Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2072

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§641 1 u:r1.rr .2.5. .641.. Pay clerks. _ { Section eu er Title 34 alectcd.-——-Seo { 642 or this title in the appendix for legislation atecting thisisection. A _ » __: 642. Pay plerk; chief marine gunner; chief quartermaster \ clerk; chief pay clerk.—?The. warrant grade of pay clerk in the A Unitd States Marine Corps is hereby established; appoint- , ments thereto to be made in dccordance with ,regulations` pre scribed by the Secretary of the Nevyj Qmcers me said grade · shell have the same rank, pay, lallowances, and other benetlts os now are or may hereafter be allowed other warraxit omcérs 1 in the Marine Corps, All pay clerks hereafter appointed shall be wurront otfufers. Pay clerks u0w.iu the Marine shall be warranted sis pay clerks} ·iinder the provisions of this Act and shell take rank in accordance with their present dates of. precedence. · _ _' .7 _ The commissioned warrant grades of chief marine gunner,. chief quurtermaster clerk, ond chief" pay clerk in the Marine Corps are hereby established. andethat uterine gunuers; quarter- . maeter clerks, and pay clerks shall after Six years from the y date of warrant be commissioned chief marine gunners, chief quartermaster clerks, and chief pay clerks, respectively, of ter passing satisfactorily. Slack examinations as the Secretary ’of the Navy may prescribe, and when so commissioned they shall have the `same rank. pay, allowances, dud other benefits as now are or may hereafter be allowed commissioned warrant officers of toe Navy: Provided, Thllt for the purpose- of computing the six-yur period of service required for promotion from wormm to eoiet worraut rank, all service os pay clerk, warrant o&eer, and commissioned omer lin the Marine Corps and all _1 oetire service for purposes other than trainfugreudered during. - the period from April 6, 1917, to December 31, 1921, under il temporary appointment as al `pay clerk, warrant or com_mlssioue;l om»'tl1e United States'.-Marine Corps, or as q_ pay clerk; warrant or commissioned oiHi·er_ix1 the Unilted States Murine Corps Reserve, shall be counted: Provided, __ fuftlicr, That nothing contained hereio shall be 'eonstriuegl So os to reduce the pay.: allowances, emoluments; or other benefits that any perjsoh how in the serviceyvould have received but for the passage of this Act: “AM provided fort/her; That the total number of warrant omogrs and commissioned warrant omers shall not exceed the tote! mmgber of warrant oEcers and my clerks snow authorized . by low. »(Jmae·10, 1926. c. 590, 44 Stat. 725.) , New section. _ ‘ · , RAXK: BREVETS: COMPUTATl0}N OF LENGTH -01*** SERVICE; ·. Q . CBEDlT_Fol;t Y0i..11_N'ljl§ER SERVICE { 654. Time spent in Nara! Academy. e . y 9 Sec { '230 otthis title ig. the Coun ond in tlie appendix. _ / PBGMGTIONS ANI} ADYANCEMEXQTS _ !_ ` _ 671;. Prpmmion not delayed tiroluh (rule or rink is full.-··· Hereatter the promotion ot on oiileer ot the Navy or Murine _ Corps shall not be delayed or barred because of a resulting temporary -exems lu the Igrade or rgnk (0 which promotion is dueé ea_uee d by the delay for orgy reason of the promotion ot auomer io that grade or rank to till on existing vaconé! in a higher grade or rank. (July 3, 1926, c. 774.44 Stuf888.) Ne? section,. ‘ ° _ C _ · · MARINE BAND · . · · . 761-:. Pay and allowaooes of retired and trainaferred medabers.—————-'I'l1e provisions of section I1, of the Act ot March 4,j 1925,***ao Act providing for eundry mnttoro affecting the rmvul o ,.serrlee, eotabliemog the psy arid &u9WIRC&S,: &1l§h0fl§¢(¥.fol' the oeooml leader mad the muslelans ot the Mod of the United States Markie Corps, ohdll apply in computing the pay of oll·

    • “Act " should be tra¤slated__“section." · I ~ R J · ,

1***Aet of March 4?·19*P5," slmuld be translated “Section 701* oi this titleof the Code." ·

e .-·NA V Y __ 2058 former mcmpcrs of the band now on the retired list, including those former members transfcrrfed to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve and who are now ori the active and retired list of the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. (May 19, 1926, 0..335, 44 Stat.

  • 565.)* 4 - ‘ t

New scctiop. Chapter 14.——NAV—AL AVIA'l`ION.· T GENERAL PROVISIONS · 735. Personnel; definitions. [New.] _ CONSTRUCTION OF AiftCRAFT `AND ENUGURAGEMENT OF . ·_ AVIATION. [Neyv]‘ ‘ 749. Construction program. ,‘ · V ‘ 7-19a. Cqustruction ot rigid nirships, building of airships at navy yam, 750. Encouragement of aviation. · t


~ 735..`Perso;mel;. de§nitid¤s.~—PAi. 1: Z“N(1l?9l aviator ” dofZ1t»8d.····Th8t hereafter when the term “ navél aviator " is used in this Act" or any nother. Act it "shttllv mgurvany 00Yl\!?l}iS-. sioned officer or wm*rant.liné‘ office; in the Navy _0rtMqririo Corpé who has sniqcessfully completed the course prescpibm by competent authority for `navai aviators and who has been or may hereafter be designated qr appoi_ntéd’ a naval avizatnr V by competent authority and who busi ilown aloué in a heavierthan-pir craft fmt léss than sgveuzy-ate hours and- who has flown in heavier-t11&Q¢ai·r craft a total of not ms than two hum-, dred hours or who has been in the zfir 1m¢\er_.tmininz. ip rigid ‘ faifships not less thunpne hundred and fifty liomjs and-sucéess-. fullyl completed tbeconrée yirescribcd by competent iiutlmrity; Pxnf 2. "A1:i4zlion, pilot? d¢#o§¢d.-»Thgt hereafternwheu the term "aviati¢m pilot "’ "ist used ip tbié“Act‘° or any xithbr Act it shallluiean ainy enlisted mai: in the Navy or Marine Corps who has sm·ce.ssfully. completed the 'cbursc prescribed for- aviationptlcts and who has been ormay hereafter be designated or aplminted im aviation pilot. by qompetent authotity and wha, has ~H0wn aioue ·irg_ ga hcavier·thau·air trgft hot less than seventy-tive hours dud who ·has¤¤0wn in heavier-thamair craft a total of npt leéé than tv?0 hundred lxoursi · - The-term_ " pil0t." shalkbe construed to mmm a naval aviatqr q1•`au‘avia1tl01i pil0t. _ .. " — ” _ _ - ·PA.R._‘ 3. “Naval swiatémt 0bstrye·r*’ de;¥.wed.—-·That hereafter ·vvhe:»i1 thé! terén "`uavhl. aviation observer " is mécd itrthis Act “ br Buy other Actiit shqll menu ény commissioned or warr¤ut omcer ini the Navy or Marine Corps who. has successfully completed the course prescribed by competent autbofity qs :1 navat avigtioxi observer and who has been ip the air not less than tune `hundred hunts andwho has been é°'i· may, hereafter be dgsignated or appointed- as a naval aviation observer byt mmpétent authority ui the-Navy. Q .. · X · _ PAn._‘ 4. Line ayiicem of Naéy `dctailcd to avziaticzazé sclwolg. stations and units-q•2ali;i¢r¤t£¢xna,——Tliat hereafter xvhéu a line Qmceni at the. Nqvyis to be detailed tu the command df a Nav? aviation school pr of a Navy mr Station or ata Navy air unit " orgunizéd for Bight tactical purpms he xhgll be n nam! m aviator. _ . l g ·' .» » Pm. 5. Lir2c_c)75¢·<·ra of 2\’m>y detzxitd to ifemft carriers and tendcrxmquctlfnvalima.-Ivins- 0@ccré` ed to command of ·air<:traft cux·n·1eri~; tw aircraft tenders sha! bc ginval avi¢tm·s’•»r_ naval hvihtkm £»b=·=crvers whti are otlferw ’qualI§ed.

  • PA;. 6. Promotion of omvera apeciali aw §••_`av£a¢éo~:s.-—Th:1t

any cmcer of the Navy, lim, or sta§ df permémnt rank or éradc. ot qommahqlér or lkmtenqnt com ander, nt the time att the! massage of this Act whqlha speciali in aviation for sqcln . n *•'1*he teitis derived from Q 2 at th; Act otgiuue 24, 1926. Section , .1 of that Act is I ’•'49_ot this title An tlwappchdix, § 8 is Q 785 at this title tarthe appendix, and $*4 nppgrgn in cv, 7 at ’1‘it1¢·5, Exscmwvrn Dnununzra, Gvmcnu Asn imx·x.m¤s, in the appendix. ·