Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1973

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1959 TITLE es)-. . ‘ TITLE 25.-- qmpter 4.-QPEREORMANCE BY UNITED STATES OF · . OBLIGATIONS T0 INDIAN S, ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ DISBURSEMENT OF MONEYS NND SUPPLIES I See ·" . ‘ - , 123a. Trina} ftmdsg one to purchase insurance for protectioxf of tribal P!`0P€!’t3·, {NW-} _ ‘ .· ·· T DEPOSIT, CARE, AND INVESTMENT OF INDIAN MONEX ' 155. Disposal ol. proceeds pasturage, sales of timber, coal, or other 1:35a. Disposat of miecellaneous revenues from Indian reservations, etc. [New.] ‘ _ `. · · DISEUBSEMENT OF MONEYS ANDSUPPLIES 2 123a.‘ Tribal funds; lane to purchase insurance for protection of tribal property.·—5Hereafter the funds of any tribe of·Indians° under the control of the. United States may {be used =for; pay! ments of insumnce premiums for protection of the property of · thetribe aglnst nre, theft, tornado, hail, earthquake, and other; elements and forces of nature. (Apr. 13, 1926,,.c. *118, 44 Stat. V New section. This section ia from an Act xentltled "An Act-, authorizing the use of the fnnds of-any tribe, of Indians for pay- ment of inmranee prmimna for protection of the property of the 'trlhe against theft, tornado, and_hai1,"· cited to the text; I, DEPOSITQOARE, AND INVESTMENTOE INDIAN MONEYS 155. Disposal of proceeda of pasturage, sales of timber,. eoalorothrprodaet. `_ 1. A _ ° ‘ I Seeds ,155 et Title 25 amended.--The Act pt Mar. ·_3, `1883 (23 Stat. 590), constituting { 155 of Tltle 25 of the Code, was amended, _by the·Act-of May_17, 1928, c. 309, 44 Stat. 560, ·| 1`, of which, ia aet ont as··| 155a._of thli supplemental tltle. Section·2 of eaid Act proiidcd that “The Act of Mar. 3, 1883 —(Twenty-secoml Statutes at Large, page 590), and the Act of Mar. 2, 1-887· (Twenty-fo¤rth Statutes at Large. page 463), are hereby amended in accordance ilth the foregolng." - _ _ Act. liar. 2, 1887,,c. 320, 24 Stat. 483, alaoamended by the abovetmentioned Act to read aa follows: “The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use the .xnoney—_whlch‘haa been or' j mayhereafter he covered into thelfreasury under the provisions of the Act approved Mans, ISQS4: and whlchla carried on the` books of that department under the caption of ‘ Indian moneys cnnoceeda of lahir; for the hemdt of the several tribes on whose aceoant uid money ras covered. ln, in such way and gfbr such purnoaa an he may think best, and shall make an-_ nually a ktailedreport to .Congre¤." · · _ ‘ . . 155;. of revenues from Indian reservation, ete.—-H_ermflm· all miscellaneous revmnes derived from · Indian rmervatlom. Hxwcies, and schools, which are not re-

11m1A.Ns §402a JNDIANS qhired by existing law `to be 0the1vwise'disp0sed,0f,._shall·bé` coveredinto the Treasury ot the United States under the cap·_ tion “Indian moneys, proceeds ot 1ab0`;·," and are hereby made ‘ available fdr expenditu-re, "iu the discretion of the Scéretdry of the Interior, for they benctit of the Indian tribes, agencies, and 4 séhools -611 `whqse behalf they are collected, subject; however, to the limitations hs to tribal fungls, imposed by section 27 of the { Act of ·1\Iuy 18, 1916 (Thirt3*»uinth·St;1tutes’ut Large, page 159).1, (May 17, 1926,};. 309, §‘1, 44 Stat.- 560.) _ i · · Ne{v scctiép. See note to §_ ·155_ iqihis tm} of me appendix Section 27 of the Act of May 18, 1916. mentioned in the- text, · is set out in §§ 123 and 142, of Title 25,01 the Code. ‘ _ — Cliaptér 12.-—-LEASE, SALE, OR - SURRENDER ,0F ` ALLOTIED OR;EN`ALLO'1`TED LANDS; I 400a. Leasg for mining purposes of land reserved for agency gr schoql; . disposition of prociecds; rbyzxlty. {New.] 402a. Lepéc of ‘una11cttcd irrigable kinds for farming purposes, 400a. Lease for mining putpoééskuf rgserjved fm; agéncy _ br` school; disposition of proceeds; myalty.—#—The Secretary of the Iziterioy and·hg;e is.herehyQi authorized xiuder such rules, _ and 1‘9gUlHti0l'#5_8S.h0 may prescribe, to lease at, `public auction i1p0n_n0t 1c$s%'tha11 thirty days` public notice for mining purposes lguxd `on guy Indian reservation reserved for `Indiam agency 01; school purposes, in_»acc·0rdanc·c with; existing law applicable to other lamlé in such resédation, iuzq the proceeds Arising.? therefrom shall be deposited ipfthe Treasury of the United Sta-tes to the credit of‘[11€'_II1(]i8I1`S·fol`_\\‘h0$¥€ b<—=11¢=tit the lands am reserved subject to appropriation b3} Cungréss fm educational Work among the Indians on? in paying éxpenses bf udmi'nistx•a· tion of akpcncicsz Pr0x>ide¢?.···’]`}1at ·a royalty ·<»f at las; emeeighdn shall be reserved in all leases. ¢ Ap1·._·1T. 1926, é. 156. 44 Sta§.300.) " · - -_ "· · New sccyion. This. si-·ctio¤ ·is 'zm Act entificd "An Ack io authorize thé léasing for mining purpusvs of lam! 1·0s•ervod_ fur _A Indian agency and school purposes," cited to the·trext.· _‘ · _ ‘ 402nQ Lease of uiuallotted irrigable lands for_ farming purp0ses.—···~Y1`he \iD§1}lé»t{€(¥Li1‘fig8blk.’ lands on any indizm resér v;1ti•m may bq leased. for farming purposes. for not no exceed ten years with the consent of the tribal coungil, busim-$>s·‘,c0mxnitte~e, or otheb gmthorized body representdtiveaof the_Iudia;1s,`·un;1er such mlm régulatiousias t{1e»·Secretax·y of thylntcrior may pré- scribe. (July 3, wx, c} 787, 44 Stat. 894.) - _ - New scétion. t is section is an Act ehtmcd "An Act to author- ° Disc the lguing of umillotted irrigable land on Indian rese;>rvQi0ns," cited to the; text.· · · `