Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2357

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2343 11v Navy———Continued, l _ _ " Promotion and advancement of officers-Continued Age requirements suspended as to certain officers, p. 8/1112, § 312 ‘ 2 , Assistant and passed assistant paymasters, p. 1112, § 323 ~ A Assistant naval constructors, p. 1112, § 324 Assistant surgeons and passed assistant surgeons, p. 1112, § 322 V · _' Candidates for promotion, written communications to selection `board; p. 1111, § 294 Captains, eligibility for selection, p. 1111, § 295 ---—service and age requirements, .p. 1111, § 311 Captains wounded in line of duty, p. 1111,‘§ 302 Commanders, eligibility for selection, p.` 1111, § 295 -—-—-service and age requirements, p. 1111, §·311 Construction Corpssofficers, advancement -·to grade of lieutenant commander, p. 1112, 5321 Discharge of. otiicer found unfit for promotion by reason of misconduct, p. 1116, § 386. _ . Engineer officers, advancement to rank of lieutenant commander, p. 1112, § 321 ‘ _·—-—eligibility for selection, p. 1111, § 296 I ——-——promoted and carried as additional numbers, p. . 1111, §_2o6 ` Ensigns, service requirements, p. 1112, § 314 _ Equalization of statl? corps`· and line officers, p. 2051. § 348 et seq. Examining boards, `p.·1110, §.§ 274-280. Examination for promotion, p. 1110, § 271. et seq. .Full grade or rank not to delay promotion, p. 2051 § 285:1 - · Lieutenant- commanders, eligibility for selection, p. 1111, § 2952 . _

—service and age requirements, p. 1111, § 311

Lieutenants (junior grade); service requirements, p. 1112, § 313 · . ‘ Line officers assigned to engineering duty, examination, p. 1110, 5 285a · _ __ Lower grade stat! otiicers, advancement, p. 1112, §§ 321-324 . _ A ° Medical Corps otiicers, advance_ment to rank of lieutenant commander, p. 1112, § 321 ‘ Moral and mental examination, p. 1110,`§ 27-1 Number recommended for promotion, p. 1111, 5 297 Otlicers advanced and later promoted carried as addi- ' tional numbers, p. 1112, §343 _ "‘ Passed over " defined, p. 2053, § 3-18b Physical·wounds appearing on examination. effect, p. 1110, § 272 · ` · Pliysieal‘examinati_on required, p. 1110, § 271 Professional examination, p. 1110, § 274 Publicexainination before rejection, p. 1110, »§_2S1 Recommendation by examining board, p. 1110, § 282 Recommendation torpromotion, number of members of wlection··board·required to concur, p. 1111, § 297 Report of selection board, p. 1111, §§ 298, 300 ` Retired oflicers on active duty, p. 1189, § 26 ° Retired oflicers withdrawn. from . line of `promotion, . p. 1117, |§ 401, 402 Right to examination, p. 1110, § 273 . Selection board, p. 1110. § 291; p. 1111, §§ 292, 293 , Selection for promotion, p. 1110, § 291 et seq. I Selectionfor promotion on recommendation of selection —· board, p. 1110,} 291 . . Selection for promotion, provision applicable to staff _corps, p. 1111, { 301.

DEX Navy-—Continucd Promotion and advancement of officers——-Continued . Service in grade necessary before selection, p. 1111, , Service requirements,_p. 1111, § 311 et seq. Spanish War. service, officers advanced carried as additional numbers, p. 1112, § 3-14 ‘ ° . . Stall Corps oflicers, selection provisions applicable to, p`. 1111, § 301 _ . > Staff officers, examination for advancement, p. 1110, §284 · . ` Supply Corps officers. advancement to grade of lieutenant commander, p. 1112, §‘ 321 Suspensioufrom promotion of officer found not professionally qualiiied, p. 1110, § 283 A Vacancies created by retirement, seniority rule, p. 1117. T §400 _ ' · Vacancies, Secretary of Navy to furnish list to selection · board, p. 1111, § 294 . ` _ Promotionof warrant oflicers,-p. 1112, §§ 331-337

. Property, stores, supplies, and contracts

Advertisement for bids for supplies, p. 1124, § 561 American production preferred in purchase of supplies . · and stores, p. 1126, § ‘580` · Bids by contractors for supplies, p. 1124, § 562; p. 1125. §§ 563, 564, 572; p. 1126, § 574 _ . Bunting, purchase, American manufacture preferred. p. 1126, § 579 · ‘ Contracts for foreign supplies, p. 1125, S. 573 Contracts. for naval supplies, p. 1124, §·561 et seq. . Contracts for work, partial payment, p. 1126, § 582 Contracts to purchase, award by items, p. 1126, 575 . Dealing in supplies by oflicers `dr men prohibited, p. 1156, art. 11 ‘ Emergency purchases abroad, p; 1125, § 568 , p Exchange of worn—out motor vehicles, p. 1123, § 532 Expenditure of public money on site for navy yard for , buildings, validity of title, p. 1122, § 520 Experiments for private shipbuilders at model tank. p. . 1122, § 526 - _ `Flag, issue free of cost under certain circumstances, p. l 1124, 5 551 " , · Flour and bread, purchase, p. 1126, § 578 Fuel, sale to volunteer patrol squadrons, p. 1123, § 531 ‘ ~ . Gun steel or armor, contracts to purchase, p. 1125, § 566 A _ Helium gas, production, p. 1699, §§ 161-166 Hempfor naval purposes, American growth and manu- , `_ facture preferred, p. 1126, § 576 Issue of articles for instruction and practice of Red Cross organizations, p. 1124, § 549 Lease of naval property not required for public pur- ` poses, authority of Secretary, p. ,1122, § 522 Leases of water-front property from States or municipalities, p. 1122, § 521 . »’ Loan or gift of condemned ordnance, p. 1124. § 5-46 Material forsteam boilers, purchase, p. 1125, § 565 Mineral lands, lease prohibited,. p. 1122, § 522 Name of contractor to appear on supplies, p. 1126. § Oil lands, lease prohibited, p. 1122, § 522 Open-market purchases. p. 1125, § 571 · _ Petroleum reserves, conservation, development, use, or lease, p. 1122, § 524 ` Preserved meats, pickles, butter, and desiccated vegetables, pu`rchase, p. 1126,5 577 ‘ i Profit on sales of stores, disposal,_p. 1123, § 542