Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1921

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1907 _ :1*11*1,1: 1u. ycars or less, and the total l<¥11gtlx-of detail of an enlisted man Ami! awt excaml 50 per centum ofhis enlistment period. (June

}, 1911;. c. 134, § 127a; June 4, 1920, c. 227, subéhaptcr I, § 51,

41 Stat. $86; June 8, 1926, 0. 495, 44 Stat. 705.) ‘ Section 535 nf Title 16 nmgmletl.-——Tl1e provision of Act of June 4, “ 19:30. c. 227, subchapter I, § 51, _41 Stat. 786, constituting § 535 ef Title 10 of the Code, has been amended to road as above. . The ameudmmt adfled the words " and one-half of 1 per ccntum at the cagieted men "_ in thejirst sentence and the second and third {st‘uviSOS. _ — ` _ 549. Detail of 0§cers. and men to assist foreign governments.-——"1"l:e Preéident of the United States be, and hereby LS, auathorizecl, upqn application from the. foreign governments muverned, and whenever iu`his discretion the publié interests render such a course. advisable, to detail of iicers and enlisted mma of the United States Army, Navy; and Marine Corps toassist the governments of the Republics ot North America, {V`(*1'lH'2Il America, and South América :md’0f the Républics of Puma, Haiti, aud ·Sa_11t0 Domingo, in military mul naval mat- tors: Iir01;£ded,¤ That the `qiiicers and enlisted men so detailed be. and they z1re‘h0reby, authorized to accept from the govern; ment tp which detailed offices gmd such compensation and emuluments thereunto appertainiug as may be iirst approved by the Svergemrpg _0t War or by the Secretary of the Navy, as the case

1my_b<a:‘ Prm:i·ded furtleer, That svhilelso detaflédjuclu btiiccrs

and enlisted men shall receive, iuaddition to the compensation and emolumeuts allowed Ithém by such governments, the pay and allowances whcréto entitled in the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps and shall be allowed, the same creglit for l0hgevity,_retirc¤iénf, and for all other purposes that they would receive it they were serving with the fearcespf the United ,States. (May 19, 1926, Q.-334, 44‘ Stat. 565.)- ` Sew section. " __ t { Chapter 22,-eWARRANT OFFICERS. Sm-. · . { - 551. Appointment ot warraxitiomcers; number authorijzcd. 595. gppoiutmeut of }eld clerks as warrant omcers. [New.] ~ - _ '59l. Appointment af warrant 0$¢ers; number authorized. Sec: sectfct¤_595 of this title in theuipéndix. t 595. Appointment of Edd clgrks as wnmut c&cers.——-Hgreafter Army &eid_clcrks and field `clerks, Qugrtermaster Corps, new in activv sérvim, shall mve the rank,_`·pay,r allowances, retirement pi·ivi1eges,· a¤d`bci1c§ts,0f warrant omccrsy other P than those of the Army Mine Plauter_Seryice,; and the- Secretary of Wér is hereby authorized and directed to éppoint them »varra11t~®cers ct the Regular Army: ·Pr0v~ided, {Phat ini determinlpg length at zcrvibe for longevity pay. and retirement they shall be Jcrcdlwd with and entitled to count the éame military service gs new authorized for warramt cmcers, thelud: ing service as Army held clerks and Belt! blerks, Quartermaster Corps, and all clasaiéed held service rendered as headquarters - clerks and clerks at the Qgartermnstcr Corps: Priivtdcd fom thm-, That the umitntic;1 in Wha Act ot J 1me_ 30, 1922} on the number. of qvarmht omcers, United 'Stateq Army, shall not apply tc the gppoiutees hereunder. (Apr.-·27, 1926, c. 191, 44 Stat. 3%;) _ t NQ! sectign. ‘ Chapter, 23¢——-ENLLSTED FORCE, · GENERAL PROVISIONS Scc. ‘ _ ° _ . 602. Eqlisted sgreugtlrot Army. " DETAILS 645. gg stizdents, qhservers, #Dd(_i¥.EY·£€u§\t·0!‘B. _ _

 “¢ct ct June 30, 1922," should be trmslated " wc·t1¤¤ 591 of thi!

.-—»-a.1ci1i·‘ §G62 DlS('ll.\‘R•'§lC l·`itf»}I lCN·l.iS"[`Ml£N'l' Sec. ‘ ‘ 654. Discharrze for n1isre;>res•·ntaition of age as honoraiile discharge; back pay; certiticate. [New.] " (HENERAL 1’RO\'IS.lONS 602. Enlisted strength of Army. i . C Qection 692 of Title 16 repe•ted.·—{l’he statutory provision coastltuting §· (SO2 of Title 10 of the (iodo. has been repeated in Act of L Am-. 15, 1926, c. 146, Title I, 44 Stat. 257. 4. “ increase authorized by Air Corps Act of- 'liizti. See section 2921) in rthe appendix. ‘ DETAILS l 645. Detail as.,students,'observers, and investigators. ’ See section 535 of thislitle in theappendix. C DISCHARGE FROM 1·}NLISTMl£S'[` 654. Discharge for misrepresentation of age as honorable discharge; back pay; certidcate.-That in the administration `of auy_`laws conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon honorably discharged soldiers of the United, States Army. jtheir widows and dependent children. a soldier who was enlisted between _ April 6, 1917. a~ud"November 11, 1918, both dates inclusive, and who was discharged for frandnlentlen- Iistment on account of misrepresentation of hisage, shall here after be held and consider.ed_ to have been discharged hoaorably from the military service ~ou the date of his actual separation therefrom, if his service otherwise was such as would have entitled hini to an honorable dischargef Pros vided, That no back pay or allowances shall accrue hy reason of, the passage of this Act :“ Provided further. That in all. such cases the War Department shall, upon request, grant to. Such men or their widows a discliarge certificate showing that the soldiers are held; and considered to have heen —honorahlyi _ discharged under the provisions_ of thi§‘Act:. (liar. 16, 1926, ci 57, 44`Stat.`208.)' ·_ " _ `* ` · _ New section, » ., ‘ Chapter 24.—CIVILlAN EMPLOYEES. _ _ SBC. Q _ i 661. Assignment of Army field clerlis, messengers. and iélaliorers to duty. 662. Ablwlntment ot Army Held clerks and field clerks, Quartermaster _ -Corps, discontinued. ‘ ‘ · . 661. Assignment of Army field clerks, messengers, gand ‘ laborers. to duty. _ - _ _Sec section 595 of this title in the appendir fordleglslation ap> patently affecting this section wirhirespect to Arm; tield clerks. — .662. Appointment of. Army Held clerks and field clerks,

 Quartermaater Corps, discontinued. i . · -

a Seelsection ,595 of this tiltleiin the appcmlix for legislatis>n_ap· 4 ,.parently affecting this section., _ - - r ` Chapter 25.-—-··LP”A“Y” AND ALLOWANCES. A lv _ I.ONGEVlTY_PAY ~S¤¢=. - ‘ . 684. Time serwjed as cadet at Military or Naval Academy. - QUAlt’1‘li‘.RS AKD SUBSISTEXCE .727. Subsistence of Army patients in Canal" Zone hospitals.


` 748a. Travel o¤_ Goveruxnent~ownedr vessel. [New.} CLOTHING FOR TROOPS 832._C0mmtitation ln, lieu of uniforms. ABBENCE FROM DUTY AS AFFECTING ItI,t:llT T0 PAY h 847. Pay during sickness dl.l¢’t0.I¤lilPOD'dll€L [Repealed.] i 84’{n.·Ps,y during abunce due to use of alcohol or drugs. ‘ [New.] {


» *• "A.ct’° should be translated °‘Jscction.". · ·