Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2364

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l.\/Di-. Otiicers and Employees of Government-—C‘out’inued { (X Deputies. appointment. bond, and removal from office. p, 64, g ceo i Detail of employees Details within departments. p. 30. § 38 Q Employees of executive departments detailed to ·»tlice of President, p. 21, § 46 x Heads of departments authorized to make details, p. 30. § 38 et seq. · Persons employed outside District of Columbia for duty within District. p..30,*§ 39 _ , Personfs in classified service in District of Columbia detailed for service outside District. p. 30, § 42 _Revenue agent detailed for duty `in office of Conimissioner of Internal Revenue, p. 30, § 40 - Special Agency Service -and Customs Service employees detailed for duty at Treasury Department, p. 30, § 40 Detective agency employees. employment in Government service prohibited, p. 31, § 53 0 Director of Census, see (Ynsstrs Disability imposed by" Fourteenth amendment removed. p. i 28. § 15 · ,_ i Disability incurred in performance of duty, compensation, 1 see Izvrrtvnms T0 GovrmNm·;s·r EMr1.oY1·;m ` Disbursing clerks. appointment and bonding. p. 30. 44 % Discharge, see Removal from otiice. infra { Disclosure of information obtained in exercise of otiice.’ penalty, p. 476, § 216 * Distribution of duties, p. 29. § 24 \ Eligibility to appointment, holder of other lucrative office, p. 31. § U2 ‘ ' Employment of clerks. etc., authority of heads of departments, p. 30. §,§ 43, 45 Examination for appointment in civil service, see t‘i..xss1- rum (.71vrL Smzvicn I Executive department otiicers and employees. see Hxiztu-i ·r1vr: I)EPAR'I`MENT8 t Eizeinption from laws respecting employment reslrit·te··l. n. 34. gs as ’ I~lxpenses,_ see Allowances. supra U Iixperts i Changes in methods of 'transacting tlovernment busi-; ness, employment of experts restricted. p. 31.,;} 55 Publicity experts. employment restricted. p. 31. § 54 Q Exim Trade Commission. see that title · ` iral Water Poyver (Iommission, see \\'.vri;a l’owi·tn t Fidelity bonds, see IYNt>l·Ll{'l'A|{[NGS I Foreign decorations Delivery to recipient tlirough State Department, p. 36. ° § 115 Right to wear decorations. p. 36, ii 114 I Foreign Service, see that title Forest Service, see NA·rloN.u. F'onr;s·rs . l Free tuition in schools for children of (;overmn»·nt em-, ployeesnp.-33, § 76 { Government! publications furnished for official use, trans-i • mission to successor in oliice, p. 1421, 5 92 i Holding more than one lucrative ofiice, p, 31, § 62 L Holidaysjriglit of per diem employees to payjp. 33, § 36 I Honorable service roll, estabiislunent restricted. p. 34, S tls House otiiccrs and employees, see ('oxonicss _ ' Immigration officers, sec Iumtonvrios Income tax, salaries as part nf gross income. p,. 313,* § 954 (a) ‘ Injuries to employees, conjnpeusation, see Ix.1rsm·;s ro (lov- i mxusxr Em·i.oYm:s `

xx 2350 Itlicers and I·}mpl0yees of (iovernnient——(`ontinneti Interest; of otiieer or azent in oflitgial aets, penalty, p. 400. 5 93 l Interference with otii··et· or empl··y··e. see Cami-cs isn t_>rrn:xsi=;% _ Leaves of -li)Nt‘llt'(-E . - Annual leave and siek leave, p. 29. § 30 Agrit·ultural lleparttnent. p. 534 et seq. Meinhers of Naval Reserve in t}ovei·nmtfnt. employ, assembly for instt·n¤·tion and training, p, 1135, § 7•s>~z National Guard members attentling enmitnptnents. et<·.. . fortraininp:. p. 1039, § 75 _ U Marine Corps ofiieers. see M.uuNi·: _(‘otn·s ° Married women, eligibility oh wives of veterans, p, 30, § 30 Militarypserviee / l W Pl`(‘fP1't'll(‘P in appointments to veterans and widows and wives of veterans, p. 30, §§ 35, 30 Reinstatement of employees leaving positions on will to military serviee, p.A30, § 34 · U Veterans preferred in' t·etluein;.: number nf elerks, p, 210, § 37 · , ‘ National Park Service, see N.x‘rt_ox xf. l’.xat<s Naval oi}ii‘t+t‘S, S90 NAVY I iT Nominations rejected or not eoutirtnetl by Senate. notiee to •_<ertain otiieers of Treasury llepartuient, p. 28. § 14 Notiee to Secretary of 'Preasury and General At·<·onntin=: Utlice of appointments by 1’resi•lent without atlviee and vonsent of Senate, p. 28. § 13 '_ I (mth. authority to atlminister in in·.·•·sti,2ating frantl, etc-., . p. 34,_§ S13 7 Oath of oiliee _ Anth•»t·ity to athninister oath genei·ally,_p. 29. § 13 t‘hanu;e of status as requiring renewal of oath, p. Et. 5 17 _' _ . t hief elerks of tlepartntents I0 a•hninistt~i· oath of ottieo without eoinpensation, p. 29, § 19 Filing oath of otiire in appropriate tit·pat·tnn·nt,. p. Z!. § 21 " Fortn of oath, p. 28. § 16 ‘ ¤\tiit·ers,autl employees of •·xt·<·utive th·partnt•·nts not l>€*1‘miit<·d to t·har;.{e for a¢ltninist•·rin;.: oath of ot’ti···· as notary pnhiiv or otherwise, p. 20, § 20 Renewal by Agricultural Ilepartinent employees, p. ::0, §‘17 ‘ i ‘ " •'Irli···,·r." word in s_tatutes as int·lntIitn.: any person authorized tu perform duties of office, p. 1, § 1 Uiiieiai hontls, see l">.u1·:n’r.xt<tNr;s Park st·t·vit·e. see N.ario\‘At. 1’.uu<s Pay. ` See also_Ailowant·es. supra , Alnseneelof employees without leave. votnptttation nf tleduetions, p, 33, § 84 { - Ahsence without leayt·,—4:s.gptttatiou of rate of i·etltn·tion, p. 33, § 84 Qi-, ,,.. N) -\·.·tual service and etnploy,nik?rit authorizetl by appropriation aet as essentiahfbt pay. p. 30,—§ 46 _ “ .\•hlivional compensation f5\.t·it1[»lt»y·¢·t·s nntler general or lump-sum appropriations, ·p. 32, § 72 -\pportionment of pay. p. 31, § 57 ‘ Army otlleers and men, see ARMY . Assignment of pay, p, 57, § E12): p, 00, § $05 Attorney General. p. 28, § 3 Hank examiners, p. 283, § 432 ("ahinet oflicers, p. 28, § 3 ('ensus employees, see ($i;Nst‘s 0 Ulassifimxtiou of employees, see C_x..xsstt~*ti:t• ('·v0 Si·ZRVIi‘“IB