Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1947

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]Q33 TITLE 16.-—C'6 mousand eight hundred and eighty-eight feet); thence northerly and nortbwesterly along the crest. ot the bydrographic divide °to a junctioawith the crest of the malxi hydrographic divide between the headwaters of the South _Fork ot the Kaweah River and the headwaters of Little Kern River; thence northerly along said divide now between. Horse and Cow Creeks and the headwaters of East Fork Kaweah River to `ihts intersection with the present east boundary of Sequoia Na; tional Park, appmximatcb at Tar Gap, being the east line of township 17 south, 30 east; thence northerly along said line to its intersection with the main ‘l1ydrograpl1lcadivide north ef Ellat Fork Kaweab River; thence easterly following said divide, passing through Timber Gab to ‘_ the summiti-of Sawieoth Peak; thence southeasterly along the crest of the Great Western Divide to the summit of Coyote Peaks (United States Geologiml Survey bench mark, altitudeten thousand nine blanclred and nineteen feet); thence northeasterly m110w1,¤g.mé mam bydrographic divide eoatlr of Goyote Creek to the june-" mm of Coyote and Kern River; thence due east across Kem- River to the east bank; mance followingaaid east bank ef Kern River northerly to thejunction of Golden Trout Creek. and Kem' River; thence uortbeasterly following, the main bydroprapbié divide northof Golden Trout Greek, and between the headevaters of Golden Trout- Creek axgd Rock Creek to a» la junction with the mail: ·cre§_t of the Sierra Nevada, northweetl · of Cirque Peak; thence northerly and westerly along. said maln creSt ot - the Sierra Nevada toe Junction Peak (United States Geological Survey bench mark thirteen thousand nine h\1Ild.1'€(]· Jamléthree feet) ; thence jwestély along the crest ot the Kings- Kem_Dlvlde `to a` junction witll the crest of the. Great Western Dlyidc at Tlm¤der_Mou¤taia (United States Geologica1`Survey bencb mui·k`thl1jtee¤_ thousand flve hundred and seventy-eight feet) ; ’tl1eace·soutbwesterly along the crest of the Great Western. Divide to Triple Divide Peak (United States. Geological Surrey altitude twelve thousand six hundred andl ilfty-one feét) ; tlieaoe westerly and aorithwesterly alo_ug.` the 'creat - ot lh? h»Yd¥‘@'¤Phi¢ divide the headwaters of Roaring River nad the heaclwatera of the Middle and Marble Forks ot “‘ the K8W981l'KiY€1‘ to‘Kett1e" Peak _.( United ·States__Geol0gica11 Survey altitude ten thousand »»aud thirty-eight feet); thencej westerly and wuthwesterly along`tl1e erest of the main hydro- 4 graphic divide next perth of Clover Creek and Dorst Creek to the Junction ot Stony Creek and Dorst Creek; thenée tollowingal the west mak of the North Fork Kaweab River to its junction with Cactus Creek: thence geterly along the llrat hydrograbhlc l ldirlde south of Cactus Creek {to lm luteraectiom with the present west boundary of Sequoia National Park, being the.west line of township 16 south, raugej 29 east ; Qthéace southerly along said} west boundary to the southwest corner of said township ;¤ thence easterly _ along the present boundary of Smuola National Park} being the north line oI township °1? south, range 29 east, to the northeast corner of said. township; thence southerly along the presmt boundary otsequoia Natloaal Park, being the `west liaes at townships 17 and 18 wutb, range 30 east, to the place { of @¤i$; all of tboaelaada lying within the boundary liw above are`b.ei*eby included lu and made a partl of the Romv&t4·Seqaoia National Hrk; and all of those lands excluded from the praeat Sequoia Natieaal Park are hereby lnelmled in and mde a part ot the Sequoia National Forest, _ a subject to all laws rqulations awlleable to the national ° foresta. (July 3, 19%, c. 144, I IQ-44 Stat. 818.)- ` .‘ New section, .’ 7 451;. md regulations; ish and game.-=-That me pu: mah be mam- the exexame mam; or me secretary of *the"Intea·ior, dau lt shall_be,_aaao¤11 aa practicable; to makeaad publish auch reaaoaalm rules and remlatloaa, not lncoaaleteut with the laws ot the Uaitea States, aa be my deeza of

WSERVATION §45g necessary or proper for the care, protection, manegexuent, and improvement ot the same; such regulations being ,primarily aimed at the ifreest use ot said park. for recreatioupurpeses by the public end for the preservation from injury or spolietion of all timber, natural "curioslties, or wonders within said park and their retentiouin their natural condition as fer as practicable, · and for the preservation ot said park in a state of nature so for ‘· as is consistent with the purposes of this Act} Such rules mh' regulations shall permit the taking of- Heh by hook amclline from the streams or lakes in said perk, but et‘sueh.eeasone, during such times, and in such manner as may be directed by the Secretary of the I`hterio1·. . Such rules and regulations however, shall provide o against the destruction of the wild` life within said park, and. the-Secretary or the Interior is hereby authigrized to take all such measures as shall be necessary to ofully carry out the objects and purposes ot this-Act} · Said. Secretary may, in _ his discretion, execute leases to parcels et ground not expeeding ten acres. in extent nat any one pbaee to, any one person or persons or comoony for not to exceed twenty. years, when such ground is necessary for the erection of belld·· , ings for the accommodation of visitors. Such leases or priv· ileges maybe renewed or extended at the expiration of the . terms thereof; Provided, That existing leases from the Depart: mentor Agriculture may be continued, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for so long. as suchyexteusiou is ‘ detrixnental to the public purposes for which the perk is created, » (July- 3, 1926, c. 744,5 2, 44 Stat. 820.) _ ° New section. __ ~ » _ _ F 45c. Prior claims, loeations, and entries; ts {erase of ~ .natural· resour¢es.»——Nothing herein contained shall atect guy valid . existing claim, loeetien, or entry heretefere established 2, under the land laws ot the United States, whether for heme ` stmd, mineral, right of wéy, or " kmy other wlretm-· eyer, or shall aifect the rights of any such claimant, lecater, or` entryxnan to the full use,_and enjoyment of his land: He- _ vided, That under rules and regulations to be prescribed by si him the Secretary of the Interior may iséue permits te ea! bona: tlcle claimant, entrymen, `landowner, or leme of lam! within the boundaries herein_eemblished to secure. timber io: . ‘ use on and for the improvement of his land ;` and he ®el1 have authority to issue, under rules and regulations te bé scribed by him, grazing permits and authorize the of 4 livestock on éthe. lands within said perk at fees ¤¤et‘to_exceed _ those exmgeo jby the‘Forest Service on adjacent areas, eeflwg as _ such timber cutting and grazing are uot_Wdetrin.tental to the ‘ primary purpose for whiéh such is lereeted :· · That no permit, license, lease, or authorization for clams, conduits, reservoirs, power houses, transmission "Iines, or teeeer J* works for storage, or carriage of water, or fe»r·. they de·rekepment,. treusmimloil, or utilization of power within the lliuits of said park as herein constituted, shall be granted or made without speclnc authority of Congress. (July 3, 13Q6,_ c. 744. 5 3t 44 sm, 820.) ( ` flew section. o ** j 45d. Exelueive priyileges 'pfohibited.-—-No exclusive privilege shell be granted withlusuid park, or oo or over the made and trolls therein, except upon ground leased for the erection of buildlu·@ or cemps thereon. (July 3, 1926, c.—744, S 4, 44 State %.) _ ‘ .4 · New section. _ t _ 45e. Violations; @lty.·———Any person touucl guilty, of x·iolhtlng any of the provisions of thié Act»‘ or any rule or regulatlen thut meybe premulgetecl by the. Secretary of the Interior with reference to the management untl care pt the perk, or for ( ` *"_TBis Act" should be translated " sections Nia to 45f of this title` mtu the gppendlxf o ‘ '° _ ‘ ·