Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2229

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2215 m .(‘rimes end ()i'l`<·:ises—»Ct»¤itix111eri ' Sentence and punishment-—Co»nthinned Ferfeitnre of estate, etieet of eonvietion, p. 504, § 544 Ferzn of jn<lg1nent— en everrnling demurrer to indict- ,rnent,i p. 505, §, 501 ,. , II I , " Herd lnber," effeet of emission from sentence. p. 506, § 572 Pillery ehelishcti. p. 504, § 545 __ _ Prieens fer eenlinement of Federal prisoners, see l’mso:~as Asn 1’mse;~:ens I Reseue nt execution. p. 478, § 248— _ State lzjaws ndepte<lI fer punishing wrongful nets. p. 400, § ,468 , — e Suspension of sentence, power of courts, Ip. 510, § 724 \\'l:i;spi11g abolished. p. §. 545 I I Shipping p · -_ . _ Alnmdoninent of mzzriner in foreign port, p. § 485 `Arming vessel to ernise ng;1inst citizens, Ip. 501, § 494 Attaeking vessel with intent to plunder. penalty, p. 500. § 439 I ‘ I ’ = I I » l§re:iking‘and, €.·iii(}l°illg,‘ vessel with intent to commit felony,·p. 500, § 490 . · Y 5 Burning vessels engaged in foreign commerce. p, 501. Cenfetlerziting with pirates, p. 501, §_40S (Yinspimcy to <;;1st·mv:1y vessel, p. 500. § 487 I Destroying vessel nt sen, p. 500, §_491; p. 501, § 492 1¤jm·mg_vem·1s engnged in foreign eonimerce, p. 501, § 502 · ’ ° . · e · t Loss of lite by misconduct fof officersof vessel, p. 499, § 461 _ I ; _ I ’ · Malicious injury to vesselor equipment,_penanlty, p. 500, . , § 490 " " , , · ` ,Mnltrentn1enti of crew by oiilcers of vessel, p. 500. mitlutiny or revolt. p. 500. I§§ 483, 484 g · (instructing escape of persons from vessel wrecked or in distress, penalty, p. 500, `§ 488 ‘ ‘ I ` Piracy, p, 500, I§__481 ·‘ · I Plnndering vessel in distress,_peni11ty», p. 500, § 4SS‘ Running away with or yielding up vessel with cargo, Ip. 501, § 497 · _, I·> ‘ . _ Seamen layingi violent hands on eomménder, pt .500. § 485 . ‘ ‘ · ·‘ · I °‘ \'es.sel°bf_ United .IStateé*’ denned, p. 501, § 501 .}\’recking vessels, showing false lights or extingnish-. ‘ ing, true lights, p, 500,5 488 I I ‘· Slavery and ncenage · ._ . ` Holding er returning personsfto peonage, prosec’nt~ion etimenders, p. 124; § 49 Q · I I’rehihi_t0ry and penal. provisions, p. 495,,5 421 et seq; Receiving or carrying person to be Ysqld as tslnve, prosecution ei 0Henders, p. 124, Q 49· , Speedy trial of oqendere, authority et President:. · p.125,·§54`, 5 I , Iyj - Speedy trial in particular CSLSES, authority of President, i p.-125, S I5-1 · _ · I I ._ . Stmitiing mute, effect, p. 505, § 564 ` State laws ademed for punishing wrongful nets, p.,-49!'f> §468 , _» ·. ._ I Statutes dehning and punishing crimes , , _ _ Effect et partial invalidity, n. 503, § 536 — . { p 1 Effect of repeal or modification, p. 503; § 532 et seq. ` Stemnbont inspectors, faking illennl fees, p. 474. ·§ 190 _ Submarine cables, eEenees with l*€5I¤?!:€ K0. Bei! '2l`EL·l1$RAiPHS Axe Tniernoxne ‘ '

DEX Crimes and Offenses··—C¤mtinned 5 Sn&°ra,·:e, i.ntert’eren<i·e” with r~ia·hfof. eee Otfeiwes aaainat

 elective franel1i>.e,supra ’ l

_ 'Si1n11nary,‘_`trials for navigation effea:<e·:·=, see Naviaatien ' * offenses, supra » . e . SllS]l(‘l;1d€d_S€’Ill€Il('(}, see Sentence and -[}llll=l<lllil€’lll?, supra Telegraphs`i and te‘lep·hones, injnrgr to Government lama, · p. 468, §_ 116 · F . · Threaté against President. p. —i65. § S!} Timber on public lands, eutting or °in_§m·ing, p. 4G?. § 102% et seq. _ · — . · Tratliiig in puhlie property by eolleetingr ar :li>:inzr—in—.; ·otl‘icer; pr 47-1, §_ 192 e Tran_eport.ation, see _Carriers. supra 2 Treason ‘ '_ " 1 l V v {Deiinition, {1,459, § 1 j . l Ill(1iCtH1t3llt,{d€ll\'€1'}' of copy to defendant required. p. 505, § 562, _ , g Jutora, delivery_'of_ list to defendant required, p. IEM5. { _ 562 “ ~ l\lis,priaio11 of treason. p. -159. 3 Neutrality laws as‘affet·tin;: pi·oSe¢·ution$. p`. 161, § 30 (.j‘unial1ment. pl; -459, § 2: p. 461, ·§ So _ · _ \\;ittl<.·sses, delivery of list to defendant required, p. SHS, Tl`reasurer of the '(Tnited States en;:a,{:ing·in prolnhited or-- ee cupntions and enterprises. `p. 42. § 243- U _ .

T1`€{lSlll'}’ Department clerks, proliilxited dealings and own- i

9 ·‘ pations. p. 43. § 254 _ , ‘ ` _Ti·espasa on Battle Mountain'Sanitarjimn reserlve, p.__ 679, — Twiee in jeopardy, see that title t<aa,t-m. of. Army, _Navy,— etc. , ' Dl§('rilll{l]8tl(»l1 against wearers by theaters in Terri·` , tories o1·_in—sular possessions. D. 503,_§ 522 r- · Unlawful wearing,-p. 221, § 1393 » , · , United States inarelxqals, failure or refusal bcfexeente pree- . , _ esa, p. 12-l,l§_5r ‘ .` _ e " , Unlawful cohaliitation , See also Polygiuny, supra - , , t » I Indietnient, joinmr of {count "`for polygamy, p. 502, §`515~ ` Punishment, p. · 2,'§ 514- · K · __ · _ ¤ ‘ Utterilla false instx·nuient.é, see Counterfeiting, forgery. and _ the 11ke,eeu»pra.. _ _ i _' ` Venue or distriet of trial _ · , Capital eases, p. 873. § 101 { Offensea begrnn in one district and eomnletedl in an- ‘· i _ , 0tl1er,lp.·873,_§ 103 Y . { H — . . , Otfenses on high seas, p."8T3, ·§ 102 Verdict » _` - . x , l)_is=agreen1ent of jar}; as to some of defendants, p. 505, {esac. . · . Finding of guilty as to Some but not all of defendants, ‘ , 2 l indictment aa covering attemptsand any offense neces-. . eerily included in charge, p, 505, § 7 Qnautied verdict, p. 505, § 557 J ’ .VesaeIs of,Axneriea11 owneranip or registry, otfenaea min- . mitted on, p. 498, § 451 “ . _ »- · Voting,. interference with,. eee Offenees`·againat eleertivo , franchise, supra i . _ ~ " Warehouses, yiolation of wareh_ou>=e abt, p.‘110,` § 269 » Waters within adinixialty jurisdietion, offenses emnnnim·»¢1‘ . on, p.~—19S,_§.451 r _ ~ ·· _ ~

   Whipping as mode of pnmialnnent aboltslned, p. 504. §P5§i—13 ,

` White slave traffic, provisiopa for :snppres:·=ion, p. -153, §§.397, 404 i r j » i '¢•...·r