Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2047

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TITLE J8.———J[`DICI.1L CO annum upontke amount af such téx, penalty, or sum, from the < dhte of the payment e1·'•;·011e·ction thereof to the daté of entry E nf sruéh judgment my if such judgment is_r¢·viewed by nn ap- `1 gvellzztv smart, th the da of entry at final judgment. (R. S. 1 § 1091. Mar. 3; 1911, c. 231. 5 171 38 Stat. 1141; Nay. 23, 1921, e {:.-138, § 1&4 (b), 42 Stat. 316; June 2, 1924, 4.01 p, m., c. 234, I § w2@; 43 Stat, I*7ei». 26. 1928, ·c. 27. 5 1117, 44 Stat. 119.) ¤ »/» Scctbn 284 af Titéc 28 :m·¢:·;ded.-——Se*<·fi¢>n 177 of the- ·Ju¢]i;·$al W Code as amoudvd, copstitutizag -§ 284 of Title_2B _0f the Code, was amended by { 1117 of Title XI of the Revenue Act of 19;:6, cited . aber?. ‘ ‘ . — _· 1 Chapt§r 9.-THE SUPREME COURT. , 33.*%. Repgwter: éalsry and allawancva., " _ 3.23. Printing, Nudiag, and .dtsgrii>uti0u of reports and `digems. —

 Nuwbcr of bqund volumes and advamcc pamphlgts tc. be printed;

° sake; price: rqvrints.- ‘ __ ·

6. Appropriation for printing, binding, _étc., ct regorts &\1th0l‘iZPd.-

$:48. Cerfiécatkm at questions: ta Siapremig Court by cirjcuit courts of · gppegis, gmd certiorari thetvtc, and appeal or writ of error tq Sagem: Caurt from circutt.c<‘>u;··ta of appeals in ceryain other 334. Printing for .Si¤p:·eme Court. 333. (J&al (bds, H6; '_ami:¤dcdL)` Repcrtq; shi? tal •H¤wn¤ces.—-—Thé salary of me reporter shall be

 per a¤§¤¤». .!¤®Ytble but df th? Ttegstary in ·m0ntbly

installments, gvhich sM}l be In f\i1l_c·émpe;1¤t.l0;1 fo; the sari-- ives réquired by law, . He " shall also be alloweii stationery, supplies, equipm·e1xt,_0Qk:e rent, and necessary professional hud` cicriéal axikthnce, in _ the discretion of the court Qur the Chief Justice. · Thé exmmqa in ‘ ccéuectimn with the maintenance of his 0§ce ami! be pgid from the appr0p;·1ati¤us.`Q»~f_the Sxipreme _Cm§rt of the United. (Apg. 5, 18&, c.-3%, S-1`, 22 Stat,. ` 254; 3; 191L c. E14 Stat; 1153; July 1, 1922, c. %7, S 2, 42 Stat. 818:.1fny @,19%, c. %,‘§- 1, 44 Stgt.`T677.)— Q Sums; $33 sl 38 ••eahd.—·-—J¤dk·ial fade, §`.‘!2G.Vcupst}tutiw { 338at Title % of the Cade, has been émeuded by Abt ot ‘ any m, e, 426, ·§ 1, 44 smc. BTI, esective as qt July 1, 19%, targdarabcm. · , ·· .

| aaditaat .¤• the   provisipxria Act of ;Ap1·.

2%, HR. c. 195, Title il, 4Q Stat. 344, provides (nr “ an addjtionql smstgst to the mpcrter of the count, if the court deems one necessary, to mabéc the ncporter tc expedite the publication ot its · · 334. (lsdidal 227,•me¤¢hd.). Priatiagg bind- 1 A d mpods aiiégmm-———i'1‘he'rep0rts.;Sro-. · vided fm: in af this title' shall be pd .., Y , bound, and mam within g¥i@t months affer smi§_dwisi g _ have peer: — rvmiemd by the Supreme Court, and pvithin said period the Attmmwy Gmggi maui distribgtc comés ot Qui supreme Ucvrt

 as jtoilcwsz T9 the   the J¤s%ices ot the Su-
 Gcmt, the 1¤d®¤¤ ¤t‘the_Courfot'C11@c&w_App¤w1& the

kdm vi we O1rcnit·Cmrw of Apéésl, the judges pt we dw um cmrik. Naw ¢>£ the court at Cwrnét ami iudses or the Court of and of the Supiem CMH of $6 Di§rict Gf the j of t§€_SB‘¥6&‘$I’Téffi{0!i£1—GOH!t8, tiis United Omit tm: Chmn, ·_0£ 8£8t€,` the Secretary dt the Swretary ct War, me Secretaxfy ( at tm Navy; im Sérctuy ist the Interior, the Pmtmmt _Ge·u· ami, me Attouncy Gwérnhl the of Agriculture, the Séérctarg oi the Secretary of Labor, Sblicltor “ Geuxal, the Awimt to the Atmmey each `Awsistant Attcmcy _ s.1, each ‘ United. Bates `distxtct nttoxjpey, “ each Afnhvhsinatj ci each at dw executive dep¤°rtm£•¤t S, the Aasismnt te:" l, the at the for use at me Eemta, (ha at the Hmm at $@s¢ntative$ for ¢ the KR of the House of Rs ¤tn£iv¢s, the 0Qée éf the Igpgiéi- lative Gmmsel, Sgnntc branch, the o&ce at the _Legis1ntive '“332 a¢'mts· tftxeé meé mhmtuml-gm- *‘2:m" appearing in the nmadatory Aéi at 19*..5. . " 225 " referred m mab nctlan ot_ the Judicial Code which hi this Code is 332 of Tme 28.. ‘ . ‘ 88279*-~26-—-·-12B(}’ ‘

MDE AND J L`DICI.&RY §334 Dounscl, House brapch, the governors of the Territories, the Solicitor for the Depurtnu.·nt of State, the Treasurer of the United Statcs,'the Solicitor of the Treasury; the Cgmptroller General nf the Iluitcd States, the Assistant Ccmptmltcr Gem eral, the C•>mpt_r0llcr of the (}t1rrency,· the Director of the Budget, the Assistant I)ircctur of the Budget, the Commissioner of Internal Rcvctme, thebircctcr of the Mint, the Solicitor at the G9Il€}`8[·ACCOlil1tlllg Oillce, each of thechiefs of divisions in the General Acccmixtiiug Office, the enamel of the Bureau of the Bugiget, the .`l`u¢1ge‘Adv0catc~K General of the Army; the Chief of Finance, War Department; theytndgc Advocate General, Navy Department; the Paymastcr General, Navy Depm·t· ment; the Gommiss-inner of Indian AKah·s, the Ccmmissicmr " of- the General Lanii O§c¢:, the Ccmmissiéner of Pc¤§<ms, the < Commissioner 'of Patents, the Qcmmissicucr ct Ed t den, thai Commissioner of Navigation, the Tjcmmlssioner Gwral of Immigration. the Directcr of Gcolégml Survey, the Director of the Census, the Hnrestcr arid Chief of Forest Service, Department of Agricalmre :_ the purchasing agent, Pea Owe Department; the Federal Trade Commisison, the ckcrk at dw Suprem Court of the United States, the iaarslral at the Gevrt qt the United States, the United States attorney far the Dmrict " of Columbia; the chairman, Utiitcd States Board; the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Marrland; the Htiitary Aaéewy at West Point, New York; am}. the heads of méi ether executive may tue provided by law of equal. with aa; er said-0Eces, each- one copy`; t0· the Intmstste c Cowmissidu, sixtec¤’c<>pics; ~ta"‘the law· library at tile Swam- C0m·t,ftwenty-five copies ; · t0_ the law library `of the Depsrtéént ct t‘he_§I¤te1‘i0;‘, two copies; to the lay. library of Nw Department of JusticeQ Eve ce»pics_; to tlwcplaw library at the laws Advocate Gcnerallot the Army, t_tr0· ccplcs; to? the Secretary of the Senate for the use of c<gmmit;te& e£ the Semte, Jthirtg copies ;· to the Clerk of the ·Hc¤ee‘et Bepremntgtirea tar the asa est the committees at the House, thirtyévé copies; to the man Zshul of·t11c_Supreme `Ccmrt as ctrstaéiaa of ttm public prmzcrty used ibylithé bctmrt for -thé.use`· et the jtrstices- tmrcnf in tape conference room, robing room, and ecértroom, six  ; te Mretary of War for the use of the proper warts -0f the Philippine` mance, seven `cgwr-s; ts Secretary of War {cr mtli_tary_l1cadqua'rtérs which new exercise or may exercise general C0\H‘t*:k¥1&Iti.&l’jJYi$(ii¢¤0K1, such number, aes tec exceed in ttiae ofpeuea twerzty%§;§es, asetlxe ei War may trim: time tc time specify hggé to each of the where district courts 0; fthe "Urnited `Stafes am new including Hawaii and Porte Rico, we copy. · -. . ·_ ‘ The Attnrfscyo Gcxicrall shall wiistributé one ctvmiitctc set ef said reports and pac set tat the dig&ts__there0f_ ta auch·exe<:t:ttirel o¤ccrs" entitled to receive mid reparts under sec- § tion ané hitia not already received them; to each- United States -j¤dge_a1i6 to meh Unltecl Statm district attermiey. whe has not received a acf; te each at the places where district eemts are new hem to which reports have mt beet: and to meh of theplaccs at which a`districfc0~urt_.`¤1a4¤..lrmaft&r be l1eld,»‘the‘editi0.n ofsaid and dmsts. ta be by the judge or nmccr receiving them`: That t§ts_,,Act" shall not be construed so as to require that repnrte and étgesm l prlntcgl prior to the date of apprsval at A.ct" alum be furnislncd to the Secretary at wer fer military Ereséqaarterst No distritmtidn ct and digests under this section shall ` be made to any place where the ccurt is held in a building not cwhed by the_‘United States.’tmiess there be er sac}: lplace a _ United States OQCEY to whnse resptmsible`cutst0dy they can be committed. · · W, _ -. ‘ - ‘ — l __ u The clerks of courts —(excep~t the Supreme Court) shall at all cases keep the said reports and digests ter the use ot_ the courts M “This Act " should be translated *‘ this sc4cti<;m." `