Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2065

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2951 _ .1*1Tw $4 ·“ _ 11*1*1.1: 3. Chapter »l.-ORGANIZATION 'GENERALLY. . ‘‘‘’. ` . COB·?S· QF GHAPLAINS _ A P _;¤;:_ Appointaswt 01 acting &apla§¤. . _ .· . $5:. Hevxutieu et appoimmeat of acti¤g`ch:1p1ain.' , s•.;_ iwmmissidoaing acting chaplains as ehaplaliixs. · _, ,g)GM3£ISSIONE1'1 W.·\RRANT, AND WARRANT OFF1CEBB" jg;. Machibiqtrs; member. l l _


92. Ap;»é¤t&t df _·n b - . . Sectin Mgt 1*19;*4 ¤!•¤•i.1-Jox- legislatiqn a¤¤m·e¤tof mectg ` Q inglthis section, see $1817 of this title in the appeedix. · Y _ Q3; Revecatisn of nw®t¤e¤t of beting chaplain. y _ _ ·_ Sectithji •f 1*% 8 8‘E£·—vFolf_»kgi8i8t$0B° inppereqtly affect-. ing this-section, see { 8481; at tbis title _`i¤ the am>@d1i. _ · _ .94. cq1miwmi¤;;•¤s¤g,¢hsp1¤s¤s as dnaplaitasx ‘_

 Mud   H d¤¢a•l.·——§·`er‘1eg1sIhtig>x$,affecting this secmm, see 5 ;3$8:· of t1;1g_tit1e»ii;_ the appeaidixi " 1 , ·

u<>M§i1SSIOSFD_ AND. WARRANT OFFLGEHS 124. Machinists; ¤¤mbex·._` . _ d h _ _ 134 of Hie 34 'l”§§#iG‘.——·Th€ Statutory provision' constituting { 124 of Title 34 of the Code hah been repeated ju the 5 Navy Department Appmpriatien Act, {01-.1927, `Act 0£·May 21, ` -1925, e, 855, 4,4 gmt. $03. · · - ‘ ·Ch;pre: 2.4-ENL1STEl>·PERS0l*INEL. I, A

_ A _ A Jrmma GF.;`QNLISTMEh’TS .

183. Tem asslected ls; fren duty on aeemmt 'of sickness. 'fmm I I · ” _ · _ al 34 ststuwry titotision consti-. mting ·§ 183 pt Tide 34,st the ‘Cede was repealed by Act of Ap-:. .11; 1926, c. 302, 5 5,44 Stat. 558. See {Q 882u, 882b,· 882c, and · 88211-of this tmc idthe appendix for lqtnlqtien xegilicibg it. I "


, CEBS. ··· " ._ 5 - Q -e L ZM. of le§$th»ef service; time spegxt at, Nayhi or Acehny excluded. . _ l" " Suda l$O»•£ Tw: it ¤p¢•s•d.-—·T§e atitdtm-y·p:ovision cousfb main: 'S. @0 ¤t_•;*·11:3e 34 01 ,the` Code hai been repeated in' the Navy B$1'fEt’¤$.A§Df¢9HH£i0D Act for 1927, Act May 21, 1926, e.::55.$4Stat..6®4.__ J-, . .· ('haptet 4..··-RANK AND PREEDENCE. A S& $§f! at I4 i!e¤¤•d.+—ForK`1uls1a;1e¤ apparently meetiugihia seetien, nee { 348x at this tide 1:1 the appendix. ‘ " _ I Chapter 5.-y-PROM0'l‘ION AND ADVANCEMENT. ·- _ W T éENERAL xeéovisncxs __:2·<$:1._ !’rei:mt1o¤ not delayed though grade or rank is lfull. [New.] A EERVICE AND AGE REQUIREMENTS. ..3312. Sectiqg @11 oi.Ccde`tempo1;gr1ly.a§ecteg1. [New.] , ' 1<:qfAL1mu1‘10>§ QF BRCSQTION DF STAFF Ct)RPS AND LINE- _ ‘. · ·· QFFICEBS. [Nam]. 348. Sta! Cer§; sdvsizeemmt at c&eers.' . Mm. sexgeudg muse; Uemaum gm eempesitiou. 3:4811. Seieettewbeards; with o£'e»ⅇ peeemmendstious and repmqt; my and Avsewanees; exmimcmn. · · · ~ "¥%.4$c. qi o&..eers;·r1m¤iBg mate!. -` . _ -· r:4&a.·*?;¤•e¤.¤v¤·*’ ‘g _ · ' ga4$c.’ Ass1g¤me¤.t“0t running mate; tc sum emma. , z 3248f. Rizmmsg m¤`€k¤{9r newly eemmlssieued eg transferred ¤@ce¤.·

i.———»NAVY §348 , 4.;-NAVY. ·— Sec. _ — » '° $ I 848;. Assignment running; mate. ? . ·3{§h. New running mate on advancement of sta! GGCBI. · 3481. New running mote on promotion of old. . . .348]., Newrunning mate for omcer losing nnmhersk _ _348k. Negv running mate where old is advanced for heroism or dia- . tingnished oondnctp ‘ ,4 _ __ 3 l.· New running mate for omcer advanced for here-ism or ·dtstlngolshed' · conduct: . - · r .- · 348m,`Eliglbility of stad omcer for consideration byleelection hoard. _ U _3¤tSn. Advancement ot. staff o£cert to rank of rear sdmiral, mptain, _ and commander. ‘ · .. . . ' `348o. Succeeding selection boards ;‘ duties and procedure. 348p, .Compntlng number to be furnished bdectlo-n hoard. 348q. Pay and allowances of stat! o&eer of rnnklot rmr admiral.? _ e 34_8r. Ch¤l>I8i¤¤$ commmions and adrsneeéent. l - ' 348:1. Retirement for age or -·len‘gth of savtce; precious act restricted. 348t. Enfect on existing law. ‘ . ‘ . 348u. Elffect on existing,pay' and allowances of o$cers, _ ¤‘ I '_ P GENERAL PROVISIONS - 285a. Pronnotionnot delayed thongh- grade or rank `is fnH.·-— Hereofter the promotion of an o&cer of the Newry o_r_ 'Ainrine Corps shall not be delayed or barred- hecansetof a; resulting temporary excess in 'the 3F¤€iQ. or rank to which proinotion is _ due, caused, by ;the delay for any- reason of the promotion of an odlcer in,that grade or rank` to dll nrrexistirg vacancy in o ‘ higher grode·o1j`ra.nk.‘ ;_(Jnly 3, _1926,._c. ;?75¥, 4·§ Stnt.`SS8.) - ` U A. .New section. Act ot Jnly '3, 1926, c. ”'£7*i, 44 Stat, 888,. citcd‘ . to the text, was entitled "An Act . to prevent delay ln the promo- - tion of oQcers ot the Navy Msrim·Corps." -· ' ” . Q SERVICE; AND AGE REQUIREMENTS, . 31111, Section 311. of Code fenpponrily •E¢cted.-··»-Until March 5, 1929, the provisions contained inlwe e e . ed_Axnet %, _ 1Q16 ‘ (Thirty-nlnth_` Statutes nt page 579), www vide for the retirement of captains, end Beaten-. out commanders of the line of the Nnvy reno-nre more tmn ·~ · ilfty-six, nity, and forty-—five` years of nge, ire1y,iand who have become iineliglhle for promotion ot meh be, ` andthe same are hereby, modlded to the extmt :m:`¤;pm.¤$, command s, and 'llentenant commanders ehéll not lncll-.- gible for xromotion end shall not be until ‘&ey have completed ‘thirty·¤ve,»` tvventyexht, "end twenty-one ymrc, respectively, of commissioned service in the Navy, and ~ upon the completion of such. mrvlee, if {not recommended for promotion. they shall be retired withont rgnrd to nge ouoér the conditions speclned in sold ·_Act_: Provided, That the commissioned service of Naval Academylgradontes, for the porpox ot this Act *’ only shell, be computed from Jnne 30 of ~ the colender- year in which the close with "which they gredneted completed its academic éconrse, or, lt its academic course wes more or less . than fonr_yenrs,° from Jane 30. of the calendar Year me which it would heve. completed any acatlernlc course or foor _ yegrs. _” (June 22, 1926, c. M9, 44- Stat. .761.) ` New scctionj ‘EQUA°LIZA'l*ION OF PROM,O£I‘ION OF STAFF CORPS AND » ·. l ‘ LINE OFFICERS. [Neve]; n » 848. Sts! Corm; advnncem.gnt· of o£,¢ers.·-—·For all purposes _ ot this Act ’ the words ‘*·smtt owner " or. " stad omcers as hereinafter nsed`·shall be . construed to lnclnde o&cers· of the _ . Hediml, Supply, .Chei>la.ln, Construction, Civil Engineer, and Dental Corpeof the Navy only. . . , _ c ‘ l "Act approved Aug. .29, 1916,** shonld he translated ‘* section 311[ ol this title}? _ — _ · . _ _ . ?• ‘f Act ’f should be oannseea "section,” . , ‘ » ` ¤*f1§hle Act " should be tranadnted “sectloos‘ 348 to 348a ot this __ title in the append1.x."‘ · c