Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2097

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2Q83, {J TITLE 88.+-g·PENSIONS, BONUS pgeoeeidered as if it W¢fe,lSep¤1‘d.te adjuated servlm credit} eee the oeoedte or soon Act mu be qmeioded la mepeet Y thereof aeeording to they termsoi such Act as arheedm by this Aer}? ;(2[¤1y_3,_19% c. 751, { 3 (c), 44 Stat. 827.) ‘ · 3 . .`” r ‘ d18c.FPsymeat of reatniader of orighal ”eredit gud excess of dew, ever crédit vrhmie veteraq died before making the veteran has; died. before"the_‘ei1act? · ment of this Act *'F and heforemaklng applieatloe under section

 dt the $0rld War   Compeewtion Act," then it any

zpart ot theorisldnl %it has been paid to the dependents of, ree vetera¤,"auy_ part {shall be paid. as provided in Title VI_"‘ of such Aét as amended by this Act,“T and any? excess of new ereditover the credit shall be paid in cash · le a lump W ttm dedéddents as provided /i11.Q'l‘itlé VI”“ of meh Actas amended-by this Act." (July 3, 1926.;. 751, {3 (cl); 4·1§tat.827,)- " " ° , .618:1. Method of there veterad died after melting applieatiime-—-If the veteran has died before the »e;1actment of , mis Aet”“ after made application, then--._ ·» ‘ · j _(1) _I£'thejorl§¤al cmdivwas not over §50_aind the dew credit is not ever; $50 payment shall be made as provided in" sebdivisioa ‘(d). pv ’ ',_“ ‘ . · T (2). It the origloal credit waeuot ove1·—_$50 aud the new crwt is over __$50 thm the fade value of an gdjuxed-servlce· certificate computed on of the new credit shall be to t.he‘_ben— edeiary named, or, it the benedciary died before the veteran and no new heuedclary was named Gr it no beuedeiary was nauied in the application; thee to the wtate of the veteran. If in any such eaee auy paywts have élready been madeto the veteran or ble depeodedts, the amount ot such payments shall bededueted from the face valee et the adjusted service certideate. V ° (3) I! the origlnal credit was over then. the face value of an adjusted service eertldeete eomputed on the basis. of the exe&s of the new credit over the original credit eehall be paid as previgmd in para§raph·‘(2) ot this, subdivision.’* (July 3,1926, e. Tel, 5,3 (e}, 44 Stat. 827.) " ‘ U » ‘ · §ew·¤e¢ttou.;’ · . » ~ _ 618e. Paymmt 'witwnt p aadministratiouv of . dmedeafs cehtee-·——-Wherever under this Act " or the World .War Adjusted Co pedeetbn ,Aet‘F it is provided that epayxzient be made hrf the Qfrector or the United Statx Veterans»" Bureau to the r¤·¤tate· or any deeededt, payment, it act over $500, may; under prescribed {by the director, be made to the p»m~=.eea,foeud by hlxa to be mtltlmithereto, without the ’u_eces··` sity ’e£ eempliaeee with the requirements of law in reeyieet of me administration of meh! estate. (July 3, 1923, ‘ e. 751, { 3 (I), 44 Stat, 8280 J ~ E L ( I 619. _ Uxdnwfal fees foreerviees rendered; p·unisl1rnent.—~——~Any versed who Zthargea or eolleeta. or attempts toeharge of collect, "'eitber dteeetly or indirectly, my or othexzieompensation for assietieg le any manner og veteran, his depeudentseer other benedeiary tmder this Act? id dlgtainldg any of the bededts, pxjivilegmér loam to which he is entitled under,tbe°pn·ovis,lons dd this Act? shall, taped eomdetioe thereof, be subject to afine of net more ,;ud%I1r sw ., or imprisonment for uot more than one year; or·both.`__ (May 19, 1924, e. 157,} 309, 43. Stat. 125; July 1*3, 1926, e. 751, 5 4 ·(a)‘, 44 Stat, Zell ° · ~ . . -_ ‘ 8¢t%‘§3.$ ed SQ ngended.-a-e—Tbe itateutory prevlelpn mostltetieg {jd19,,o£ Title 38 of Code had been amended by Act or , July 3§_I92d,’ e. 751, { 4 (al), {4 Stat. 828, to rmd Q3 above. ' “ ;‘Act ehemd eiraasleted “ elnepterf sl , all _ Q 1 , *‘ “Suhdlvjelen "; should, be translated " seetiou.'? _ ‘ edbedld he translated “cl*rapter 11 of this title in the Code.”“

  • 33%:ly a, 1926. , Q p _

•·* dheeld be translated, *‘ section 612 et this title is the Cede." ‘ I ** Should ne ** Fur vi or athis title. in the Code! ,

ES,'AND VETERANS RELIEF , " " 5629{ Ifinality qt ;ieéisions.——-—Thc’ decisioxié ot the Secretary ci _ W&PQ~ the ·. Secretaiy of — the Navy, and the ‘°dire€:t;>ii, on all

 matters- within théir rwpecfive 3Q1`isdicticns'z1~nd»er {Be provisions oi thi§ Act ‘·° (excépt the dutiesjvestéd in them 'by Title »

·VII °°) Shall be Hzial and ctmclusive. (July $#1926, c. _ 7511, -5.4, (b), 44 Stat. 828.) ’ ’ Q` U · . I/.New section. . ‘_ __ A_j_


643. Prohibited n¢g6tiati¢ms" er V §ssig1{¤ieéts‘ of certi§catés [punishm¢nt].——N0 féertmcatc iséued of rig_ht’ cénferrgii under , _the prqivisicnsof this tit1e"_sha1l, excegtjs pmvigled in se<:ti¢;i¥1·’»

 [be, negotiable or a$ig¤ab1e or serve as éécurity for a_

_l0gm. Any negotiation, gssignmérit; ~0r loan .m&de hr v·i01m;i0n·`Y oi any prov§sionQ0f this sécticm shall be held Avoid. ~ It aréy pe}- 'Yson is zgamed ap beneiidary by the veteran gs a mizgideratibu ,150: the making of a loan id. thevveteran by Such person- or any Otlyer person, such naming sha;} bé ikcid. Ai1y-»f>ex*son who, ( aweptx. an assignment qf_ a cel‘ti§chte or mcciivw é eériitiewté. as security fdr Q loan contrary to the provisions of this title, pr · "who makes a loarfto a vetexian in consideratiop at thé namixig ~ by‘the_vetéran of suclr person or maj other person as bene- §Ci&1fY, shall bé guilty vof é; misdemeanor ami shall upmi cém- viqtiou Mtheréof be timed not more than $506 or imprisoned not

 more than- one year,` or b0th.· (May’19Q 1924, g. 157; _§ 503,  

· Sym:. 128;.3uly {3,*1926,3. 751, § 5, 44 Stat.·%.); x » ._ __ _"

 HQ at Title 38. _#¤é&éGd.-·-·-TEE statutory pmwiisidn conéti-

- tuting { 643 of Title 38 of €he·C0d& has heed améhdcd byqct of , lluly 3, 1926, c. 751;. 5 ,5, -54 Staff 828, to rwd as abovie, Theamendment gddegl the lgst rye, sentences. _ J l, _. ·_ 648, Forging, wéugnterfciting, uttering; ~ etc., df adjusted: service · cei·ti6catcs; punislmient; detmimn and arfest of vialatdrs.-+$\jV-hoever faléely makes, fcrges, e0tmtex·féits,· or alters, or icduses pr btocures t0` bé made, t0tged,:‘ ccnnterféited, or aiteréd, or willigxgiy./Aids 0): assistslin falsely making, foi"gii¥§,~\ ccuhtérfaiting,~q1·:altex·iu§·an adjxiéted service cértimréte issued unaer authority oi this Act,“.m·. whéevjernpasqcs, mt¥ers,,pub— lishes, on sells; or attempts td pass,r utter; publish., 91- sel}, any Such' false, fiujged, cmmteifeited, or {altered #ce?ti§c·a"te~, with » intent `to defraud the -United`·Stutes ur any pierson, or whoevef has in possession any Such falsely made} forged, éouxzterfeiced, or alteired cértiécaite, with jnteht to RHI§1Wf\luY`\l% the game, shall bépunished byu mma of mt more th:in'$5,000 am} im§ri$0¤—· mgmt not mqre thaw fifteen yéars. Titewiiecfeta-1*y at {hg Tmasg ·urj·· i$ b&1*@b§; K2H1tb0!‘iZ9d' to direct and muse the `!Se1~cre·tfSerx·ic·e Division of the '1‘i~easm·y Departméimt td Qetéctg arr ==t,Q and__de éliver into; the custody of the United States marshal hissing juris·· g diction any person or persons violating any of the moxhiqm ` of thm section. (July 3, 1£_§26, c-. 751, § 12, 44 Stat.`830._) 4* ‘ A New s¢—.~cti0¤—.’ - { ‘ {gl N. - The stagutqry pmvisiain Acoqsgituting § 648 of Titic 39 nf the . nprmxdix was add¢d_a,¤_§ 704 in Abt of May? 19, 31924, c. 157, by Act qt July 3,1926, ¢._?5*J 12. 44 Stgt. 830. . W _ Q 649. Desimctioix mr of ccrtiééitp; issuance of duplicate;. surrender of nriginal ;M b0I%d.···;-·‘\’hQ1\£?€’€;l‘. it·` ;;pD€*¤,i·¢-z‘ td the directui, evidence wziear and smti·Sfa}:tc»;jy to him. tlmt any adjusted sevéice •:·~ertEi8cate Mhmg, x‘vitb<>;z;;‘bad fziith upon the ~ part of the perscm _ém;itled m` payment thermn, been El0st.__,d2-· V gstxrcyevxl, wholly or in pmt, mi so dcfaccd as ta imfmir its mine to the rightfxil haldcw, and su<:h_adj_uste,·d service czartitivsxte idemtiiiecl by munber m1d§dcscx·ipti011,dtlie direétar {shall 'under -¤$uc+11 regulagious and ·wiLh £·smch mestrictious as to time smc} mtexntfon for se<*m·ity or oélmrwisé as he may_p;·e§g:r=ibe. issue a. d uplicat<;· th¢;·re0f of 1f&e»vSluc in all xfgvgpectsgto tlxebriginfxl <:ertiHcz&té‘ gud so ·mzirkead as to `ashcw the ·9rigiu~a1l` r‘mn;h¢r ‘ of {lie w1*tiiic&te. last, ·de¤t<myed,“ or (]A€r¥fi\£:éi],M,8I1d. the, date

  • °°‘Act" shénuld me trazmmted *‘2·hspte:*." F L; j _ ·
  • ‘j" TitIe:.Y'1I" sbm;ld_ be u·au¤1atéd " };*qx_x·; YH of thiis cha.pmr.""
    • " Tit1¤_" should be tmmsluwd ** pm·t." .·

`*’ “Section §02." should be tmlnslated “aect10;1 642 of this"