Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2435

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2421 1.vl Stamp Taxes—~Continued Government bonds and notes exempt from tax, p. 806, § 902; p. 1973, § 902 ( Indemnity bonds to secure payment of pension, etc., from Government, exemption, p. 806, Q 902; p. 1973, { 902 In_suran`ce policies, rate of tax, p. 806, § 901 (12) ; p. 1972, § 901 (12) . Municipal bonds exempt, p; 806, § 902; p. 1973, { 902 Passage ticketstoports not in United States, Canada, or Mexico, rate of tax, p. 806, § 901 (8) ; p. 1972, § 901 (8) Playing cards Manufacturers required to register, p. 807, § 911 Manufacturer to pay tax, p. 808, § 916 Preparation and sale of stamps, p. 807, § 912 Rate of tax, p. 806, § 901 (11) ; p. 1972, § 901 (11) Regulations as to stamping, p. 807, §`910 Removing stamps with intent to evade stamp tax,·penalty, p. 808, § 914 Reusing wrapper, penalty, p. 808. § 914 Sale by manufacturer without payment of tax,.p. 807, § 908 (bl; D- 1973, § 908 (b) Sale by manufacturer without stamps, p. 808, § 915 Selling or removing for sale without atiixing stamps, penalty, p. 808. § 913 Z _ Powers of attorney, rate of tax, p. 806, § 901 (10); p. 1972, § 901 (10) Proxies-to votes corporate stock, rate of tax, p. 806. § 901 (9)2 D. 1972, § 901 (9) · Removal of stamp from stamped article fraudulently, penalty, p. 807, § 909 (a) ; p. 1973, § 909 (a) . Sales by manufacturer without payment of tax, penalty, p. 807, § 908 (b)? D- 1973,_§ 908 (b) Sales on exchange for future delivery, rate of tax, p. 805, § 901 (4); D. 1972, § 901 (4) Stamps _ Assistant treasurers as depositaries for stamps, p. 807, § 907; p. 1973, § 907 ·—· ( Bond by depositary to account stamps received, p. 807, § 907; p. 1973, '§ 907 Cancellation, p. 807, § 904; p. 1973, § 90+ Distribution and sale by postmasters, p. 807, § 906; p. 1973, 5 906 Distribution by collector for sa}e, p. 807, § 907; p. 1973, S 907 Issuance of stamps before payment, penalty, p. 728. § 65 Otfenses, p. 807, § 908; p. 1973, { 908 Possession of washed stamps without lawful excuses, penalty, p. 807, § 909 (d) ; D. 1973, S 909 (d) Preparation and distribution, p. 806, Q 903; p. 1973, § 903 Regulations for safe-keeping and lawful use of stamps. p. 807, § 907; p. 1973, § 907 . ` Special taxes, use of stamps in payment, p. 739, § 187 llsinlg stamps removed from stamped articles, penalty, p. 807, § 909 tb); D- 1973, § 909 (b) Washed stamps, buying, selling, or giving away. penany. p. 807, 5 ooo (cl: p. iota, '§ 909 (bl Washing used stamps, penalty, p. 807, Q 909 (cli ll- 1073, s ooo (cl State bonds exempt from tax. p. 806. § 902 ;‘ p. 1973, § 902 Stock ccrtiticates, rate of tax, p. 805, 5 901 (2) Stock sales and transfers, rate of tax, p. 805, 5 901 (3); p. 1971, ti 901 (3) Territorial bonds exempt, p. 806, § 902; p. 1973, § 902 Unstamped instruments, making, issuing, or accepting. penalty. p. 807. § 908 ta) ; p. 1973, § 908 ta), Standard Barrels I · See \\`sion·rs xxn Ms.xsu‘s&s

DEX ! Standard of United States I . See FLAG ° i Standard Screw Threads ‘ Akloption, p. 375, § 209 _ Standard Time e Designation of zones, p. 378, § 263 Duty to observe standard time of zone, p. 378, § 262 Idaho partially in third zone, p. 378, § 264 Transfer. of 'certain territory to central time zone, p. 378. 5 265. ‘ e Zones for standard time. p. 377, § 261 Standards _ ` See Wmotrrs Asn lllmstmns Standardslof Quality See Co·r·roN Smxnnnns; GRAIN SrANn.~.nns; NAVAL Sronres Stars and Stripes See FLAG State Department H See aLso SECRETARY or Sure Chief of Bureau of Accounts as dislmrsing officer, p. 36. ‘ § 153 ` Chief of Division of Publications, collection of Territorial papers for States formed from Territories, p. 37, .§ 167 (Ylerks and employees, compensation, see Orricnns Asn RM- · rtornns or Govnnxntnxr ` Contingent fund, annual statement of expenditures, p. 37, § 164 Copies of records, fees for making and authenticaitimz. p. 37, § 166 Employees authorized in department, p. 37. § 155 Establishment of department, pt 36, § 151 Expenditures from contingent fund, annual statement ily Secretary of State, p. 37. § 164 Far Eastern Affairs Division. estimates for appropriations for maintenances, p. 37, § 157 Fees for making and authenticating copies of records of department, p. 37, § 166 Foreign Serviceofficers, assignment for duty in State llc- ` partment, p. 643, § 15 Foreign trade relations, estimates for appropriations for expenses, p. 37, § 157 Head of department, p. 36, § 151 Hours per day for keeping department open, p. 29. § 26 Investigations in State Department, appointment of inve~tigating officials by Attorney General, p. 45. § 299 Personnel of department Assistant Secretaries of State, p. 36, § 152 Chief of Bureau of Accounts, p. 36. § 153 Clerks and other employees, p. 37. § 155 Secretary of State as head of department, p. 36, § 131 Solicitor, p. 38.15 154 Undersecretary of State, p. 36. § 152 Public property in department. care ol'. p. 37. § 158 Seal, custody of, p. 37, § 153 Secretary, see Suwwranr or Snr}: Solicitor, appointment. p. 45. § 297 Solicitor, duties prescribed by Secretary of State. p. 36. §·I54 , _ Treaties for advancement of coin¤ner¤·e. estimates for air propriations for expenses, p. 37. § 157 State Police or ("onstabnlaries Effect of National Guard legislation. p. 1016, § 194 States Actions by or against State Exclnsivcness of Ftelornl jn¤·lstlit·tion. p. 998, § 371 Priority in hearing, p. 939. § 768