Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/231

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_. l Jig, FQ c TIi{‘LE 10.;- !,,;·§3lili}l`l-Pd at the gm, ;;t;;_). Soesection 1196 of this title. ‘ 1 Q · .

  • ·;j§2, Proceeds, of serviceable Signal-Qorps -suppliess-A11 c e

,,,.,,,,»_y‘§ arising ffvinlhe dlslwsitieon of serviceable Signal Corps - · °>,,i,,,g»;,j.,; and eqiiipmeut, authorized by law and regulations, l smh eonstitute one fund on the books of the Tr_easury‘Depart- 1 P · zsi·s;.;nnl he available during the iiiscalyear in which their dis-` < ,;_i,;a§sn was effected and the year following, for the replace- e — limi isf SignalYCo`rns supplies and equipnient.; (Apr. .27,.1914, _1 ,·_`;;i,‘::< Stat.3·P.) ~ _ _ < -_ ___ _: . list;. Proceed: of serviceable quartermastefs supplies and I ,;m·.·s.·~-.111 ’_ nwueys _ arising from disposition of- serviceable It _ ,,,;}.;—nwn:¤sacr`s supplies. or stores otherfthan subsistence sup- 4 · ;iinlioi·iz{>ei Eby law. and regulations, ~sh·all·_re1nain available I " ;`is·`~s;li<.»iit the etiscal year following. that in whichthe disposi- : ' ying; unéz eil`<·ctcd. for the ·pu'rposes‘ ofthat._appropria.tion‘from ’¢ ·vézi{·ls su<·hEs_upplies were authorizedto be supplied. at the tirne I _(_\·..;‘§1;» ail><iW.Siii0ll, (Mar. 23, 1910, c."115, ,36 Stat. 257.) ¥ -_ .` °i2:~il. Proceeds of materialsupplied to Array by ;_Engineer · 5 u~p;ii·t.nx1ent.+;'1`l1i· Iplrovision of section 1283 of this title, making . 1

s;·in·i·s {arising from the disyiositionof serviceal‘>le-’_quarter¥ sl

m»:€~r :nnte·rial:a.vaila@e forithepurposes- of the appropriation _* Vllif*¢‘_lL{l_llillt the iimal year lfolkgving that iu-Vvvhich the dis-· • qlosizinxi was effected, ishereby extended to apply to material ·¤ Qs;»;»1ic·l to the Army by .tl1e;Engineer Departgnent. (July 9, _ l_isi§-',°¢·, 143,`suhclmpter XX, Stat, 893;) X g ‘ , l285. Proceeds of serviceable medical and hospital supé 4 plics.V~—-All moneys arising froin dispositions. of serviceable n@di- E ini mal hospital supplies authorized by law and regulation shall 1 _ ,_ ~·¥_·néi·ilute onefund on the books of the Treasury Departinenty 1 ’ —.§·i·ii··li shall be available to. replacemedical and hospitulsup- —; pl_ii·s`ll1r0llgll01it theVHscul'yea‘r in which theP.dispositions·were _·; i·n`··¤·n·d andothroughout the following fiscal year. (JuneW12, ..: .‘1S¢:e¢$..4·. 3078, 34 Stat. 256.) . ’ y —- ~ . 1 I ; _ 1286. Money from sale of ice, electric current, and laundry 1 a*ork.~~.\ll funds derived from the sale of · ice. or as receipts ] iron: the sale of electric current or laundry work under the

n»;»z··;printions.of the Quarterxnastor Corps shall be deposited in P 4

_ no- 'fz·casm·y_of?, the United States as jniscellancous receipts.- rz gX·»·:. 4,*1918, c.'20_1, .§ 1, 40 Stat, 1028.) ‘ I A , _ i _ K: 11287; Proceeds of operation of public ‘;;-—-—In case`o£P ;

il or threatened hostilities, any proceeds received from the a

%.;s~mtioxi "of*a* pnblicutillty, in connectionyvith Engineer opera- ·; tions in the deld overseas, shall be available me the purpose l of suchvutility until the close of the iiscal yen- following that g= in wli-ioli the proceeds are received}; and a detailed report of 9 _~·~m·h proceeds and .appllt·ution.tl1creof shall be rendered to Com- I ,c;·ers on forms conforming; as for as`nract_icab1e to; those used l ?l;.·..\inei·i<·an cdinpaniesin reports to the II1t€l‘Si8t€,C(»Hllll€l‘CG ·`~nanaission.. ·(J1ily 9, 1918,, c. 143,`.su;bcl1apter XX, 40 Stat. _? ·x{;‘:_; · ,_ . ., ‘ ( `. _ I _· h .s 1288. Receiptsfrom transfers of military stores'to'Insular‘ 4 llepartment of Philippines.--—All funds received as the Vvalue of 1 iw znilitixry stores tr_ansiTerred hy the several staff departments of y —$iik· :\riny»to` theinsular Depart1nent·of” the llliilippincs, or .'·‘~‘··¤’k done, shall betdoposited in the Treasury of the United = ri nies and rcxnain available during the fiscal year in wlxiuh the ·. '<=‘:m:<aetion `occurred and the follo»x·ixnQ.g-;»‘_5*erxi¢. for the pro<:u_renmzt of like military stores to replace. tlnosefso. transferred. 4 iluno 12, HMG, c, 3078, 34 Stat. 258.) __‘‘ 4 P __ - 9 » l · 1289; Dedactio‘ns‘ from c.arriers" accounts.-——2\1oueys arising i i‘i·onn deductions niade from carriers on acconiit ot the lossof or damage to military stores in transit shall he credited· to tliol t .,n·»»;¤·1·, appropriation lor funds out, of which such or similar `slores shall be replaced. (Mar. 2, 1905, c. 1307, 33 Staf.i·840.)l 2 Rl£I’()ltTS, RIQJTURNS, AND ACCOUNTIPNG }30l. Regulstionszfor accounting.·»-~The accounting; for Arnxy i » ‘Sl11·Dlles or property and [the. iixing of resbonsibility therefor he

-·Am1Y, * §>. 1315 l shall be a¢;·cm·ding‘t0 snuck regum€i¤;»i1slas-`mgxy he ;$l·escz*ibe<1 , 0y`the Secretm·y‘0f- War. {Aug. 2*.3, 1916, c. 418, § 1, 39 Stat. A 1302, Amdigvit of company commander in examination at liability.-In settling thevaccounts of the C'OHIIHHHdil1g uiiiccr ui 1 (:0mpz;u:1y°fpr clofhiug mid other military $ufiplie$, {hc §f§davit; bf any. such officer may be recezivcd to Show the loss of jwuclwxs at company books; or any matter or circumsmncc téndiug to [)ll0_V€ th§1t"any 8.]_)[)2l1’€Ht deficiency was océasipxied by 1mz1mi·:l— able ziccident or lost ixifizctukl. sersiigzé, withoilt any fault 011 l1is"pz1rt;, 01* that the Awhqle or any-par? of such clotlxiugkind supplies had bégu prqperly and legally used and gpigropriatcd; and suc1;_af1idavit’may be considered as evidence to establish th_e=f&cts set" fbrth, with_0r w·ith0ui:.0the1·· evidence, és ·mz%y» seém to the Secretary df War juétgand proper uxxclér {hc geirzumstaxqces of the czlse. `(Feb. ·27,`1877, él. 69, § 1, 19 °St:1t. -1303. Power to administcrf oaths to. o&ccgs settling. acc0unts.i—Tl1e Secret"u1:y of War is authorized to vdetuil one or mbre of the €l{1Ql0}’.0QS` of §hé_ War_Dep::rtment·fe>r the purpose? of €1d1lllDilSt€l`illgltll0 oaths lrequuea by law in the settlemént- of. qiHccx·s’ -£lC(§Clll11tjS fdr ‘Ql0th§I1g, camp and garrison °eqi1ip:1ge,l quartermzxstefs stores, "and 01`(l_H{1DC(}, lwhicl1_0z¤,tl1s shall bg udminisyeréd Zwithoxit gxpeusél to the pa-rties, taking them`. (11. s. 5-2254 `* ·— — l ‘ ·· a 3


1311, Usé of surplins war mat;ci·ial_ on civil works.——Tlxe Secretary of War ié authorized glnd empowered, in his discretion, to transfer, free` of cl1m·ga,' to the Chief_·0f-E11gihee»rs, Uxiitcd States Army, for usé in the exécut i0n;_ `unidér`§is direction, of any civil work Qc;. works authorized by Congress, such material. supplies, instruments, vahic;lés;,`maéliiuer$·,· or tithef equipment pertaininglko the Military Eslablishmemfas a»:·e 01‘»1II&§'·b€` found to be._surplust and no. longer req1ii1;ed‘foi· military purposes. (June 5, 1920, c, 252, § 8, 41 Stat:1015.) I l l I 1312. Fidelity b0nd_s required of certain 0$ccrs.#—-All officers · of the Quartexmaster .Cm·ps, m1d)`i;x‘ance Department, the Vclxici medicgl ·pux·véy01·_.-and assistant medical puxweyprs, and all . st_0rcl<eepcrs 'shall, before entering uporl the duties of -\tlwir` respec:tive.·0Hices, give g00d"a.nd_ sufficient bonds to the »U11itc·d l Statés, in such sums as the Secretary Of·`V&l° x§1aydirec,t, fam;-` fully to acc0unt.·for gllipublic mmxeys ami property wlxicli they _ may receive. The President muy; at any time, l¤cx·e·ase_ me sums S0 presciihed. But- the QH&1’t91‘m&$t€f- General shall not bé liable for any; money or property (hat may_c01r1e__1ut¢m> tl1€ liimds ,0f tlxéésnxburdiupgtcl<>iH<;e1·é of,`hiS‘Id€p&Y_tIHélltv. (Bp S. §-1191,Feb._`27, 1877,0.*69} § 1,19 Stat. 243;) ; `Q 1 . _ 1313; Waiver of b0ml.·—+Tlne provisions of section 1312 of this titl&u1i1y,“in theldigcretiouuf the S€‘C1`€`tRl`§' u£ \\’m·,' bc wzfived in tl1¢_cases of .OiHC€I’S of the Quzzvternxastexr Cégrps_wl1<p` are hot HCQLQOUIIUIDIB fur` public funds or public `pxinpertiy. (Aug. 29, 1916, Q, 418, §¤·1·, 39 Stat. 626.) ·‘ _` _· l ‘ · · l N 1314. _ Renewal of b0nds.¥——All di>=h1ix·sing officers Oflt1‘l€`Fill&lll(‘*é D`€1)&l,`tIll(3I1C $11:111 remew théir `lmnlls; or ,fl1l'Z1iSh` &(ltllt_i()rl&l S€Q\11`lI'}l,·l,ltV least oncéin fum years. and ·21S l1ll1i;h qiftexms as the l°.l`QSi(l€llt—lll`€l.y direct. "(R. S. 1192.) _ I ‘_ " — ~ ‘ 1315.,Pr0hibition against étlicérs dealing in quartermaster stqre·s.—-——N0 office; bcl<mgiug__t;¢g»tlna·Q;rm·te:ru1zistex?‘ Qqrps, gn-- ¤lulug_’tl1é.duty`0f.a {]LIi_l1‘l€l'l11l1t$ll(‘1‘ 01·_:1ssistamf1n1nx7£ér1;1ast0z·,

_sl1::ll~bQ Vm11C·pr11<:¢.l,'dircctly mr imll1·<·ct1y, in the pnm-lxzasiw nr

sulé of any article entering into the composition of the {ation ullgwed {0 troops lll ·the· $1-rvi<:c.0f tll§§l United 'Si·:;£cs-:, .0r uf may article designated by the lixmpectlqrs general ui? the Army, and flll°IllShG(l‘fo1f, sale to ufli¢.·<—x·:s and €l"1l`i.S(·€‘(l ,1lléll,.'(}l‘ ufl t0b:1,cc0_l.f;1ru`i:sl1c¤1 `for `.‘$£1I£?_tU -c1xli>stc<l»1;1en, or of my ut l¤m· article -illtBll(l£‘(rfUl‘ or uppcrminiug to fsaicl ’(1€]_)f\l`¥lllf‘ll[l0l? ssmrviccgr, exc·cpt 01`x (l(’•JOlll1t_(lf¢ the uilima States; u¢u··>=lmll` any such 0Bicer take or `§1[l]_}l$'lt6hiS own u§<;·_ai1y gain or emolu-_