Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2127

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TITLE 47.-TELEGR.i1’QH S, TELE1’H( TITLE 47.4.-TELEGRAPHS, TELEPH Chaoter 1.--TELEGRABHQ. — -‘» 16; Washington-Alaska Military Calile ond Telegraph Sys- gain; money trinsfers; portion of receipts- witlnheldybonds.-_ ~ Hcreafter such amount of money as- may be authorized -by ' the Secretary of \Var may be withheld; temporarily from- 1 me receipts of the Washington-Alaska _Military- Cable and Tplograohiiystem by the auditor of said system as a’ workiugbalance. from. which To make payments of money trails-- fqrs f1‘0lD illld ITO Alaska fllld b€(§\’§€€l1_}J0iI1ls within Alaska, é62;3'0°—-26——-—133-

).\`b'»S, ANU RADIOTELEGRAQHS §16 ONES, AND RADIOTELEGRAPHS to be acco-untetl for accordingly; and the expenses oi, procuriug‘_neeessary otiieial bonds, as tleterminegl, by' the Secretary of.\\’a1·, of enlisted men etnployg]/i1*(con11eetion· with such money transfers, shall be paitljeft of the reeeipts of such system‘ as an operating expense. inlay 20, 1926, c. 345, _-14 Stat. 576.) _ ° _ ,. ` New gwtion. This sevtiou is-from tlienct of May 20, 1926, c. 345, 44 Stuti 576, entitled "Au Aet to authorize payment of ‘ expenses of the Wiénlngtoxi-.\laska Military Cable and Telegraph System out ot receipts ot such system as an operating expensef