONS · . · _ .· ~ 13. Use of hospital at `Ellls Island by Public Health Service. 118. Motor wehlelu for enforce¤ent of immigration and Chinese ex- " i¤1¤rl<¤¤1¤¤·_]·_ . _ I ·_ AIIEGIJLATIGII AND BESlI`RICiI‘ION_ OF I_1mTIGI1A*1‘10N` IN GEN L, . - ERAL _ __ »’ H6. Dispoeltioxi of moneys received or paid for expenses of detained, aliens. x { ,· _, ' _ I QUOTA AND NONQUOTA IRILIIGRANTS 204. "Nonqu0ta`in1xnlgrant" donned. z . , ’- .

31. Admimlon into Porto Rico ot `certain resident Spanish subjects. I

{Heir.] ..’ ·» _ · _AL;IEN VETERANS GF THE WORLD- WAR ,

241. “Alien veternn ” donned; delinitions ot Immigration Act ot 1924;

adopted. ’ _ ‘ · “ i 242. Alien veteran as nonqnotalmznlgrsnt; head tarot fees; grodnds ` · for eiclusion. . * - _ .

2-I3. Status- ofchildor spouse of " allen veteran." ·

244. ImmI§ration·vl¤;_lssuanee Within one year; -. 245. Demrtation ss pnbllc eharge; prohibition. _ _ ._ 246..Person bringing admissible alien veteran to port not subject to - V doe. _ -` _ _ . A _ . BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION, IMMIGRATION OFFICERS,- ~ ·· A ANDIMMIGBANT STATIONS 117. Use of hxpital at Island by Public Health Service. ` Section 117 al title 8 neonatal.--'1'he statutory provision consti-. toting { 117 .o! '1‘l`tle' 8 of the Code was repeated in Actot Mar. 2, 1926, e. 43, {_ 1, 44 Stat. 147. » · ‘ _ _ ` _ 118. Motor _ vehicles for »enforoenzent’ of ‘ immigration and Chineseuolndmhws. _- _ » _ ·· - _ ’ _ Booths 118 at Tide I r»e•mL·-The statutory provision eonstitut- lng {118"ot Title 8 of the Codewss repeated in Act ot Apr._29, I 1926, c. 19.’$,·'44 Stat; 371, · _ · · ·_ » R REG.I.»'LATION"A.ND RES'I‘RIC'I‘ION_OI•`. IMMIGRATION IN R GENERAL ‘ . ` .176; Bis@tion ofjnoneis reeeivedlor paid for expenses .of· _ seeth; Ita at 1'¤• I r••••••l In sa:·t.·~$-'rhe statutory provision &natftn¤ng the Brat aentenoe ot I 176 ot_'I`itle.8 ot the Code ans repeatedln Act or liar. 2, 1926, o. 43, I 1, 44 Stat. 141'.’_ ·

 “Nonquota imnignnt ”   usedrlnr this

Act_`the term " nonqnota " means-g~ . ' (a) An Immigrant iwho is the unmarried child under eighteen years otage, or the wife, of a citizen of the United States who

 therein at the time ot the dllng ot a petition under sec-.

_ tion 9; A it -_ _ . ‘ (lo) An immigrant prevlonslyilawfnlly adnntted to the United, States, who is retnrning irom a tmporsry visit abroad; » ‘ A (c) 'An lmnigrsnt who was born in the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, the Republic of Mexico, the Repnblio A ot Cuba, Q the Republic ot Haiti, the Dominican _ Republic, the Canal Zone, A or an independent- eonntry_ot_0entral or South America, and A his wife, and his unmarried children under eimteen years lot o age, it aeoommnyingjor tollowingto joiz him.; I · ‘ _ I (d) An Immigrant who {continuously hor at least two years I ixnmedlntely preceding the time of his application for admin- A sion to the United Stem has been, and who to engr the United States solely for the ot, carrying on vocation ofnninister ot any religious denomination, or professor A

wb- UITIZENSHIR _`§241·‘ KND CITIZENSHIP- of »a· college, academia seulinarr, or university; end his wife,. and his uumsrrled children under eighteen years of age, it ac— cempanyiqg or following to- joln__him; or an immigrant arriving in the United Statm before July '1, 1927, who- is the wife, or the uumerried child under '€1ght9€§1 years of age, of an alien residettt of the Uxiited States vvho entered the United States prior to 1, 1924, and who eentinuously for et least two years,·immed;lateLv preeedinglthe time ot his admission to the . United States {or permanent residence. wss, sed who entered ,_ the Utlited ·Stetes solely for the purpose of carrying on the vocation or minister ot shy religious denomination or professor of a college, ecaderrly, seminary, or miversity, it such lm? mlgriut is following to join such elleuj or - _ _ - _ (e) An immigrant who is e betta ddestudent at lesst Mteeu years ot nge and who seeks _ to enter the United States solely ter the purpose of study at eccredited college, aendemy, . seminary, or university, pertieulerlv by him [ and approved hy the Secretary ot Labor, which éall have egreedsto report to the Secretary of Labor the termination et l attendance et each imntigrenf- student, and it my sdch instiitution of learning fails to méke su@ promptly the 5 approval shall bevvithdrawu. .,(Msy 26, 1924, ¢. 190, § 4; 43. {Stat. 155; July 3, 1926, c. .738, § 1, 44 Stat. 812·) : · Q Section 2M_ of Title 8 a¤e¤ded.·——Tlle provisien el Act of May 26, > 1924, c. 190,-§ 4, 43 Stat. I55, constituting Q 2e4 et ’1‘it1e,8 of the

 Code, has been amended by Act of July 3, 1926, eQ_ 738, { 1, 44 `

{ Stat; 812,_to read as above. The amendment added the xeond provision .of par.- (d) beginning “ or an immigrant? 4_ · _ Section -2 of the above amending Act provided esfellowsz ° “Sec. 2. Despite the provisions et the Immigration Act of 1924, 'the Secretaryof Labor is authorized toadmit to the United States

 for permanent residence any otherwlse‘ admissible alien whe (1)

" is the wife or the unmarried child trader eighteen yesrn ot age clan - alien resident of the ignited States who entered the United Statw . prior to July 1, 1924, and whe continuously iter at mst two . years immediately preceding the time of his admission to the , United States for permanent. reslkuee wss, and whe. entered the · United States solely. for the purpose of, ca.rrylng_ en-the veen·· tion .ot minister of any -rellgl0»us denomination or profwser of s

college, academy, seminary, or iinlversity, and (2) whe arrived

at Va Upitw States port of entry between May, 20, 1924, and July 1, 1924, arid were. thereafter temporarily? edmltted.”_ . ° ' 2§1. Admission i¤to·Porto ’Rico of eertein rmdeht Spanish subjects.-i·Thet _` all Spanish subjects who on April 11, 1899 (whether endults or utitriors), were hde residents ot Porto Bieo or adjacent islands which cdmprised the Province or Puerto B1co_tmd_who,_ln·eoniermit;i with ·Artie1e_ IX or the treaty between the United States and Spain of April 11, 1899, »‘heve- preserved their allegiance to the Crown et Spain, may be admitted litto_P0rto_ Rico vvlthout remrd to the provisions of _ the Immigratioh Act of 1924, except section 23.* `(Mey .26, 1926, ¢;400, 44`Sll8lZ.65T.) - A U j ’ _ " - New section. Iris derived from a¤·Act entitled ” An Act exempt— _ lng- from the provisions of·the Immigration Act et 1924 eerteiu Spanish subjects residents ot Porto Klee on April ;11, 1$99," cited ·" to the text. ‘ · _ " _ _ ‘ ALIEN \’ETERANS`O1·; THE WORLD WAR' [NEW] 241. “Alien_ veteran " dedned; deinitiees of Immigration Act ot 1924 ad0pted.—=·-Phat (a) as used in this Act, the term " allen veteruin " memes tm individual, e member. of the military ` * Sec. 23··e! the- Immigration Act of—1924, referred. to above, e<>’1_nsti— tutes {221 of Title 8 et the-Code. " 1 *8ees. Mi?247 which tollew are it 1-6 or Act ot March 26, tzlecz, —e. 398, 44. Stit. 654. Sec. 7 of theeet is § 392s ot this title of the appendix. . The Act was entitled “A1i Act to admit to the United States, sud to extend neturellrstieh prlvlleges to, allen xetersns o£—·the ·Wor1d W¤r." - . ·