Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2453

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/ 2439 INI Treasury Depart.n1ent—(`ontinued ` Treasurer of United States——Continued Aeeounts to be rendered to General Accounting Otlice, p. 984, —§ 147 Aeting Assistant Treasurer, clerk may be appointed, p. 984, § 144 _ Annual report as to condition of accounts, p. 985, § 153 Appointment and compensation, p. 983, § 141 Assistant Treasurer, appointment, p. 983, § 143 -#—-——— when may act as Treasurer, p. 984, 5 `144 Bond, p. 983, § 142 · Business interests restricted, p. 985, § 155 Business occupations prohibited, p. 42, § 243 Deputy Assistant Treasurer designated Assistant Treasurer, p. 2041, § 143a. . v A Division of issue; accounts relating to issue of United _ States notes, etc., p. 984,·§· 146 " ` Division of redemption, accounts relating to redemption of UnitedStates notes, etc., p. 984, § 146 ` Duplicate receipts to be issued for moneys deposited, p. 1006, § 495 " · Duties as custodian of public moneys generally, p. 1008, § 521 Duties of Treasurer generally, p. 984. § 147 Eligiliility for ofiiee. p. 42. § 243 Employees, appointment, p. 984, `§ 145 Inspection of moneys in hands of Treasurer, p. 984. § 147. Liabilities outstanding three or more years, p. 984, § 149 Members of (`ongress. payment of salaries of, p. 984, § 148 ,, Uetruinltions proliibiited, p. 42, § 243 ¤ Otiieers and employees of Congress, payment of salaries of, p. 984, § 148 1 outstanding drafts._payment on presentation ot', p. 984, § 151 · i Penalty for engaging in prohibited occupations, p. 42, ti 243 ‘ A Restrietions on office. p.,985. § 155 Senators. payment of salaries of, p. 984. § 148 Ynpaid elieeks, report by General Aecounting (ltiiee. p. ass, 5 1:14 . Voueliers for drafts remaining unpaid, p. 984, S 150 'l`r•·asury Notes See (mains Treasury of United States See also ]’l`BI.I(" Moxnys llonds. enstody and tiling, p. 8:i,_§ 1 Misa·t·llt1neo\1s reeeipts . Deposits ln redeem national bank eirenlation, p. 267, si 122 · _ l·`ee for furnishing and verifying applieation for ini- `imigration visa. p. 145. li 207 ° l·`ees for reentry permits under immigration law, p. 146, § 210 (dr ` Fines. penalties, and forfeitnres under eustoms laws. p. 606. § 527 llead tax on immigrants, p. 131. it 138 Moneys eolleeted by immigration odieers. p, 143, ti 176 " National parks, revenues derived from privileges granted. p. 394. §‘50 ‘ I'ro¢·eeds of sale ot ice, electric current, and laundry work by Quartermaster (‘orps of Army, p. 217, 5 1286 t h 1’¤·oeeeds of sale or lease of real property acquiredj for Army storage, p. 216. § 1264 Proceeds of sales of products of agricultural experi ment station, p. 118, § 419

DEX I Treasury of United States-—Continued " ' Miscellaneous receipts-Continued _ Sale- of surplus buffalo of Yellowstone National Park herd, p. 392, § 36 ·. Timber in national parks and forests, proceeds of sale, p. 394, § 54 ‘ p Visa fees, p. 144, § 202 th) Rooms, .vaults, safes, and other places of deposit to eonstitute Treasury of the United States, p. 1004, § 472 Treaties · l Alien 0\\’l](‘l‘Sili}).0f land, treaty rights protected, p. 125. , 5 71; p. 126, g to Postal treaties, see Posr (l1··r1<·r; Dmuurrtmzxr

 Printing and pulilislling treaties, p. 37,_§ 165: p. 1429.

.§ 192 I i _1’ublieation of treaties in newspaper in District of Columbia, p. 1436, § 321 Trees ‘ .See also N.x*rtoN.iL ]·`omss·rs Big: redwood trees in Calitornia. preservation and propagation, p. 421, § 404 Nursery stock, see AGRil`l'I.'l`l'RE Planting by homestead settlers. supply from Nebraska national forests, p. 421,_§ 493 Sequoia wasliingtoiliana, preservation and propagati··n, p. 421, § 494_; Trial See also Evimtxez Appearanee by party in person, p. 011, § 304 /,./‘ fl (`ilflllilt? of judge for bias or prejudice. p. 806. § 25 /, "’ Fonduet of cause by party in person, p. 011, §/39( Pontinuamée in ease of vaeainey Q,i»oii·i<·e‘7if judge. p. 5400, § 26 t . _ Ilisqualiiieation of district judhe to try pending eause. tertiiieation to circuit judge, p. 865, § 24 Division of business by judgxes, p. 866, § 27 Introduction of evidenee Mode of proof inicoxninon law actions, p. 928, § 035 Mode of proof in equity and admiralty eases, p. 029, ` § 637 _ Issues of fact, trial by jury or by eourt. p. 030, § 770 et seq. New term of court, eifeet of arrival of time as to eauso on trial,·p. 864, § 12 Notice of ease for trial, p. 939. § 700 I’art,of defendants not reaeliable by prot-ess. atl_iu•li7·;uion as to others, p. 874, § 111 Priority of hearing where State is party. p. 930, § 70s Trophies of \\’ar Basis of distribution. p. 40, ill} Cost of distribution, p. 40. § 200 ` Distribution ainong: States and '.[`€l'l’ii0I°iL‘S, p. 40. § 203 Rules and re;*:ulations for distribution. p. 40. § 207 Shipment of appOrt1om>t1 articles, p. 40, § 205 'Prusses for \'eterans · See also APPRl)PRI.\'l`l(lNS 1·`urnislied by World \\`ar veterans` relief. p. 1221, § 470 Furnisliing to persons in military or naval serviee, p. l20l, §§ 247-250 Trustees National banks, authorization to aut as trustee. p. 270. § 248 'tk) Trusts _ Conibinations in restraint of trade, see )l0NoPo1.lh— Mil (`0)}{BlN.\'1`lt)NS National bank stock held by trustees, right to vote, p. 272. § 107 Turkey . Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, salary. p. 645, § 32