Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1940

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TITLE I.},-·C( tired pay of the oi%oers —and.w:1rrnnt o&cors of tho Ermy, Navy, Marine Corps, Const Guard, Const and Geodetic Survey, and l’1mlic Health Service, who \V€1’6 1`€.ti1TQd_ on or {before June 30, _ 1922, shall not be less than that provided for the officers and " warrant odlcers of these services of equal rank and length of eervivo retired subsequent to that datef Provided, That nothing lu this Act shall operate to reduce the pay of any officer or svn rrent 0@cer»now_ one the retiredilist; (May 8, 1926, c. 274,- 51, 44 Stat. 417.) _` _ _ ` ~ . New section. This seotion is section 1 01 an Aétentitléd "An Act to equalize the pay of retired omcers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey,—and Public Health Service," cited to the textl Section 2 of this_Act repeals ell triconsiotent Acts and parts of Acts; `· " . -· _ Chapter 9.%-READJUSTMENT OF COMMISSIONED. PER- SON NEL. ” - . - = Soc. e _ _ * n _ . . .*313. Appointment of temporary officers .auth0rized_; pay and nll0w-‘ nnees; retirement rightsj . 1 211. Regular commissioned omcers, other than chief warrant oihecrs; number; distribution iu_ grades. _ . · 5312. Temporary commissioned officers; number; distribution in grades.

13. Engineer o&cors ;. transfer to line-; precedence ;.cadet-engineers, -
  • 214., Commissioned engineer otllcors; vacancies at bottom of llst; when

and how Hlled. _ · ·` _ __ Q3. Temporary commissioned omcers; appointm»ont· as rogulznr commis? , stoned omcers; rank. 1 _ _ ` ‘ 216. Cadets; number; appointment; term of gervicc. 217. Promotions. ~ f . “ . 218. Constructor; rank,. pay, and allowances; appointment. . - 219. finlet warrant omcers; temporary omcers madea pormsmentg opt pointment; rank,_pay, and allowances., __ ’ ‘ ` 229. Const Guard personnel, where trained; cost. ° ' 221. Existing rank, pay, and allowances of commissioned oilicors as attested by chapter. — _ _ · 223. Repeal of inconsistent laws. .. 293. Appointment of temporary o5cers authorized; pay and ailoweneesi retirement rights, _  » ’

 :03 of Title 14,,•§•cted.-»-See § 212 in c. 3 ot this title oft;

the appendix. ’ _ _ . · p 211. Regular commissioned o$cers, other than chief wor- H rut e§eers; number; distribution in gr¤l&.——On and nfter Jely 1, 19256, the number of regculnrcommissioned odlcers, other than chief warrant o§cers, authorized ln thotloast Guard shall he three hundred and forty, distributed in grades as follows: Gm eommandnnt, Bfteen captains, thirty-ive commanders, oeventg;-none lieutenant commanders, slxtymli lieutenants, and r@@ty—§ve iientenants (junior grade) and ensigns, oueaenglnmr in chief, eigntooptolne (engineering}, eleven commanders. (eu-_ glneerinz). and twentyelght lieutenant COII1m8Dd€fS.-(€l1g1llé?Y- ( ing), nre geonetructors, énd fourteen district . commanders. (July 3, 1926, 0. 742, 5 1, 44 Stat,'815.) " lliew section;. See ttootnote to this·‘chnpter. ; 212. Temporary commissioned omcers; number; distribution in gredmeé-On ond after July 1, 1926, the number of temporary eennniseloned, omcors nuthorlzeddn the Coast Guard shall be nee hundred and dfteen, distributed in grades as follows: Fifty llentennntsrnndt slxtydlve liéutenunts (junior grade) and en-_` eiigno et the line, and after that date no more temp`hrary‘oElg.·ers ehall be appointed in the grade ot lieutenant commander or n1rm·o, (July 3, 1926, c. 742{ §_ 2, 44 Stat. 815.) o Kew section. footnote to this chepter. 213. Engineer o§cers; transfer to line; precedence; cadet engi¤eero.—»-'1`holt all lieutenunts (engineering) not holding tem-

  • Nes chapter. Derived from Act of July 8, 1926, c. 742, 44‘St¤t.

$21;*3, eetitled "An Act to readjust the*eommlsol0ned personnel of the Const (;nnrd,· and for other purposes? - _ ‘ . This: Act contains 14 sections, sections 9 und 12 of which constitute §§ on and 121a ot thlgtltle of the appendix.

usr GUARD 1926 porary appointments as lieutenant commanders (engineering), all licutenants (junior grade) (engineering) and all ensigns _(ongineering),’ both regular and temporary, who are in the 'Cosst'Guard on July 1, 1926, shall be transferred to the line of the Coast Guard and shalllbe comtnissioneq accortiingly, the reg-, ullar engineer otllccrs to become regular llne ofheers and temporary engineer officers tobecome temporary line officers, respectively. {Engineer otllcers thustransierred shalltalxe precedence n with line officers in the grades to whtcl; transferred in aecordance with total lengths of continuousscommislsioned service in the Coast Guard. All cadet engineers who are in the service on July 1, 1926, shall be appointed cadets of the line as of that; ditto and service as cadet engineer shall be counted as cadet service. (July 3, 1926, cg 742, § 3, 44 Stat. 815.) ‘ New section. See footnote to this chapter. · 214. Conimissioned engineer oEcers; raeaneies at bottom of list; when and how filled.-4.5. vacancy occurring at the bottom of the list of commissioned engineer officers after July 1, 1926, may or may not be tilled,`ln the discretion of the President, in accordance with the existing needs of the service for engineer 0_tBce1•s. Ifsuch at Vacancy is Hlled, i£· shall be filled by proj motion of the senior regular oiiiéer of the next. lower grade of the line who applies for such promotion and who demonstrates his entire iitness therefor in the manner provided in section 3 of the Acf approved January _12,. 1923} If such ·a vacancy is not filled within- a period of six months after its occurrence, it shall accrue to the corresponding grade of the lineand shalt increase the number of officers of such corresponding grade of ‘the‘line as authorizedin section 1 of this Act‘ accordingly, but shall not increase the total. number ofcommissionetl line and engin_eer.o1iicers combined asauthorized by this Act? (July 3, 1926, c. 742, § R4, 44 Stat. 816.). ``’· New section. _See footnote to this chepter. 215. Temporary conunissioned o§cers; appointment as reguhr commissioned oEeers; rnnk.;——--That the President is authorized to appoint, by` and with-the, advice and consent of the Senate, temporary fcommissionedl oillcers to be comrnlssioned omcers in the regular Coast Guard in grades not above lieu- " tenant: Provided, That no temporary ohicer shall be appointed. a `regular commissioner} omcer until his entire Htness for such appointment has been established to the satisfaction of a- board of commissioned o@cers of the Coast ?Guord appointed by the President, and. until he has been pronounced physically qualified by a board of medical omcers: Provided further, That tem- ”porary officerspwho maybe thus congmlssioned in the regular · ,Coast”Guard `shnl. take ranks in the grades ln which they are appointed rin accordance with the dates ot their _ commissions as rcgulilr otflcers. (July 3, 1926,*;:. 742, § 5, 4-1 Stat. 816.) S _ ·‘ S ` · · New section. fSee footnote to this chapter. 216; Cadets; number; hppointmentgterm of sérvice.———That on andsftor the (late of the passage of this Act the number of cailetsin the Coast Guard shell be such as the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time determine as necessary for the needs of the service. Appointments to codctshlps shall be made n under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Tro•errry,· who shall determine nge lfmits, methods of selection of applicents, and all other matters. sheeting such ~appotnt.ments. Cadets shall-serve two years; threeyears, orfour years, as the · Secretary of- the Treasury nmaydetermine from time to time in accordance Jwith the needs pt the service, before being eligible y • “Sections or the Act approved January 12, 1923," should be trouslated " section 18 ot this title otl the Code" _ r · "' Section 1 of this Act " should he trhnslated "°section 211 of thllg; chapter? _ _ · . ‘ ; I

  • "Act" should be translated "chapt¢·r."