Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/204

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§ 554 f VTITLE 10;- atorckeepérl and certain second lleutenants of "tho Quarter _: masétcr Corps ·l1oreinaf£er specihed. The names on the list shall, l be arranged, ingeneral, so that tho.§l’§t.11amé on ;th_e.l1at·ashal1 o be that of the odiccrhaving the: longest commissioned service; ’ tho_‘socon‘d namé'-tha; of ‘ the ofllcer havingr the lnexb longest lrommlssiohéd service, and so op; In computations for me pure pose of detérmlning rho position ofroflicers on thé promotion list there shall be credited all aétive bommissioned service III, this Army performed while ·’\1l1d§3§`. &DPOim;mcut_j from {tho United States Government, .wl1e(llér in the regular, provisional, or tem- r ~ porary forces, except service under. a reservo_”c01r1'ul'issiox1whilg l ·in attendance at la school or camp Qfor the training qt cearldl— . , dahgs for commission; also. (!011lll1;SlSi0l1€(l serrioé ln the ‘Na-- _ l_gi0xialGuard while in active service since April 6, 1917, [under j acall by, the Prosldciit; and -als0*pouunissl0aed service lri the. A Marino Corps when .dotaéhed for sarrico with the”Arrny by Q vtdcr of the Prqsident. · In detorminiug..p0sition on the.ipromo·—o ltlo:1 list, and rolativairank, commissioned lservige in the »Regular — Army-0r·tlle.Phi1ipg>lne Scouts, i£_ continuous. lo lobe 4, 1920, W a shall be counted as- hmfililrg béguno oa the date of original com- "missi0h.‘·‘ `The origiual_ prom0tion listjl shall be_ formed "byl a board `0t_ 0&mrs appoihted the Secretary `of War, consistlug l- ot one, colonel ot each of SiX—b1‘&11Ch€Sl0f tllc service in which L omoora-are lpcrmauolitlj commissioned under U1€;tQl'IllS0f_S€Cv o tion 487, of this titlc,_·aud one -oQcer who, as amambgr ot_.t.he a

 poraozxixei br·am:l1_of the General S,taH,l has mule aapeotali squdy

ofmarglng the. pr$aat prdlrlotiorl lists into slnilo list. The maps in the formation ot the original promotion llatlshall be as _ lliollowsz · l r "` , l ._ • l { { omcera below the grade o£ colonel lin the o1»Eri°·· giamra, Sign! Corps, Infantry, Cavalry,} Field Artillery, (Bosal: Artille1*y‘ Porto Rico Regiment, a¤dlPhl1lpplaa,So6utls, ¢ rwho woré `orl$aally appointed in lthe Regular 4rmy‘or ‘Phi1· l l,lippl,ae.l§ll¤9lo@,lr;1,ar,$a. aprllrQa@L7,,fll¤h¤11lbé~ mansrd -wi;h<>%¤tl l féhaagixggftlio present order of owccra on the llnaal lists ot théir l owl: branches, but otherwise as nearly as practicable aooordlag to length ot commissioned sorvica. The tollowingl shall be (a) Owners who, aa a 'resixlt ot voluntary transfer, occupy positions on Jluoal list other gba}: those they would have hem lit their original ”comirllaslo¤s,_ had beau` lu thair Lprelant branches; K - l [ l ” _. . .

  • M = 41;;) Omcers ot other branches appoiatégl in use Flalgl oartile ~

lery or rho Ooast Artillery to till racaaolea created by fha ~.raorgg1lzatiolfoftha Artillery, in tha year190'Z; _ _ r f (c) (Zmoara apoolntodlu tho Bekularlrmy solace January 1, 1903,; whlla serving as odlcera of tha Porto Rico ialonal Rogimentpt Infaptryjor Plxilipplua Qccuta; ‘ _ J 1; ‘ a L (cl) Former omcera of the Regular Army lor Philipp a Scouts who }lQV€,§.b&€1§l ‘raa_p·pol.ntad la ghcso forqos and who tara aowl below aormally plated officers ot loaa Ecommlasionod aarvlco. tha l Omoara ofzggssoa (a), (b),4aml ic) shall bé placed on me llama they posi ha they. .would» have ooouplld lf they hai ra-‘ ~rilalued_·ln their original l prancliaa of the aorriceg llflmlzora of class (rl); shall bB•[)13(;2€d·0X1 tho lis; ul the position that would · normally be ocollpléll,by an omcer ot CQ11U§1¤DU£»Sé¥YiC8. equal? to lilo total. active oomxniaaloued service ot auch lomcers ln tho: ll Seooudfofilcara of tho Judge Advocato ~Go¤aral’a Department, ’Ql1arf¢l‘ll3aatér Corps; and Grdnanco Department sl1all.boQ placoll oxfétlno list acclordlng to lemglll of commlsalouerl service, except · second llouwuaula of tho _Q\1£il?t§1‘XH&°Bt<$f—»C0f})B;l who are .fU`l.ljlQ not fllléllilod for ·pro¤;otlo¤fas proviilod in aeration 571 oftglliatltllo. `, '_ ·; l l 'lébird, captains and-llolitanauta ot tho_*Hagularl Army and a PlIl§lipplua Scouts, orlgi¤ally‘appoi¤Led ainoa __A,pril 6, 1317Q shall _ be arranged amcixlg tlxomaolvas aocorellng to oonmliswloaeil Serv- l

ARPU WH 190 ice ro$1goi·od_pi·iorto Novembérwi}; 1918, and Shan bgpmwi » thé foot of the list as prepared toxthis point, ·. g t L L t · R; t I¤Fourth; persons ¤px$<>i¤¢¢d_¤S oatituifio or liouienmm in py VKQQBCIGB thejinércasc ·é0I§]miSSiOHédK])·él'%(m};E»1 · in me your 1920,*sh8.l1‘ bo?_plocé<1~acc0}=ding to coi¤1¤;§§§.,m;y r SQfViC€’15§i1d€1`€(¥ prior °to,Novémb€1t 11,, 191S,·&lI10H§{~£}}é 011;.-No rgreyggo. to iq the rroxt--p_recedipg"c1auSe-»;·und, wlioro si1oh‘o-g@,,g. m1sS1i»nod seryi¢e is equal;/lfofficém ¤¤'•Y_ in the Regixlarfmimg sh;111 procedomrsons appointed to HH Said vacancies, um; ih} . » lotto: shall be arrangéd according to age.! . * r ~ · Fifth, _ persons S appointed as lieutommt;'. golonols or i major; m HIL vacancies created by the incréaséa of thé»com`hxis§io1iod_lH.;-·, somgxal in the »yogr=·1920, shulbbe placod iihmodiatoly below Qu omggrs ot me-Regular Army who, onioly-1,1920, were wh. motgd m -those grades rospoctivelyto 4111 said vacancies { [Uno mzzedg-'jihué thé 'b08..lfd._Ch81'K€d` with tl}; nrépomtion or mq ‘ promotion list qnay in-jts_Q_iscréGon, assimétojauy rsi1ch,<»ili<·er a positiohiou the ligt higher than ihatfto whigh—hc-would 01`hvr- . wiée be o;ntit,lo;1,_but `hot s¤éh‘§8 to place him aboge any oiiigpp A ot grcoter ogé, whomyoommissionodt sorvico commoncod pmr `» to April 6, 1917, and who would precede hiuron the‘1ie=t· um}m· t the general provisions `ofthis section, ’ ‘ __ i. -_? . o ¤¥Any 1'omicr:_oQcor-of the Rogulor A:Q\oi§d · any rotimi omcor lwho may `borea£tgr· be appointed to he active list in` the main nor jirqvidéd by.Ia w"sl;ol1 boplaccdlaod tlxc`pronmnim§ Y list: in ackzordouce w}tb_ his total notive commissioned soryiwe :" omébt that formor omcers appointed to Bold grades on Ju¥y 1,1920, to dll vacancies as gforomid, may ° placed as providL»<1 in the uegxfpro¢e51jm-Jparagraph of this sectioxi. A ro>zorve— judge advocateroqppointedoin the Regular Army shall be plkmu o qs 'provided In section 6A of this title. y t ~ Other ‘omcers` ox; oriénal appointmcnrf shall be plocod ét the _ foot Oflhe list. Tho; gilkcoot anynmcer mx tlwpromotion Hs:. Q once ostablighod shall not tl3oré3tter be changed, except as me ·rom;ilt·ot the sentence o£·;¤ comjtmartiol. -* (Juno 4, 1920, c. 22*2*, Subchapter I, Q 24, 41 Stat. .171,)* · _) ‘ o r t 554.l Pmmomm liniited to vnqnciu in grgdeb; exceptions; to r\ilé.·—-There shallrbo no promotions or nppointmonts to n_¤y`t gréqé or to the branches of the. llodicol DepnArmo¤t_ or ofnzzgy loins that would canoe tho numbers authorized by thiartmo tor such grade; or branch to boiexceded, gxcept that the r ro. colonols. exclusive _ of thoso in the K8¢i€Q1° D€P8§tl!}€¤tr and. _ _ profomomw remaining onothe activéolist on Jlqmmry 1, 4192,3, } o. and not included in `tho four Lhtmdred nnd_` twénty inanimoolonols ron that Adnto shall be onrribd as aidditiompnir numbers 80 long as they remain gradoy abdvtéhhll not prowjont DPOMGUOKIS duo to vacancies oécuxgrmgjmong · the, four lmn·‘ dren and twenty authorized colonolsr {Juno 30, 1922, c. 253, Title I, 42_ Stat, 7&.)> \ · g ‘ _ 555. dischprged in node-of ¢a§t;i¤ •n§ recomnpigy dosod in ogndcr of §rsttlieutmmt.·—4-SoY 1o¤got¤a there shall remain in the grade `ot ¤§ot'1io;ito1mnt any o¤cer»_¢lischargot1_ in the grhde ot captain md #re<.·ommissi<mod in the grade of first_-lioutougnt who, having served as an `owmr of the Entml ao States _A`rmy no any tiingbotwoon April 6,191.7, and June -&,r .1920,__wés`appomto%l. in éfhé grade .ot captain in tho“1lcgu1;;¤· Army in Hlliug tho vm·mxi—iéo created by the incrooso. of tho commissionodrporsoprxol in the you 192D, promotions of 4oiH;·¤·¤·r, ori tho“‘promotion"1ist to tho grade of captain shall bo_;g§mw solely xromméu officorsg " (Mor, 2, 1923, ro, 178, 'Titlg I; *2 Stat,i38·L)· r  » r r .. 556L tllxanninxstiora for promotion.—+·Oi11c·ors Shall b¢rpx·o111oz·;~t! without examination aislto their professioxmt ¤tuess;, bint  ;»1¤;·»¤- oaf examination shall be required for gpromotiun to ¤Il,_gm¢1;·= bolow that of brlgodior go¤ora§:.Pro»vide¢1, That oQcors of__m·{ Médicnl, Dental, and \’oto1ti1mry Comgszshall be éxominod mv P¥'€*Hi0U0¤·· 0’fI‘1cors·of“ S§;ld,thrqé 00% éhgll b@`QXl1]l1iH€(l` im accordance with laws governing examination ott omcors of me