Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2104

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117. _Appz·opriatio1;s for fuel yard and girsgc; use ·-of. `

 The 5* Fimt.Doficiency Act, uscafyosr 1Q2$," Act”Msr.,,_ 1926,

_ c. 44, I 1, 44 Stat, 173; cootsius ttiofollowing provisions: ‘ · “So much of the Interior Department Appropriation Act for tho fisc1t1.yea1·= 1924 as requires the. garage therein suthorizod to be · constructed to be aséd jointly by the Government tue!. yords andthe_ Depsrtmcat of the Interior, and ss requires that the Deportmeot of the Intertor shall {rom spplicablc appropriations rcimbsirsc the gppropristions {of the fuel yards for its‘proporti0i1stc share of the ejxpcuse of maintaining aud_ operating the garago mentioned, is hercbj repeated. _ . —.¤ » ‘ ‘ -· " ¥ `¥ ° . The Sccr;t:}·~ot the interior is authorize;}-to roim- ` bursctherefrom the Government fuobyards the 'amount expended _ · from its appropriation for rental of garage for use of the Interior Departments during suit! period, or anypart thereof? . _ ` 129a. Use and sapefvisioa of imoftor sud. ho1=se·drawn‘° ve- .·hicIcs;” purchssc or cxchapgc.—+—A11 of ssid motor `vehiclcs aud ' ' all other motor vchjclos provided for in this Act' and all horse-_ I drs wu carriages audr buggics ow¤ed_ by the District of Columbia shall be uccomny for purposes directly pcrtaiptng to the pub1ic' services of said District, aug shall be imder thofdiroctton audr control of the commissioners, who mgy from time to tirpe alter or chamgc the sssfgument for use tlicrccf ‘·or directthe ·_joiut_ or intorphangesblo use ‘ of sriy »0t._ the same. by otiicials and em- .Dl03’ces of the Distijidl; except os otherwise proyided in this Act: P:·o·a—iqcd,._ Thst with the exception of `motor vohtcles for - tho p0l_ic0 amt Bro departments, IIO automobile shall be acquired under soy Pprovjision ot this Act, by purchase orexchange at a . cost., including the value of .3 vehicle exchanged, exccét1ing· $650, except as may be heroin spociiicslly authorized. No motor vehicles shall be transferred- from the police or fire departments to any other branch of the government of the District of _ Coluutibigl (May 10,_1926;`c. 276, §=1, 44 Stat. 422.) _ ‘· _ New sectioo. . " ' I ’ _ 7 2 Z Chaptcr.·2QQ-CAPITOL BUILDING SAND GROUNDS. 217:1. Purchases for Botanic Garden`; limitation on single poréhsscs. 222. Purchases and services for'Architect of Capito1.` [Ney.] 217a. Purchases for Botanic Garden; limitation . on single purchnscs;——T¤he sum- ot $150 may be expended at any one time by the Botanic oarocu for the purchase of p1snts,_ trees, _ s11rul•s,‘a¤d other nursery stock, without reference to section 3?09’ of the' RcvisedJStotutes of the United ISCQIGS. (Mdy 13, 1926,9.%4,44‘St¤t.548.) ~· , ° _ · _' · l - · Sew section; This is troni the Lcgislatiye _Appropristio¤· Act for the year 1927, cited to the text. ~ · I _ ‘ 222. Purchases _ inst services for Architect of Capitobg- Hcrcaficr the purtehaséof supplies arid equipment and the procurement of s·ervi<;cs_ for all brnnchgs the Architect of the Capitol may be made in the 013¤¤ market without compliance with- soctio1;sl3709' aud·3144? of the Statutes fot ttne United States in the ma.:mer· common amos: busiuossp men, wtxcn the sgregat;-e amount ot the ‘pm·chsso‘or`the service 1 dues not e1;ceed·$200-in any instance. (Mir 13, 1926, c. @4, § 1, 44 Stat. 54'I.) _ _ ` , .. · e _ New section. _ This section in from the Legislative Appropriation Act for the year 1927, cited to text. _ _ Chsptcr 3.-=-PUBLIC BU"ILDIN#GS AND GROUNDS 'GEN-· ERALLY.— Sec. Y . . " ‘ A 271. Relict of certain contractors and subcoxitrsctors, for losses duo to iL1Cf“88$€t] UOSt$. _ 284. Old furniture tobc used. . . _ · - ' *'1‘hts. section. wss s psrto! the District 'ot Columbia Appropriations Act for 1927. “ _ I -• R. S. 5 3799. mentioned in tho text. constitutes I 5 of Tltlo 41, Pt·m.:c L‘ox··rs, of the Code. _ ‘ . _

  • 12. S. § 3744, mentioned in the text, constitutes I 16 of Title 41,

Pt*m.xt· t‘ox€rs•c·rs, of the Code. - ‘ -

rs, _r1z01·;·3R1·Y, ;12VD_WORl'{é 2()9(). " 2fI'1. Relief _ of certain contractors and subcontrsotore for A losses due to increased costs. _) e j o — " " / Act of Aug. 25, 1919; incl/the amending ’Act of Mer. 6, 19*20, constituting §· 272 of this title, were amended by Act of Feb. 27, . 192Q, readluges follows: “The 'Act of C0hg1'%8 entitled Q‘An. Act for the re1{et,of_ contractors and subcoetrhctoru; for the post omceso and other buildings and work under the mpwvlnlon ofjhe Treis- `ury Department, e1id_ for jotber ;$urpose•,*’, approved August 25_ 1919, as egnendgd by Act or Marche, 1920, be; end, the same is hereby, amended so that said Act shall include the contractor for the stee`rage· barracks for the United States quargntiue stition,

erected-at House Island, Portland Harbor, Maine, aud, as to said-
 coutrglctor, claims for reimbursement és prqvldecfby said Act or

August 25,¤·1919,' as -ame¤derl·by Act of March 6, 1929, may he · tiled within three months after the passage of this Act." (Feb, 21, 1926, c.‘ 38, {14 Stat. 134.) _ - * ‘ _ s · ‘ · 284. Old fumi‘ture`to·be· used. I ea _ a _ Section 284 of Title. 0 repeited.—’1The statutory provision constituting { 284 o(_Title..40 of the Code ysjas repeated in the `Act oi »_ Mor. p2, 1926, c. 43 { 1, 44-Stat. 153, with the exception ot. me subst?itution_.of the words " now owned " for the words " owned on V Febru:u·y·17,° 192,2." _ . - _ l ‘ e · _ t éhapter 4Q—'I`HE· PUBLIC PROPERTY. V; i 312. Disposition of typewriters? and ‘computihg machines transferred to` ' ‘ · General -.Supp1y Committee; _ · _ _ 313. Repair; to typewriter machines in ‘DistriQ_o£ Columbia. - ·. 312. Dispodtion iof ntypewriterehned computing nachinm transferred · to General Supply Committee. ’ ‘ · _, " _'Sectlo¤ -312 of 1‘it¥•.4l_’repeat•d.-#—The statutory provision constit , tutlug { 312 `of Title 40 ot the Code was repeated by‘Act of Mar. €, ` _ 1926. c. 43.. l L 44 Stat. 139. __·_ . ‘ -

 313. Repairs to·typewriti¤g"—m;chi§es_i¤ Dietricfof Coluibiao

’ Section 313 of Tltb Gl statutory provision consti-

 tuting { 313 of Title 49. of the Code was repeated an the Act et

· 2, 1926, c. 43, Q 1,44 S°tnt..139. ‘ . Chapter" 6.-—ACQUlSl'l‘ION-_ CF SITES FOR AND CON» STRUCTION OF PUBLICQBUILDINGS. · · ’

  • 341. Secretary of Treasury authorized to acquire sltesfor and construct

‘ public bulltllngr. [New.} _ _ _ ‘ 342, Duties ot Qmce- ot the shpervislng Architect ;` employment ot

 ‘ .nulsteuce_; compensation; expenses.- {New.] . · » ‘ ,

,343. Acquisition of yltea and construction ot public buildings in so Q _ · pumerou; cltiea. [New.] .· __ · _ ` t 344. Submission ot estimates to Bureau ot Bedgeté; been of nllocntiee; · availibility ot moeeys uneetinl to Iettlngrcoutrects; report to ‘ Congress. [New.] H é "_ . . . ‘ _ 345. Appropriations e¤d_ erpenglitures; mthod of acquisition and dispoeltion ot nite: and buildings. [New.} · ‘ 346. Public Bulléilnp Commission: Nrindictioe nedpowere. _ {New.} 347. Sqryeyo! ,publlc·bulldi¤; conditions. [New.? . , $48. Aoqulsltion ot quernntlm slte- at- New Qrleees. [Nev;] , ~ e 341. Secretary of to acquire sites for _

   enable tM Secretary of ~· .

` theivrasury to proylde suitable aceomdotions in tbe District. ot Columbia for the `exectitive depurmeuts,. and independent L establishments ot the not under ‘ my exeetmve department, and for courthouse•,—postom·es, immigration emtioos mwmnoum, marine homltsle, querantim stations, and other publle buildings ot the clams the control ot Department in the States, Territories, end posmmione of the United States, hejs hereby authorized and dieected to! gcquire. · be —. by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise; such sites uml edditiomn to sites es he may deem neceesery, dud- to cause to becopstmcted thereon,. and upon Mules belonging to the G.ovemment conveuiently located; and —aveilnble_ for the porpose (but 6 qexclusive ot military or naval rwerratlous), adequate wel sow able Ionian; of the foregoing purposes, glvjing preference, where he considers cogditiops justify euclf ection, to cases ·Wl18}'6· sites for public building have heretofore been acquired j. or authorised to be ecqulred, end to enE¥e, renrodel, and ex~ - _