Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2198

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1 Civilian Military Training Camps See Ansar Civil Pension Roll

 L~m»~u.~t·:ns. Axn Em·r.orm:s or Govnnmrnxr

Civil Rights __ See also Nsoaons . ` Action for deprivationof rights Form of action,_p. 123, § 43 Juristliction, p. 867;"§` 41 (12—l4) Persons liable, p. 123, § 43 C Conspiracy , __ Depriving citizen of rights or privileges, p. 124 47 I3) _ ‘ . ‘ Intimidation of party, witness or juror, or toobstru justice, p,. 124, .§ 47 (2) l " _ Preventina officer from taking office, p. 124, § 41 (1) Criminal proscutions for denial or labridgment, see Crum Ann Orrnrzsrzs _ . ‘ _ — Enforcement proceedings governed by Federal Statutes, oss, s 729 . _ · Equality of i·i,<zl1t·guara_nteed. p. 123, §_41 Jurors, exclusion on account of race or color, p. 123, §§ 4 45 ‘· _ ‘ _ . _ Neglect to prevent interference, civillliabiiity, p. 124, § · Olfenses againstcivil rights, see Gaines Asn Orrnxsns Peonageabolished. p. 125, § 56 M ·- ‘ Property rights ofcitizens, p. 123. § 42 . . _ Removal of cause on ground of denial of civil rights, 871, §=74 . 3 ·° Review bf proceedings for denial of civil rights, p. 123, $,44 —· p. @5. § 225;.p.`906, § Civil Service ,’ _ . · See Classitied civil service, infra Civil Service Commission ·. · Annual reports, p. 63, §` 633 (5) Appointment of commissioners, p. 63, § 632 Bureau of Etliciency __ . - ` Chief of bureau, annual reports. p. 65, § 647. -———-—-appointment, p. 65, § 647 U · - Emcieney ratings, establishment of system, p. 65, § 6 Independent establishment, p. 65, Q 646 .. * Penalty for violation of provisions as to emciency sy tem, p. 65, § 648 ‘ ~ ‘ Records of etnciency furnished by departments and i dependent establishments, pl 65, §" 648 . Central bureau of planning and statistics, records at papers transferred to B_u1'eau_ of EHiciency,.p. 65, { 651 Chief examiner · . I ` Employment and duties, p. 63, §· 635 _ - Traveling expenses, allowance for, p. 63, § 635 Commissioners Appointment, p. 63, § 632 Bipartisan appointment, p. 63, § 632 Holding other office . under Governnient prohibits p. 63. § 632 , i Number, p. 63, § 632 _ ' Penalty for corruptly of examinatio p. 64, § 637 ’ i· · . `Removal, of 63, §-632 { — ' Rules, preparation, fundamental provisions, ·p. 63, § 6E Travelling expenses, allowance for, p. 63, S 632 ” A Vacancies, how tllled, p. 63, { 632 I Detail of employees, p. 64, § 636 _ _ Information for bureau furnished by departments, p. 6 S 650 . f Investigations and reports by commission. p. 63. § 633 (4) Minutes of proceedings, duty to keep, p. 63, Q 633 (3) · Oath of ‘witnesses.‘ authority to administer, p. 63.1 6i tt

I rzvosx 2184 Civil Service Commission——C•»ntintted » Officers and employees of commission, penalty for corruptly obstructing right to examination, p. 63,5 637 Personnel of departments, reports as to needs, p. 65, § 649 ° Records and papers transferred to bureau, p. 65, § 651 Records of commission, supervision and preservation, p. ‘ 63, § 633 (3) · _ " · Regulations for examination of candidates, authority to make, p. 63. § 633 (3) . - l Reports, printing and distribution, p. 1-132, 5 248 ' Retirement ofcivil service employees, duties as to, p. 1837. § § 705:1 ~ _ · · - _ _ . ‘ ( Rooms and accommodations in _Dis`trict of Columbia. p. ct . 1291, $42. - ‘ ‘

 Rules and regulations -

· Demotions governed by civil service rules, p.‘65, § 648 ix? Dismissals governed by civil service rules, p. 65, S 648 Examinationof applicants, p. G3,} 633 (_3) ‘ D- _Fnndamen_tal provision not rules, p. ·%, S 633* (2)

 Preparation of rules, p, 63, 5 633 _(1) t

Promotions governed by civil servieernles, p. 65, 5 643 · PL Removals from oflice governed by civil servige rules. ' p. 65, § .648 “A _ 18 , Secretary ‘ V Appointment, p. 63, 5.635 ‘ Messenger, appointment, p. 63. § 635 Stenographer, app0intn1ent,_p. 63, § 635 Q. _Civil’ War ·, " ' B, Army corps badges for Civil War service, see Anuv ’ Certificates ot merit and of honorable services, see Amer Medals of honor for Civil War service, see Anur Pensions for Civil War service, Passions - Roster of Union and Confederate. Armies, preparation, pp ‘ 39, § 195 _· # . ` 'Claim·Agents 3 ’ See Cranes Claims . _ , _ See also Arraormxrtoxs __ 43 Adjustment and settlement of small claims, military opera·‘ tions causing injury to person or property,. p. 40, § 208 VS- _ Agents to collectclaims, see Attorneys or agents, intra Allowed claims, annual reports by Secretary of 'l‘reasn:y,` u. ” D. 43, 266 Q . ` Assignment _ of claims _ yd A Oathot allegiance by person prosecuting as attorney, p. Validity as dependent upon method of eaiecution, p. 987, ‘ Attorneys and agents . . ‘ Advertising business, use ot. name of Senator, Repro-· · sentativepor Government odlcer, p. 35, `§ 101 . Army omcers and others employed ln connection with d, procuring military supplies in .war° with Germany, right, to practice mfere. departments after termina- ` tion of `employment; p. 35, { 100 · n, Departmental omcers and employees, right to practice before departments after termination ot service, p.

3 Fees for collecting claims of colored veterans of Civil _

· wm-, p,·125, s as .» · _ _ .

 Government officers prohibited fnommroseeutingi or assisting to prosecute claims, p. 474, S 198 i ,

5, , Regulation of persons `pmcticing -bei’ore Interior Department, p. 55,1493 — " , _ ‘Regulation of persons practicing before.Treasur_y De- . partment, pz 43, §’ 261 _, · ° I4 Clalin agents, see Attorneys or agents, supra