Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2168

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1NDl Army--C'untim10d Milimxjy d0<·uration:< an;} ba<l;:€s—?(70n§inued _ » _ Mexican border medals for National Guards<me¤,‘p.·223, { 51413- · _ . " Mexican border ine~duls·for`sérVicc away from border, p. 223, § 1414 _ - _ - , Military télegraplners in Civil War, certificates of hoburabla servicé, p. 224, '§ 1421 · · ‘ Jlicpiaccd medals of h0n01=,*disp0su.l, p. § 1418 Replacement of "lost {medals, crosses, etc., p. 223, §§ 1416. 1417_ · "` ` . _ Replacement `of rosettes, knots and ribbons for medal uf honor ment of 222, § 1405° _ _ . R¢»s<~tte·s. knots or ribbons for Qivil Warmcdal of honor ` x§1¢11.p, 222,§·1405 ‘. . · ~ - -‘ _ Rules and regulations governing awards, p..22, § 1401 Soldiefs medafaxithorized, p; 1911, `§1 142SA ‘ ‘ · Spanish War medals for National Guardsmen,-p. 223,` 5 1413 ‘ . —_ ~ " “ Star for galleuxtry not warrzmtiug medal or cross, p. 222;§ 1412 · — 1`exas Cavalry brigades, mgsdalsior Bl9ll1I)é1'S, p.--223, 5 1415 _ °- \‘ —

 Time limit 011 ghvhxrcls,   222,·§·_1409-

ITn1awfu1Y wearing, 1i1€LHllfii(3tl`|1‘€ or sale, p.`,22-1,; § 1425 Military instruction `in educational `institutiimsv ·` ,. ` See also Military training camps, ihfra; Reserve 015- cc·rs` Training Cofps, infi·a‘_ , _. * ; l Detail at oflicors, -wur1·_uut omcers and enlisted men to r·¢·rtai:1`scln00l5 undcolléges, p. 213, § 1181 . L0:m`<§°r mlé at obsolete or condemned ordnance and mdnaance stores to Spliools, p. 1693, § 629. et $eq. · Mi1it:u·y~ equipment fgr certain schools and colleges, p.·_2l3. 5 1li$0 _ __ x . ‘ . ‘ Retired of§ceré‘,` detail as instructors, p. 213, Q 1)*6 \ " ‘ Sale of Army stores to educational institutiogw p.` 213, ` Mimary pqsts, seé Poq_rs, CAm=·s, nm Turmxc STATIONS Liilixaa-y pnjismms, see Diséiplinury barracks, sppra · Miiitm·y,p1·0pe:·ty, see Camps, `gogts, and tfaiuing, stations, · éupm; Property, infra; Sup;{l1es,` stores, and services, infra . " ·. . . =»` ` ·· Militgryeresexjvaticyqs, see_Posts, m`mps,·°and training sta- -iZi0¤SQ irifra`; Reservations, infra ' ,_ ‘ " _ Military stmgekeeper , - ` ` Commission, p. 187, G 487 . — Bank, pay, axégi allowances, -p. 186, § 482 1 Status as oH}cer of Regular Army, p. 169, §_4 Msliataxy trainixig mugps · _ _ _ ‘ J Civiiizm military training camps, p. *185, { 442 ·C·.mnmut utio¤ of suhssisteucg for .medicul,' dqutal; 01· vetgrinary·studm1ts` attending camps; p. *185, 5 444 Members at graduating class at Military Academy as instructors, p. 185,. O 445· ,· - U

 , Pa‘y_tm·°attendauce at trginiug camps, p. 185, { 443 ··

- · Rvsarve 0§ccrs’ rmrm¤g Corpscamps, p. 185, { 441

 Militla·'B::w&a1u, me N.vrmmu. Guan _ ¤

Mme p1a_¤£c1·. service~,`sec'Army mine planter service, supra Mmmm, gee _ Horses, suprq · Muuitimm at war, sae Supplies, norm, and services, infra Musicians, ~siép Military bands, supra _ National ef·.»rce·¤, persons constituting, p. 1®, S 1

 N:i tim¤a1 fore·&t.s, use for national defense purposes, p, 4%

Nc·;é;m‘ regiments ` ’ Cavalry. p. 178, {253 — _ i Iufmntryfp. 179, { 282 '

EX 2154 Army——Continued Noncommissioned officers _ . Insubordinate conduct toward noneommissioned oftioer, `p.235,§1557· · __ _ Rank and grade on reenlistment, p. 193,_§ 630 é Nurse·Corps,_see Army`Nurse Corps, supra · Oath, autlrority- of odieers to administer, p. 34, § 93 Offenses by persons in military service, see Anrrorns or · Wan ` Oiiieers - _ · · See also Commanding officers, supra _ Accoutcrments furnished to officers at cost, p. 202. , Additional. nuinbers in grades, how carried, p. 187,

 _.§”4o4 — _ N _ __ -~ ·

' , Adjutant Generalis departrnent, number and grades of nofficers, p.·172, § 41 _ · R n Aids of general, officers, rank and nunnber authorized, _' p. 1.88, § 498 _ { _ '= ` _ Air Corps, number and grades — of ofiicers, pg 17'U. ·. §·291;p.1902,§·291' · ~· ° ~ Allowanees of officers, see. Allowances, supra Annual classiiieation, p. _191,·§ 571 · i Appointment, former officcrs, p. 187, § 485 ° -——-graduates of military academy, p. 187, § 4% l ‘ -—·—second lieutenants, p. 187, §__484 1 —-·-·-system for. examination and certification of en-. . listed `men, p. 188, § 502 et seqi A · Assignment to branches of Army, p. 170, § 8; p". 172, , — §'42 x . °_»` — A · ‘“ Assignment to duty in Militia Bureau, p. 1044, § 174 ‘ . Assignment to regiments, _.p. 187, §” 492 - . Authorized number in different grades, p. 186. § 482 Authorized number of omeérs in Army, p. 186, § 481 p Brigadier generals, number authorized.-p. 180; §` 482 _ Canal Zone, tour of duty in, p. 188, 5 -196 · Captains, number authorised, -p. 186, § 482 _ » · Cavalry, number and gradesof Cavalry oEcers.,p.·178. § 251 . ·_ l ._ " ` Certificate of dimharge, duplication in case {of loss, ` -,pL39,$_199 · ¤` ' Chaplains as',o&ers.ot Army, p. 178, § 235 ’ i Cbaplains, number authorized, p. 186, § 482 . ~ Chemical Warfare Serriee, number and grades of olli- ‘ cers,_p.1‘7‘7,§£1 g .‘, i v_ ‘ YChildren ot omcers, tree tuition··‘in` Dlstriet ot Colum- . bia.sch001s, p. 203, S. 914 _ ‘ _ Civil employmenf·interfering with military duties. P- 187. 5- 495 ‘ . i , claims for supplies for Army, eerteim former offivei-s ·* ‘ forbidden to prosecute, p. 35. i 100 ’ ‘ — Clasaidcadon annually, p. 181, § 328; p. 101, { 571

Coast Artillery, number and grades of officers. p. 179.

· Colonels, number authorized, p. 180, § 482 i Command, academic stad of Military Academy, p. 200. .$S`·1079,1Q81. » _ . . _ L --i·—·Army Nurse`Corps, authority of members, p. 176,, i -—-—·assignment without regard to rank, p. 240, § will » -—·——-contract surgeon in charge pot hospital. p. 17i. Q 5 1% , . — I , -y-——en_gineer omcers, p._1‘70, 5 182 -·———-4-nuance omcers, p. 176,* 5 176 r ·-—-L-dying nnlts,_—p. 1*79,} 294 ‘ . __ ·-—·-joinder ot°diEerent corpsor commands, p. .241. . _ “I 1% i