Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2085

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2971 TITLE 38.—¥·PENSIONS, #BO.;NL'Sl5'. ' ‘ ..TIll‘LE _38.———PENS`IONS, BONUSIE _ Chapter 2.—GENl·QRAL_-PllQVISIONS_'GOVERNINGiRlGHT g · T0—PENSION._ . · , _ Q - ‘ ` A ,2 p MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIQNS I. . 33. laerease; loss of hand, foot, arm, 'leg,. or cyes.—From 1 - and after the approval of this Act·‘ all persons now on the pen. sion roll,; and. all [!Gl@S hereafter granted a pension, who, ° ujhile in the mllltarvor naval service at ·t-he United States and: ` an linen! dnty,{ shall have lost one. hand oxyone toot, or have P been totally disabled in the same, shall receive. apension at the I rate of %,per month; that all persons who in like manner shall ¥ have lostan arm at or at auypoint above theelbow, or a leg. 1 eat or at any point above the knee, or have been totally disabled ··I ‘ att the sade, shall receive a ~:_. pension at the. rate ot $75 per S month; that all persons who in like manner shall have- lost one I . hand or one foot and in addition theyto shall have ¢losf_ a por- tion of the other hand or foot, shall receive a pension at the =t rate of a month.; that all; persons who in like manner shall I have lmt one hand and one foot orshallhave been totally dis- ·( allied `in the same, shall·receiver·a"pension at the rate of $100 per . month; and that all persons who in like mamiershall have lost botln arms or both legs, or have. beeu_ totallybdisabled in the_ l same, or shall hare lost the sight ot both eyes, shall receive a Qc ~pension at the rate ot $125 perbmonth. (May 5, 1926, cz. 238, A ~44Stat.396.) . . M ·- to Newaection. `_ _ ‘, _ ` · Q- , _ · V e _ `I I', · v Chapter 6.Q-LCIVIL WAR, WAR - WITH MEXICO, AND S REVOLUTIONARY WAR-—TSE`RVICE AND DISABILITY_ PENSIONS OF. VETERANS; ‘WIDQWS, `CHILDREN, DEPENDENT RELATIVES; PENSION _ TO__ ARMY A .NURSES.k ‘ · · _ · VETERANS . Sec. n Q M _ . t . A

13. (`i‘vll·War or War with Mexico.; pension from and after August

4; 19::4iQ [New.] · ‘ U . '· - U ·i i¥ll.>0W·S, clilLDm·;'N, ANDIDEPENDENT RELA_'l3IVES S 291. Widows and rcmairrled svidows of Civil War veteransypension. 3 . from and a‘fter_Augnst_4,‘1926.;< [New.] . · - . ‘ 1592, Miidowa ot veterans of War-of 1812 or war with Mexico; pension from and after August 4,1926. [New.] · · . W Allillf NURSES AND DERENDENT PARENTS .0F C_1V1L WAR L ·· _ "VETEltANS · · Ill?}. Army nurses ot Civil War; 'pcnsion tron} and after August 4, ‘ ,_ 192e.· [New.} · _` · _ _ - - _. { 0 alis<:ELLA.Nl·20l5S TBOVISIONS, Ct)MMEl§CEMEN'l? OF PENSION tl 221:4. Time of commencement of increase ot 1926; inmate of Soldierf In e Home not entitled. [New.} . · __ ‘ .. · OZ 2l30._ Fees ofattorncya for prosecuting claims under Act of 1926; h penalty. [New.] _ · V · _ · '_ ~ 1 ‘a 331. Extent of mbdlacatloh by' Act ot 1926 otfearller Acm. [New.] u vnrnnass _._ za 273. Civil War or war. with Mexico: pension from and after It August 4, 1926.—»-~Every who served ninety, days or °' nmrehin the Army, Navy, orlhiarlne Corps of the United States ~B during the Civil War, and-who has been honorably dischareed . fg therefrom, orwho, having so served less than ninety days, W88 P discharged for a disability incurred in the service and in the S » line of duty, and everyperson who served sixty days ormere in Sl the warwith Mexico, or on the coasts] or frontier thereof, or en tl l‘0ute_ thereto, duriugthe war with that nation, and was honow f‘ ably discharged therefrom, and who is novv `in receipt ot. or " entitled to receive, under-‘exlsting‘law, apension of less than i3,

  • “Act " should be translated " section"' — ` 82

s, oxo, VETL·}R.1A'S’ RELIEF §321a DS, AND ‘YETERANS’ RELIEF i72 per monthfshall be entitled to and shall be. paid a pension it the rate of pernionth; that in case such person is pow, ir hereafter may become totally helpless or blind en- .

itled .t0 and shall· be paid a pension at the rate of $90 per ·

nonth. (-July 3, 1926, c. 733,·§ 1, 44 Stat,. Q ' _ New section. .` ' `WIDOWS, QHILDREN,-AND DEPENDENT RELATIVES · __291. Widows and remarried widows of Civil Waroveterans; pension from and after August -4, 1926.—'1‘he_ widow or renarriedwidow of any personwho served in the_Army, Navy, or — lfarine Corps of the {United States during the Civil War for ninety days or more and- was honorably- "discharged from such

ervice, or regardless of the length of serviceuwas discharged

?or or died in service of andisability incurred in the service and n the line of duty, such widow or remarried. widow havingi , 19**11 the wife of such ‘ soldier, sailorkgr marine during the meriod of his service in said war, she shall be paid $50 a month. QJuly 3, 1926, c. 733, §_2, 44 Staf. 806.) ·· - — . '. Newsection. ·_ ·` _' , °` 292. Widows of -veterans of War of 1812 or war with 5 liexico; pension frorl and after August 4, `1926.—-—The rate »f pension for the widow `of any personwho served in the irmy, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States in the'Wa‘r »f 1812, or ._for sixty.—days or more in the war with Mexico, on he coastsor frontier thereof,_or‘en route thereto. during the sjarwith that nation, and was lnonorahly discharged therefrom, hall be $50*per nioiith. (July 3, 1926, c. 733, § 3, 44 Stat. 806.) New sect_io_n. I _ ° U LRMY NURSES AND DEPENDENT PARENTS Ol‘._UlVIL " ` * ` WAR.`\’E'l*ERAN_S-_ · . e . 313. Army nurses of Civil War; » pension from and after Lugust 4, 1926.-—All_ Armyuurses of the Civil War 'whosenames arenow on the pensiori roll, or who-are nowentitled opension u_nder'any·existing law, shall he entitled tonemd hall be paid a°'pension at the rate of $50 per month, (July , 1926, c. 7%, § 4; _44_ Stat. 806.) , · ‘ .- New section. IISCELLANEOUS' PRQVISIONS; COMMENCEMENT OF ’ _ I I _` · PENSION .. ‘ 321a. Time of - commencement- of . increase of 1926; inmate'- f Soldi.ers’ Home not entitled.—j—Tl1e pension ,or inérease inh ` be rate·of pension herein provided for, as to all persons whose amos are `now on the pension roll, or who are nowin receipt f a pension under existing law, shall commence at the rates erein provided on the fourth day of the next month after the pproval’ of this Aet°; and as to persons whose names are ot now on the..pension·3rol1, or who are not now in receipt. of - pension under existing law, but who may be entitled to a ension under the. provisions of. this Act} such pensions shall eminence from the date of tiling application therefor in the zureau of Pensions after the approval of this Act" in such arm as n1aY·U9 prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior: rooidcd.; That no one whilean inmate of the United States o1dlers’ Home, or of any National or State soldiers ‘ln¤_»me 1all be entitled to, 'or be mid the increased rates provided in lis Act;' and the issue of a check in payment of a- pension it which the` execution and `subinission of a vous·h_er°was_ not

  • Thé.Act from which this section was derived was approved July _

1926. · · ‘ J ‘ . . Y'} This Act" shouldbe translated "seetions 273, 291, 292, 313, B2, 330, and 331 of this title ln the appendix? `