Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2215

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‘ ‘— . of p 2201 ·1N1 _ Consular Com·ts———Continued 1 Sentence and punishxnent——~Contix1ued \_ Imposition by consul on conviction in criminal case, p. 652, § 1j49, ‘ _ .· ._ ·‘ = . Transportation of convicts to designated places, p. 513, p §697 Q`j ’ _ , `Suspension of consular courts incertain co ntries author- . - V neo, ness, §·1s2 -_ · Z · ‘ ~ System of laws applicable, p. .652, § 145 _ p ,_ Treaties with certain `countries authorizing establishment, p. 651; § 141; D- 5 177: PQ 655. §,§ .181, 183 ‘ Trial byconsul in criminal case, p.- 652,.§ 149 , Turkey, provisions of law applicable to, p. 655, § 181 ‘ ·Venue in civilcases, p. 652, § 143 _ .· . . Vice consul at ;Shangliai‘ to` exercise judicial nfunctions of ‘ consul general, p. -652, § 14{ · : lL_' . Witnesses, authority to prescribe form of oath and mode I of exan1ina·ti<:n,·p;`652, § 146; . J `I " ' Consular 0&cers of Foreign Governments _ , See also Foamos Drrmuarxc Asn Conscmln Orrromns Uonsuls and Consular 0Mcers ‘ · ` · ` Sec also Funnies Snavxcs. ,___ False certincation of documents, penalty, p.’469, §‘127 _ Instructions, preparation by·State Department, p. 37,; § `162 Return of register of foreign vessel to master before clearance, penalty, ·p.‘ 583, § 248 ° · ‘ ` ` Containers · ° ‘ see 'Wmomrs asn `BIEASUREQ Ilorkteinpt — 3 _ " I · - ` Bankruptcy proceedings, contempts before referees, p. 250. Consular courts, authority to line or imprison for contempt, p.ess,—515r»‘ _ · Conrtsjmartial, authority- to punish for contempt, p. 1160. -art.42(a) I . __ `, , Criminal contempt, proceedings against dividend, p. 910, §§ 3S6>390 _ Jury refusing to take oath, p. 909, § 385 . . Limitation of time for punishment; p.i910, § 390 ‘ Uathlimposed by court, refusal to take, p, 909, § 385 . Witness refusing to takeoath, p. 909, § 385 g Corrtinuances. -_ , · , _ b-»‘ _ _ Action against delinquents for public money, p. 5 781 Actions on debentures issued by collectors of customs, p.9j41,§'7&i ·  ;‘. bA1lfll01’it§Y of district" judge of Maine, p. 383, § 165* Internal-revenue mass; p. 738, Q 159 .- ' · Suits under postal laws, p. 940, § 782 ~ Contraband " - g . _ See Inroors ANDBEXPOBTSQ Narxoxlu. Paonxn11*ioN; Tsar§s·· nonrarron Conrict Labor t . I Products of convict labor, use by Post Office Department, prohibited, p, 48, § 367 _ 0 Consists . ” x _ ' · See Parsons AND‘PRIBON3IHS' llogoly Trade ’ _ , ·l Building vessels to engage in trade, penalty, p. 155, § 333 . Contracting to supply cooly labor, p. 156, § 339 · Examination of vessels, p. 156, § 337, " 0 ~ °a Forfelture.of‘vessels‘enga@d in trade, p. 155; § 3322 Involuntary transportation of orientals, p. 156, 5 338 Qrolimition of trade, 9. 155, 9331 " , 1 Puni ment for engaging in trade, p. 156,*} *334 Voluntary immigration of coolies, p. 156, §§ 335, 336 Cooperative Marketing Acf ” · See Aoaioomuas ‘ ·

DEX t Copyright . · 6 Q . . Abridgments as copyrightable works, p. 450. § 6 __ ~~ Actionsand proceedings under copyright jurisdiction t _ of district courts, p. 867, § 41 (7) ‘ " _. ` r' Actions for infringenientf see Remedies for infringement,. _infra_. ·‘ `. _ I Ni -` Adaptations and arrangements copyrightnhie. works, `-p.450,·§6°' ° · Addresses _ _ . Damages for infringement, p. 452. § tb) -1 Mode of obtaining copyright, .p. 451. §§ 11. 12‘ ‘.Protection by copyright, p. 449, § 1 (ci', Q Ad interim copyrights H y . .· ‘ . . · Exvtensionrof nd interim period to' fnli —terzn. p.~ 43*2;, ‘ _Proceedings to procnre nd interim protection. p. 43:2*.,. _‘¥°Aliens_ _ -. —. _ _ L i _ Musical conxpositions, right to -n1e·.·hz1ni<·nl repro- ‘ duction, p. 449, § 1 (es i ‘ i e t ‘ Right to protection. p. ‘4Z»0.*§ 8 . , i Arf~·',_ _, .j Damages for infringing painting, smrne. or sentpinre,. ispi · W p. 452,‘§ 25¤(b} _ " { ,_ _ ·· Proceedings to obtain copyright of work of nrt. pz —i.3l.. ,e», §§ 11, 12 ‘ _ ·` r »Rigl1t‘t0 complete. execute, or tiriishjrmnleis or- designs, . _ ·p,g{49,§1(b)`t . " . Assignnwnts ;· , _ . ’ · i i Certificnte of record, p. 455. § 43 .` _ _ _ Execution ni foreign country, achwmledgnient. p. —iI'»=i,i _ _ § +13 . . . · i Form of assignment. p. 454. § »t2· ii _ , Materiel object not trnnsferred by assignment of copy— right, p.‘454, § 41 Q- » b · `_ Recording assignment in_ Copyright Oflice. necresxitgy.

 454,  44   _· ’ . i is

Rightof assignee of author to obtnizrcopyright, pi. ~£STit},“ 1 § 8 Y e . a " Substitution of aseignees anime in notice of copyright, ‘ ‘ p. 455,§&B “U Author ·

 niso Persons entitled to copyright. intro

Dednition. p. 456, § 62 ‘_ ‘ 1 ~ 5 ~ Unpublished works, right to protectitrnia;*c·>:nmon lore, j . @450.52* ‘ · M Catalogues of Copyright Entries K _ Compilation and printing, p. $455, § 36 · A Dlstriontion end sate. p.: 455. § 57 .E¤ect es evidence, p; § ae g .Comn1on—la€r right of property, effort of copyright hm-. po _ 450, § 2 _ . i _ .  » · ‘ Compilntiong ns copyrightnbie works. pZ{45o.` §·»`6 Component parts of copyrighted works, eee itiglns seen _ and protected, infra , . _` · _ ` r ¢Com.poeite' works, see Rigtxte secured endo protected. ernpee, Copyrightoble works, see-—§.nhjects of copyright, intro Copyright Gmce { . , ~ Y . _ ·. Copies of entries, rig`!} of pnhlic to tnke. p,

 * Fees for services, p. 436, »§ dl. g ‘ _ X K` l  

Recordsand works deposited, open ro gsnnlie inspection,

 .r·4·’56.t5S’ ‘ _‘ ‘

Records, preservation, p. ~1~o5, § —l`Z‘ , Register and assistant register. p. 455. 4,% _ Seal ofomce, p. 455, § 52 ‘ · Costs in copyright suits, up. {H2, §· *‘·:Z.’¢f · r “Date of pnblicntionf gi. lotij § 62