Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2413

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2399 nvm Railroads——Contlnued . Q Safety appliances and equipment--Continued Driving-wheel brakes and appliances for operating ` train-brake system, p. 1437, § 1 Each car to be provided with safety appliances, p. 1438, § 11 Enforcement of law by Interstate Commerce Commission, p. 1439, § 15 . Failure to provide equiimient as negligence, p. 1673, §` 26 ,\ . Failure to provide equipment, penalty, p. 1437, § 6 Grab irons or handhelds. b. 1437, § 4 Hauling crippled car to place of repair, p. 1438, § 13 Injury to employees by defective equipment, p. 1438, § 13; p. 1439. §‘14 Installation by order of Interstate Commerce Commission, p. 1673, § ,26 · Investigation and testing of appliances or assistants to promote safety, p. 14-41, § 36 i Locomotives, equipment with safety ash pans; p. 1439, _ §§ 17-19, H Number of cars to be operated with power train brakes, p. 1438, §§ 9, 10 ' Penalty for using car not equipped as required, p. 1438, § 13 - `~ · Refusal to receive insufiiciently equipped cars from j connecting lines, p. 1437. § 3 . Standards of equipment. designation by Interstate Q _‘ Commerce Commission, p.· 1438, § 12 Territorial operation of law. p. 1438, § 8 Settlement of controversies with employees Agreement reached through mediation, construction by . , Board of Mediation and Conciliation. p. 1147, § 107 ` Agreement to arbitrate, form and requisites, p. 14-18, §§ . 109, 111 4 . . Appeal to Circuit Court of Appeals from judgment of , district court on award, p. 1449, §§ 118-120 ‘ Application of law, p. 1447. § 101 Arbitration of controversies. p. 1447, § 105; p. 2108 i § 157 et seq. Arbitrators’ authority, p. 1448. § 110` , ' Award by board of arbitration, time of taking effect, p. 1449, § 117 ‘ _ _ Board of Mediation, creation and functions, p. 2107, § 155 · Boards of adjustment, creation, powers, and duties, p. ·2106, § 153 _ Boards of labor adjustment. appointment, powers and proceedings, p. 1449, § 131 et seq. Change of rates of pay, rules, and working conditions, procedure, p. 2108, § 156 . tfonmnissiotier of Mediation and Conciliation, otiicc abolished, p. 1449, § 126 (Wnnpulsory labor not authorized by law, p. 1449, § · 121 - ` Definitions of statutory terms, p. 2105, § 151 l i Duty of carriers and employees to settle disputes, p. 2105, § 152 · Z Emergency board, appointment, purpose, and powers, p. 2110, § 160 Employees affected, p, 1447, § 103 Judgment on award of board ot arbitration, entering ‘ in district court, p. 1449,5. 117 _ Labor board, appointment, powers, and proceedings, p. 1449, § 131 et seq. · Notice .by arbitrators to Board of Mediation and Conciliation, p. 1448, § 113 ‘ Notice to arbitrators, p. 1448, 5 112

EX Railroads--Continued • Settlement of controversies with employees——Continued Offer of services by Board of Mediation and Conciliation in urgent cases, p. 1447, § 106 Organization and procedure of board of arbitration, . p. 1448, § 115 , Papers relating to mediation or arbitration proceedings under former law, p. 1449, § 116 Pay and allowances of arbitrators, p. 1449, § 123 Railroad, definition, p. 1447, § 102 Receivetv operating railroad, rights of employees, p. 1449, § 122 Reconvening by board of arbitration, p. 1448, § 114 Repeal of previous law, p,. 1449,-§~125 . Settlement. of disputes, duties of carriers and employees, p._2105, § 152 Subnnission of controversy to board of arbitration, p. 1447, § 108 Submissionof controversy to Board of Mediation and Conciliation, p. 1447, §'105 Terms used in law, 1447, § 104 Transportation. definition, p. 1447,. § 102 Signal devices, see `Safety appliances and equipment, supra Transportation in interstate commerce, see '1‘aAi~:sromuyr1o>t Use of unsafe, and appurtenances prohibited, p. 1439, § 23 Railway Labor Law See Railway Mail Service See A1>rnormA’r1oxs; l‘os·rAL Srzavicr: Rape, _ · See (`nmrs Ayn _(ll·`i·`l·}NSi•3S Real Property Alien ownership of land, see Arnsxs Rebates See TR.\NSl‘(lR’l'.\'l'l0Y Rebellion See ('aurrs A sn t)rrr:xst·:s; INSl'RRI·ZC'l`ION Receivers Actions, right to sue reccirer without leave of court, p. 876, § 125 _ l Appeals from interlocutory orders relating to receiverships Jurisdiction of Circuit Court of Appeals, p. 895, § 227 Time for taking appeal, p. 895, § 227. Eligibility to-otiice, [1,919, § 527 Foreign banking corporations, p. 295, § 624 Intcrlocutory orders relating to receiverships, review by ("ireuit (‘ourt of Appeals, p. 895, § 227 Management of property, law governing:. p. 876, § 124 National banks, authorization to act as receivers, p. 276, .§ 248 (kl Property in dit’ferent States in same circuit, title of re- _ _ ceiver, p. 875, § 117 Reciprocity Laws See Surprise Record aud Pension Otiice of \\'ar Department See Wan lh—:r.xarm·;x‘r Records . Carriers, copies of schedules, contracts, etc., kept as public records, p. 1665, § 16 (13) Copies of foreign records relating to land titles, p. 9243, § 689 copies of public records, fees for making. p. 37, § 166; p. 55, § 488 t Copies of transcripts of judicial records, force and effect in evidence, p. 932, § 678 et seq. Destruction, concealment, etcg, by ofiicer in charge, p. 477, § 235