Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1965

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 Special details and inspectors; allowance for cxpepscsj

21. R<·m·emenfgnd disability system; establiqlnnent;.rulcs and reguticns. · · - · flu. Clxlgf of Division of Wcstbru European Amairs. [New.] l DiPLOMATIC OFFICERS GEXERALLY 35. Clerks at (embassies and lezations. _ . I `CONSULAR OFEICERS GENI·;R‘ALLY 50; Consular clerlcg; appointment. _ y l GENERAL PROVISIONS COMMON T0 DIPLQMATIC AND T0 CON-, l ,_ SULAR OFFICERS » · , 133. Purchasciot bulldlngu =t01·*Dlpl0matic and Consular Scrvicé. - QRQANIZATION OF _ “FOREIGN SERVICE OF UNITED . - 1 ‘ smATEs" . ; _ L_ `»· T 16. Special dcfsils and inspectors; gllowsxncc for expenses.

  • Seetha 15 •f Title 2: •leeud;—1‘lie Stdte, etc., Appropriation Act

of Apr. 29,1926, c. 195; Title I, 44 Stat. 333,.. provided as follows:

    • Inspeclors ·shnll not be allowed actual and necessary expenses

for subsistence, ltcmlied, exceeding an average. ot $8 per duy." 21. Retirement and disability system; éstablighulcint; rnilcs, gd regulations. , · _ " _ n · 'O -(c} Deductions from 8(IlG|‘i€8\ of Foreman Service ·0y!cers.-—·_ Five per contum of the basic salary of all Forclgxi Service officers éllgiblé· to retirement shall bc contributed to the Foreign Service retirement and disability {mid, and the Secretary of the Txjcaéury is Glrccted on and after tlic date on which this Ac; takes emac: to cause suchl deductions to bc made and the sums transferred on the books of the Treasury Department to. the credit oi fha Forcigu,·Sc1‘·vlce rctlrcmcut ahd disabllltyjund for the payment ot annuities, Telfuuds, and allowances; Provided. That for the purpose ot computing deductions and »co.lcu·· letting amiultles hll basic salaries ln excess of $9,000 per anhum shall be trcatcdas $9,000. - ‘ Y » 1 . ` '(oj Rights of diplomatic aecmlarica ob- consular omoers pro· momd to grade of ?mnbassado•·,ob· 'minuter or appoinfed to-wai? tion in State Department.-—··—Auy qiplomatic sccrctarior consular 06cer who has bcw or any Foreign _Scrvicc 05cer who may hereafter be promoted Irom the classldcd » service, to the grade ct ammssador or minister or appointed to a posl“tion_ lh the D0ii&l'CHiB!It·,0f State shall be entitled to all the béuedts of the _ Foreign Service ryclzlroment and disability system provided by section 18 ot this Ac(‘ iq me samemnnuor ond under the some conditions as Foreign $crvlc`é omccrs; and (bene" shall likewise be entitled to the bcuedts o; said system lu the `same manner and under the camo conditions as Forcizn Service omccrs any amb@doi· or minister or any Assistant Secretary ot Stow now in the service, who; at the time ot original. appolntuicqt; to the grids clam — dor or minister: or to the position ot Amistant 3 rzr of State wgs °a diplomatic secretary or consular o¤cer or who at any tim; prior to such appointment had served for a pcrlodot tcu years as diplomatic sccrcmry or consular omcer or in the `llcpgnrfmcuf ot State or on special "dqty umleithe Deparfment ot Statc or in any or all ot tl1csc mpacitlcs. (May 24, 1924, c. 182, § 18, 43 Stat. 144; July 3, 1926,_cQ 798, { 1, 44 Stat,902.) _ _ . Scctkn 21 at tmc!}. •n¤•d•gl,--Suunections ic) and (ol ot Act ol May 24, 192{Q `c.. 182, §·1S,—43 éltat. 144l constituting 5 21 ot Title H ot tlm,Cod»c have been amended by Acro! July 3, 3926; c.

  • “Section 1$ ot the `Act," should botcanslartcd " this pctionf _

’ .

moss .4xu INZl'ER(L’OUR;i<E ~ §211& .TIONS'AND INTERCOURSE 798, ,§ 1, 44 St2lt.“"902’ to read nslabove. The emendment sadistituted in subsection (c) the etoctive date ot the amending act in place of July 1, 1924, end added to subsection (0) the last sentence A esset out above. » . t · n · 21a. Chief of Division of Western European AHairs.·—-·Tl1e Chief of the Dirision of Western European Affairs shall be entitled to_ participate in end have the benetlts of said Foreign Service retirement and disability fund} (July 3, 1926, c. 798, § 2, 44 Stat. 902,) ‘ ” '* ljiew sections * · _ The first section of the_'Act of which the text ts the second section', constitutes ·§ 2}. in ethis chapter of Title 22 of the _ nppendix. · , . ~ _ . _’ ` _ DIPLOMATIC OFFQCERS GENE}RALLY` ·35, Clerks at‘ embassies and Iegetions. l _ ‘ I — Section 35 •£ Title 22 repeated.-··—The statutory provision constia tuti¤g` 5 35 ot_ Title 22 of the Code was repeated in Act of Apr. ' 29; 1926, c. 195i 44.Stat, 331. I ’ _ e l - - . _ CONSULAR OFFICERS ‘GENERALLY ' 56l Consular} clerks ;· appointment.` Section 56`•f Title 22 repented.-—The statutory provision constituting. § 58*015 Title 22. of tbe'C0de was repeated in Act ot Apr. _ 29, 1926, c, 195, Title 1,- 44 stat. 333. ‘ » ° GENERAL PROVISIONS COMMON '1‘0éDIBLOMATIC AND ' - T0 CONSULAR OFFICQRS _ l 133L Purchase of buildings for ·Diplomntit and Consular Service. [Repealed.] _ V ` . ‘ r . - · The A;ct__0f Feb._17, {1911, c. 105, 36 Stat. 917, which constitutes { 133 ot,Title 22 ot th! Code was `repealed by Act of May 7, 1926, ` c. 250, Q. 7, set out in H 292-299 of this title in the appendik. Chapter 3.-e-UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA. 211L Issuance of passports authorised: manner ot issuing, .211n. Authority to grant, issue, end verify. [New:] . , 214:1. Fees erroneouslypcbnrged and paid; refund. [New.] . 217. Time limitation es to validity et passport or visor . %_217a. Validity of pnséport or visa; limitation ot time; renewal. 1 . '[New.]_ · ‘ » __ I " _ 201. Expenses of judge and district attorney in attendanee on sessions in other cities than Shanghai. ‘ s Scctkn 301 r•n•¢gd.é·-#The statutory provision constituting} 201 .o£ Title 23 of the Code was repeated in Act Apr. 29, 19:.*6, c. 195 ~_ _ Title I, 44 Stat. 341. " ~ Chapter 4;-g-—···PASSPOR‘1`$t· 5 21=1. Issuance of passports authorised; manner of issuing. {Repealed.] " ~ t __ o ° . Rs S. { ·i075»¤s dmended by Aét June 14,1992, e. 1088, 5 1, 32 .. Stat. 386, constttnting { 211 of Title 22ot the Code was repealed by I 4 ot the Arte! July 3, 1928, c. 772, 44 Stat. 887, entitled "An Act to regulate the issue and validity ot pnssportsi, and for other · purpo•e•.” The subject mntter or this section wes reeneeted in part by {:1 ot theQrepenling_ Act and constitutes { 21_1a of this Title ot the Appendix immediately following. Sections 2 and 3 constitute H 217e end 214;. et this title, respectively. — ·

 _211n. Authority to · grant, inane nnd verify;-—'.l‘be Secretary _

of State may grent and issue passports, and cause passports ·to be grunted, issued, and verided in foreign countries by diplomntic representatives of the United States, and by such consul generals, console; or vice consnls when me charge, as the turf ot ‘State may designate, sud by tlie chief orlofher executive omcer of the lnsuler possmlons of- the United . Stores. under such rules as the President shell designate end prescribe for W *" Said Foreigndtlervlce retirement and disability 'tond_" should be ` translated " section 18 of Title 22 ot tbe_('ode." ° `