Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2371

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.2357 mm: P(‘!lS10DS-;—(i(\l1iiH{U€d — ] l Offenses-Continued Retaining pension certificate after demand, p. 1197, - p § 129 _ One pension) at a time allowed, p. 1192, § 25 Payment of pension Checks to be returned on -nondelivery and canceled, p. 1193, § 50 _ Cheeks without vouchers to he used in payment of pensions, p. 1193, § 50 - Desertion of wife or children. one-half pension to be `paid to latter, p. 1193, §§ 45-19 Imprisoned petitioner, payment to wife or children, -p. 1193,‘ §§ 44-19 . i — Inmate of National Home for Disabled ‘Volunteer Soldiers, p. 119—1,·§ 52 . D I Inmate of National Soldiers’ Home. one-lialf pension 'to he paid to wife or children, p. 1193, §§ 46-19 Inmate of. State home for soldiers and sailors, one-half pension to —be paid to Rite or children, p. 11-93, tits 47-19 . _ ————petltioner to receive pension personally, p. 1193, § 48 · Insane pensioner, payment to wife or children, p, 1193, ` §§ 44--19 _ - _ . Mail not to be delivered to other person if addressee hhas died or removed, p. 1193, § 50 Mail not to be delivered to widow believed to have remarried. D. 1193, § 50 · . Monthly payments required. p. 1194, § 51 Payment to be made only to person entitled, p. 1193, 1 § 44 Suspensionpf payment, ·p. 1194, § 56 `V1{1lil01(11II,£," pa/yment prohibited, p. 1191, 55, 56 Pensioners in Naval Ilome. disposition of pensions, p. 672, § 23_ “ Period of serviee, how construed. p. 1192, § 31 Philippine insurrection · (Yhildren`s pensions, pp. 1209. 1210, §§ 355-357 (‘laim agents or attorneys, fees, p. 1211, §§ 361, 363 (Wnnmencement of pension, pp. 1210. ,1211, §§ 359, 360 Iiependent parents pensions. p. 1210,-§ 358 Loss of both feet. p. 1269. § 35-1 Loss ¢»i"il01’il hands. p. 1209._§ 354 l’ez·iod of pensionable service, furloughs included, p. 121o_ § 360 ` A i Persons entitled to pensions. p. 2072. § 36-l 1 Rank in service not considered, p. 1211. § 362 Survivors entitled to pensions. p. 1209. §§ 351-353 \\'idows` pensions, pp. 1209, 1210. §§ 35;}-357; p. 2072, § 364a \\'ithholdin;: pension, penalty. p. 1211, §§ 361, 363 _ Pilot serving on. war vessel, right to pension, p. 1198, § mz {2) 6. _ _1’lt·d;:e of pension void. p. 1197, § 129 I-’¢`>·r\\'(‘l' of attorney and other instruinents to collect claims, exemption from stamp tax. p. 806. § 901 (10) Presunqptions ‘ Against; disability at time of enlistn1ent,sp. 1192, § 24 Death of enlisted man or officer after seven years unexplained absence, p. 1192, § 32 . . Termination of pension unclaimed, pA19{ '§ 53 Provisional Missouri Militia, statutory provision as t6’ eligi- , bility to pensions extended to, p. 1192, § 23 » Provost marshal, right to pension, p. 1198, § 152 (5) Public Health Service officers serving with Army, Navy, or Coast Guard in time of war, right to pensions, p. 1314, -5 20 ‘

’X Pensi ons——C'• »n tinued Rate of pension Age of 62 and over considered adisability, p. 1201, § 178 Disability not otherwise provided for, p. 1200. § 177 Disability requiring frequent and periodical attention. p. 1200, § 175 Disability requiring regular personal attention. p. 1200, §174 . , Double disability rates. p. 2073. § 364h Incapacity for performing manual labor not otherwise specified. p. 1200, § 170 Increase for loss of hand, foot, arm, leg. or eyes, p. 2071. § 5221 i Laws cx · lied to rates prior to March 4, 186]. D. 1102. § 21 · Loss oaf both feet, p. 1109, §§ 156-159. 162, Loss of both hands, p. 1199, §§ 156-159, 163 Loss of one arm, p. 1200, §§ 165-168. . Loss of one foot, pp. 1199, 1200, §'§ 156. 165-169 · Loss of one hand, pp; 1199, 1200, §§ 156. 165-169 Loss of one hand and one foot, p. 1199, §§ 156, 164 Loss of one leg, pp. 1199, 1200. §§ 156, 165-168 Loss of sight of both eyes, p. 1100, §§ 156-161 Loss of sight of one eye, sight of other previously lost, p. 1199, §§~156-158 Minimum rate, p. 1200, § 176 Partial deafness, p. 1200, § 173. Total deafness, pp. 1109, 1200, §§ 156; 171, 172 _C[`otal disability rates. pp. 1198, 1100, §§ 153.' 154, 156 Reduction of pension No reduction why civil war statutory provisions, p. 1209, § 327 Power of commissioner, p. 1194, $-57 _ Saving provision of law, p. 2072, § 331 Revenue ('utter Service, no pensions to retired officers or A men. p. 1102, § 27 U - Revolutionary War, certain claims for Revolutionary pensions prohibited. p. 1209, § 329 . Right to pension Children, abandonment by mother, p. 1202. § 200 ——-;:enera1ly. p. 1201. §§ 191-197 ——-vvhat children deemed legitimate, p. 1202. § 202 Dependent relatives, effect. of remarriage. p. 1202. § 205 —-—- generally, pp. 1201, 1202, §§ 195, 203-205 Enumeration ofhclasses of persons eligible for pensions. p. 1198, § 152 ‘ I’ersons_eligible for pensions generally, service after March 4. 1861, p. 1108, § 151 ` `Widoxvs. eHect of adulterous cohabitation. p. 1201. § 190 ——effect of.remarria;.:e. pp. 1201, 1202, 101, 205 ——-generally, p. 1201. §§ 191--197 -——-— marriage to be legal, p. 1201, 5 190 —-—-no pension for same tin1e as husband. p. 1::0:2, § 201 . " -—-of colored soldiers and sailors, p. 1201, § 108 J-————of Indian soldiers and sailors, p. 1201. § 198 Wounds received or disease contracted only in line of duty, p. 1198, § 155 Sailor on war vessel, right to pension, p. 1108, § 152 (2) ., Sale of pension void, p. 1197, § -29 Secretary of I Interior, supervisory power as to pensions. _p. 55, § 485 . Seizure under process of moneys due pensioner prohibited, p. 1104. § 54 Soldiers’ Home, qualification for admission, p. 673, § 40 Spanish War' i Children`s pensions, pp. 1209,_“1Z£10, §§ 355-357 ‘