Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2395

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2381 mn. Prisons and·Prisoners-Coiitinued " United States industrial reformatory———Continued Clothing and money allowance on discharge, p. 521,

 840 ·

Commutation allowances, p. 521, 5 839 Cost •of construction and maintenance, estimate, p. 520, ~ § 832 . · Discipline, p. 521. § 837 Employment of inmates, p. 521, § 838 Instruction and training——of inmates, p. 521, 5 837 Management and control, p. 520,· § 834 . ` Officers and employees ofinstitution, p. 520, § 834 Parole of inmates, p. 521, § 839 l Persons to be confined in reformatory, p. 520, § 831 · Plans and specifications for buildings, p._ 520, §’833 Selection of site, p. 520, § 831 sentence, specifying place of confinement, p. 520. § 831 _'l‘ransfer of persons to or from institutions. p. 520, § 835 Transportation of discharged inmates. p. 521, -§‘ 840 Yellowstone National Park. erection of jail, p. 391, § 30 Privacy - Portraits, use as trade-mark, p. 363,.§ 85 (b) Prize N _ " » See also AR'l‘ICLE8 Fon Govrmxm-rxr or Nav? _ Accounts of clerks of district courts, iv. 1153, §e1152 Adjudication, proceedings for, p. 1152, §` 1141 Amendment of appeals in prize cases, p. 1153, § 1146, · Appeals in prize cases, p. 1153, § 1146 . Application ot statutory provisions, p. 1151, § 1131 Appraisal of captured property, p. 1152, § 1140 Auctioneer’s commissions, p. 1153, § 1156 Claims of colored veterans of Civil War for prize money. Commanding officer making capture, duties, p. 1151, § 1133. Costs, power of court to require security, p. 1153, §. 1148 Courts, charge on property of fund, p. 1153, § 1149 Definition of " vessel of the Navy," p. 1151, § 1132 Delivery of property to claimant on stipulation,_p. 1152, § 1142 _ _ District attorney, duties and proceedings, p. 1151, §§ 1135, 1136 . . District court, powers after appeal in prize case, p. 1153, § 1147 I — _ Expenses of proceedings, payment from prize fund, p. 1153. § 1150 " lnterfering withdelivery of prize property, penalty, p. 465, , 9 9° Libel and proceedings by district attorney, p. 1151, § 1135 Marshals Allowances and commissions, p. 1153, § 1153 Duties, p. 1152, § 1139 Payment of prize money, p. 1153, § 1151 Prize commissioners · Accounts,_p."1153, § 1155 Appointment, p. 1151, § 1137 Compensation, p. 1153, § 1154 - " Duties, p. 1151, § 1138 Prize_master'fs duties,_ p. 1151, § 1134 s Recapture of vessel or property taken by enemy, p. 1153. § 1158 Review of judgment or decree in prize causes, p. 946. ` 5 876 · Sale of prize, p. 1152, §§ 11-43¥·1145 Salvage award for recapture of property taken by enemy; p. 1153, § 1158 e ` Transfer of property to another district for sale, p. 115:2. . §` 1145 t Witness fees, payment, p. 1153, § 1157

EX Prize Fights See also Cmmzs Arm Orrsssrzs Pictorial representations, interstate transportation prohibited, p. 494, § 405 I . Punishment for importing, transporting, or receiving prize-‘ iight films from carrier or post office, p. 495, § 407 Receivingprize-fight iillms from carrier or post office prohibited, p. 494, § 406 ° Procedure See PLEADING Arm PRACTICE Criminal cases, see Cntmxar. Paocmntmz Process __ ` See also. Ixritnsrarn Comxmncs Cor.InIIssIo¤ Amendment, p. 939. § 707 ` 3 Mesne process, forms, p.- 935, § 723 Part of defendants not reachable by process, adjudication as to others, p. 874, § 111 _ Sealing and testing of process, p. 934, § 721; p. 935. § 722 Sealing, sufiiciency of impression directly on paper, p. 2. S 31 . ‘· Service of process Marshal or deputy as party in cause. p. 935. § 735 Obstructing service, penalty. p. 478, § 245 Stealing or altering process, penalty, p. 476, § 233 Proclamations See Pimsinnxr or UNITED S·r.xrI~;s Production of Documents Customs laws, proceedings to enforce, p. 607, § 535 , Power of court to require, p. 928, § 636 Professors D Contract labor law, professors- not excluded, p. 131, §. 136 ( h) ` Property . . Intoxicating liquors possessed- unlawfully, p. 858, § 39 Property of United States . See PUBLIC Bt‘II.nINos, Pizorlzsrr, AND Wonxs Prostitutes _ immigration, prostitutes, etc., excluded, p. 131, § 136 (gl Importation of alien prostitutes, punishment, p. 133, § 138 .White slave tratlic,_p. 493, §§ 397404 ‘ Provisional Missouri Militia ‘ See Pisxstoxs Provost Marshals · See Passions Proxies · Stamp tax. amount, p. 806. § 901 (9) Public Buildings, Property', and \lVorks See also Ptreuc CONTRACTS . Acquisition of quarantine site at New Orleans, p. 2093, §_`34s . . ‘ Acquisition of sites and construction of buildings in yari- , ous cities, p. 2091, § 343 et seq. Acquisition ·of sites for and constructionof buildings in District of Columbia. p. 2090, § 341 Annex buildings. care andmaintenance, p. 1288, § 10 . Appropriations for buildings and works in District of · Columbia . listiiiiates. p. 1288, § 8 l·}xpenditure under direction of Secretary of War. p. J 1291. § 54 I Assay ofllces, appropriations available for care. maintenance, and repair, p. 1305, 5 282 Bonds of co`ntractors.’ see Contractors bonds, infra Botanic Garden. sec that title ' Ilrid;:cs in District of Columbia - Francis Scott Key Bridge, jurisdiction and control. p. 129:2. § 62 `