Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2027

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2013 ) t ., , _ TITLE 26.-q-INTE1 estate; If theie- is more tlmnxme suéh ·be¤wciary the executor ` shall be mHtled to recover {rem such benwciatiesd in theseme

  • ratio; (Fe5.·2&;1%. G. 27, {-314{44‘Stnt. 79.) ; _ · ·

"·se¤¤¤u•t%m1¤;otPert'I¤I~thks¤hhpta. -_ `. my em, men recema ts, cenmmm c. 20 or tm; guppw me;ma_tlt1e.i Secma 808, mentioned je the text, is set opt m 55 I101`t0 1:t0§; t¤clu,sl,ye,’_e¤d n 1}06,te_ 1108, gncluslve. '1115;wLie¤—ef tax; liability ef. transfei·ee»m** trustee of de>

15 ¥: bw: Bde mrchasers.-;(a) Unless the tax is sooner

page in ·!u11,~it· shell be a `lie¤efor>.te1r yeers ugkm- me;gmsg__._; estate bf tee decmenqexcept that such part ot the ’gr0ss estate as is }1S€d’f(}€ payment ofxfcharges against the `estate and 0 __ Vcgpenses *9t its ¤dmi¤i$trBtii>;1,` allowed bi any cdurt havingi jufisdictlim Qaereet, shall be divested ot such lien. . It the com-

 iuissie¤e1·°'is ·s¤l:is§£d that the tax linbilitylof du estate has

" heed fully discharged 01* ptevided rqr; hev may, mtder iégula; ,2 tions prescribed by himi with the appieval ot the, _Secretqry, ‘ issue his eeg:t;i§mte, releasihg any or all property oftsuelyesthte {mm the lieu herein lwpcsed. . Z ’ _ *j -

 (1;) It (1) the decedcuttmakes a tfansfer, by tx·ust‘0r·bther·'

d' . wise, of ah? property in cqntemplatien of or intended tp take ` street m i>¤w¤eu ms eugleyzheat at or mei his death feicept in tile case at g boxtajde ale for an adequate dud Tull eenside;‘ati<m‘ gz; mduey dr m0¤ey’s worth) cr V (2) it · instxrance passes under -1 contract exeeuted by the decedent in favor pf a. specide bene¤ciary,_‘aud-`it in eitheij case the tax in respect thereto is netjieid when dee, `theh the transferee, trustee, or l»eeed—cisry shall be personally liable {for, sueh fax; and sich property, to the extent of the decqleufs interest thexreiujat the time of such tramster,`. or to the eitéut of such- bedeilciarfs interest wide; such contract dl! insdmnce, shall be, subject to n likelien equal to the amount of such tax, —Any¥part of suéh d property sold by. such transferee ctitrustee tg `s bona Bde pdrclmser for- an adequate and fq_1l.é0¤siderati0¤· ini money or meizeye wofth sha1l_be‘diyesf2d of the lieu gud a~.1lke’·lien shell text attnéh to all the jirepeiiy of such ; transferee or trustee, except anyqmrt sold tb ia bona fide purchaser for an s adequate and full consideration in money `or moneys worth. (Feb. @6,1926, c. 27; 5 315; dl-`Stdt; 80.) _ *"’ ·` note it beginning et,P:trt I ot; thi; chapter, 1115, False stntemmtq; pennltyyfsilunje te make retdmer - disclose iafermetbu; penalty.-——(aL) Whoever knowingly. makes - may falsestatement in any i10tlee,0;·{ret u_1ju require_d,tq be illed made: this title shell the lialzpleté aL penalty _0f, not exceeding $5.000, er imprismiment net exceedihg'0t}e year, or both, (l»)' ’W h0ever tails te scomply with kay duty 'ixfd posed upcll mm by section 304, er, having in hispdsse or control dns record. tile, or {mpeg-, ceutaiuiug or eupposed to contain urls information cencemlng the estate of the decedent, or, having in his.pes@i¤x1 eree¤tre1_ any preperty·c0mprised- in the grvél l estate bt the decedexmltells Ro-eihibit the mms qpon request tt the clrmmimieuer or any collects: or law omcee ot the Uniteé States er his duly authorised deputy er Iugent, -wl1e“d%il’eS‘t¢ I examine the same ix: tlne performance of his duties imdei: this ss title. seul! be liable td d pemly bf not exceeding $500, to be ,rece7ered, with cadets ets suitju ¤· civil aetldnln the name or the United Qmtes, (Feb;,26, 1926, e. 27, -§ 220, 44 Stat. 85.) See netexet beginning of Part I bi this- cllepter , F l-Thu title, herein referredfte, qenptitptes c.· df this supvk -" mental title} Sectiexi 304, mentloueddin the text, is `set 0ut_i1 5 gepelemeetsl. titles A, _____ - , s. "IHTZ. ih Chmn; pgyngeat of tak to clerknf Unite S@8ies,_sC0¤rt fer Chinn.--‘(a) 'Ttie term *‘ eesidetxt “Fxaeused. il

 _ this title lueludes ··a citizen ct the United States with respec

Y0- whose property dey probate dr admlnlstretlou preceeding H;·e·l;ad_in the U1;ited.States.C0urt for China. Wlaere ne par Ot the gross estate of such deeedexit is situated in the Untte Stateset- the time et hisddeutln, ~the_t0td1. muetgizt .0£ tax du

RNAIQREYENUE  » §1118‘ ’- under this title shall be paid to or eollected by ther clerk of ” i Such -·.c0urt, but vghere any part or the gross estate,/of xsnch g decedent is situated in the United States at the time ot his death; the tax due 'under this tit1e,shall be paid to or collectedi by the collector ot _:·the districtiixx which is sitnategl the part of the gross estate in the United States, or,__it such part is situated in more, than one district, then lxthe, collector of such} fdlstriet as may be designated by the commissioner,. ’ . _‘ _(b) For the purpose of this section the clerk of the United ` jStates Court for China shall be a collector for the territorial pjnrisdicticn oi such court, and taxes shall be collected by and paid to hil]1_.iD the/»»same manner and st;bjeet° to the same _; provisions of law, including penalties, as thef taxes _ collected ;‘ `by arid paid to`:1 collector ·in lthe United States. l (Feb. 26, 1926, cQ{2’Z, § 32l; 44 Stat. _85.)__ M L f I SR note at beginning ot Part;] of this-- chapter. . = ‘{· This title," herein referred to, constitutes c. 20 of this supple- . menmltitle. . _ r- _ . r # c 1118. Assessment and collection ·=of tax, under prior laws.-- (ta) If atfter the enactment of this Act the eommimioner deter- ,. - 'miuesl that any assessment shonld madel in of [nay estate or gift tax gimposed by the Revenue Act ot 191%-, the Revenue Act of 1918, the Revenue Aétot 192l, or; the Revenue Act of 1924, for by any such Act as amended, the commissioner is authorized to send by registered mail to the person liable for such 'tax notice pt the a1;n0nnt_ proposed to be asse$ed; which notice smux, ml- me purposes 0z·m1¤·A¤:, be considered ¤ notice. tinderg subdivision} (a).0f section $@,0f. this Act. In the case . dt any such determination theamonnt which should be assessed (whefficr. as dedclency or additional tax or as interest'? f>enalty,” or other addition to the tax) 'shall be computed as it this `Act had notgbeen enacted, but the amount so computed shell be . assessed, collected, . and paid in the same manner and subject — to the sameprovisions and limitations (inclqding the provjisions · in case of delinquency in `paymept after notice and demand and , ‘ the provisions prohibiting claims *and suits`for».retqnd)_ as in the case of a dedciengqy in 'theotax imposed bythis title, except that; in the ease ot-` an ·estate·tex'imposed by.the_Revepne Act · of 1917, the Revem1eIAct·o£ 1918, or the Revenue Act of 1921, ‘ or by any uch Act , as amended. the period not limitsation pre- _ · scribed in section 1109 ot this Act shall be appliedgiu lieu of the

period .p1‘escribed in subdivision. (a') of section 310. _ k _ r

g · (l>)` If before the enactment of this Aet amy person luis

appealed to the Board of.Tax Appeals under subdivisionxn) oft

section 308 of the Revenue Act of 1924 (ifsuch appeal relates L to h tax imposed by Title I_II of such Act or to so much of an _ { estate tax imposed by any ot the prior Acts enumerated in sub-

division (a) Qt this section -as-was not assessed before June 3,
1924),*aud the appeal is pendingbefore the b081‘dL at_the time of
the enactment of this Apt, the board shall have jurisdiction er

,? the appeali In all such eases the powers, duties, rights, and g privileges ot - the commissioner. and of the person who has ,. l.yr0ugllt_the appeal,. and the jurisdiction of the board undef the

 __c0urts, shall be determined, and- the; computation` of the tax

E shall- he made, in the same manner as provided in subdivision { (8) of this section,. except as provided in subcltvision (h) of

 this sQ:tion and except that the persoxi·liable~£or the taxshall

nbt besubject to the provisions of subdivision (a)`ot section 319. »- (c') If before the enactment ot this Act the commissioner has _ . ¤ mailed to any person a_ notice under subdirision (.a) of section 308 of the Berenue Act ot 1924 (whether in respect of a tax d imposed by. Titlelll of such Act or in_resp*ect· ot eoqmnch of . n an ctestéte taxéimposedpby any ot the prior Acts enumerated in rtZ sntrdivision (a) of this section as was not assessed before1`Iu’ne S `3§ 1924), and it the slxty·day, period referred to in srxch sub· ·f - dlvlsipn has not expired before the enactment of this Act and ‘ d . oappepl has been med beforerthe enactment ot this Act,. such e person may dle a` petition with the board in lthegsume manner