Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/279

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265 TITLE; 12.--BAN 1 ,;,.,,Q,gits, cr in my Gtbef mode my for put in ciyculation, the ‘z»a.§¢;».,; oi any bank o»1··banki,pg_ association whim are not, gt 3,,;,- such time, receivable, at par, on deposit, and in payment ,,{ giants by the Qmdntivn sd myiugmzt sr ·,cimu1',m;g gm}; ,,,,;,·g5 my shall any ¤@0ciation kncwimly pay out or put in ¢·i¤·,·matié:s my notes iwucd by may bmah @:1- banking amociai ,;;,5 whi · at the time ofsuch paying out or puttingjp circulatina; Q na raise ingjts circulating notes in lawful money of !}wI`11it ’(R. S. G Ewd.) . _ l sia, Duty bank] to recdvédtculatidg mtu of other banks __ in Upaymcut Gf atb¢|Q·-L-Ever? national banking gssocigtiqu fcymmui ar existing qnder this chapter, shall take and receive iz? mr, for any debtqr liability to lt, any and all notés or bill; i<~ sw! by any lawfully organized national banking association. my this provisibn shall not apply today awciatioq qrgzmized fm me gmrpbse of issuing notes payable in gold.- (R. S. { 32*5*8.) · _ _ ,,. · ·; 2 .., i ‘ Sa. Depasitaries of public moneys and Emncial agents of G¤»vernment.——·All ‘i1ati·onal banking associations, desimated for md; gmrposc by the Sccrctarytqf the Tgwinsury, shall be deposim:~2·;~>=·n£ public money, under such yzcgulatious as méy be pie- ,;¤·;—2m~·<1 hy the Sc<vrct§ry;* and they may aléd be emplqyed as 1¥z2:m<·i:1l agents of the.Gcvemment;` and they shall perform all . ~·..·;; m~:zs=¤>n:1b?utie$,` ad deposithries ot public money and ztmmizzl agén of the Gcyér6%ut,_és.may be required .0f aim;. The Secretary of the Treasury sha11_requh·e;the` }1SSO— pm inns thus `desiguatedto `givc satisfaétory sccm·ity,_by the de-

‘··~i§ of Umtéd Stdtcsbbcnds mid 0the;·wise,·for the sdfclkeepiug

,.,_ mm prompt payment of the public money deposited with them, "  :¤_:¤i· for the ~faitl1f_u1 performance lot théir dutiés as hlnancial _:.;···m>; éf thq Government: Pmvidqd, That the Secretary shall, gm ar bcfme the _1st.0t January ¤f"cach_year?, make n pubiic —mfc·meu$_cfthe securities rd]uired·d1iring that year for such (%4~;·.»»<it:=. And évcry association so desfguntedas receiver or m·y.»sit:1ry of the public money shall také and réceivc at par am of the nation?/l,{:urre:1cy bills; by whatever*ti§s0dhti0udé is— mrwl. which hajve been fpm; iuui the Government fqr jxnternal ¤·vmm{·, 9:- for léahs or. stocks} Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall distribute the`depositq_ herein. provided _ fer, as far as pmcti¢§able,· equitably between the different States ¤¤•l`$<4ctions. (R. 8, S 5153; Mar. 3, 1`QQ1, c. 871,} 1, 31 Stat. _M4?~4`: Mar. _4, 1903, c. 2913, { 3,j 34¥Smt. 1wO; Dec. 23, 1913; 4*-. 6. § 27,38 Sthh 274; Aug. _4, 1914, éQ_2%,°$" Stat- 682;) · ` {J 91, Tl't8!t§foI*8` by other nts ·iQ wntemplatihm of - §%Si)l%’€@¢y.······AH transfeis bf the ¤i>t$Q b6nds,_bi1ls_o1' exchange, wr omg: gvidénces ot debt owing to any national Banking mation, or at deposits tq its credit; all assignments of mért-

¤·s,,'surétics· cu rékl estate, or of judgments or decrees in its

imo: ;& all depo§t§ at money, bixllicu, or bmw valpable thing _ fm its use, or tm- the me · of guy of iw sbnmholdem or _ credit¤re=; and gl! pgymeuts at dwuey to cithet, made After- the missimn oi, an act at 1¤m1,vem:y,.o:.·. ln sccmtemplatibu thereof.

m¤de· with '¤ view to prevent the gpplimticn of _ its snwts in

the 'manm; wespribed by this chapter, at with a view to, thi pwtergdce of creditor .1:6 nmthe1·,:eicept'i¤ riayment dt its qiazculating notes, shall be utterly null and void; and no at? mchmeut, xpjumtiap or -&a11 he muted agnind such . Mmciadou or it; property dual judmsent in any mit, action, or proceeding, in lily cmmty, dr muuiciwl éourt.

 <u.s .55242,)_   · " ._ ¥#- ~, .

92,, Kem; as {@11342 ngmt er baker; `Fl5c¤ri§g_ hang ‘ on mal méatb-€—-iid additiim in th@ mwexs now vmcd by IMG iq naticgml beating' uhdcr the laws 401 me United States anyn such Famoclnticip lamted Lim doing business in guy phce mb of which does mtexcud five thousand inhadmuuts, Fm shown by the last rirwqding . decematul mmm, my, under mh rules_md.r$u1•tlom aims: be prescribed bi the Camptmllcr at the Currency, act as the

KS AND BANKING § 101 agent for any nre, life, or other insurance company authorized by the authorities of the State in which such bank is located todo business in snid State, by solicitingand selling insurance ' and collecting premiums on policies issued by such company;

aml’ may receive for services so rendered such fees or com-
missions ns may be agreed upon between the said association

and the `insurance company for which it may act as agent; and may alsolact as the broker or agent for others in making - or procuringloans on [real. state, located wi-thin one hundred miles of the place in which said bank may be locstedj receiving ` for such. services a reasonable, fcc or commission: Provided; ' however, That no such bank shall in any case gunrnn“tee,etilrcr the principal or interest ofany such loans or assume or guar-. antce the payment ofany premium` on insurance policies issued ,_ through its agency by its principal: and provided further, That the ban}; shall not; guarantee the truth of any statenjlcnt ‘ made by an assured in his application for insurance. (Sept. l‘ 7, 1916.c. 461, 39 Stat. 753.) `. _ y _ _ ’ . C _93. Violation of provisiom of chapter; forfeiture, of fran- , chise; personal liability of, directers.;———If theydircctors of amy , national banking association shall knowingly violate, or know- L y ingly permit any of the oiilicets, agents, or servants of the asso- _ ciation to violate any of the provisions [of this 'chapter, all the rights, pririlcges, and franchises of the association shnll be y thereby forfeited,. Such yiolhtion Sh&ll,`h0W€\L€1'; be determined , and adjudged- by a proper district? or Territorial conrtof the _ United States. in a suit brought for that purpose by the Comp- . troller of the Currency, in his ownname, hefore. the associa- I tion- shall be declared `dissolred. Ami in cases of such rlolation, every director who participated in or: assented, to tha} ll sanne shall be held liable in his personal and individual ca-

2 pacity for all durnages which the. association, its shareholders,

L or' any other person, shall have sustained in consequence of ,__such’violation. (R.--S. § 5233.), D , , 94. venue- of suits,——Actions and proceedings against any _ &SSQC,l§Ij9rXL.-.\1H€_LQE Nothin ,_<L‘!1§ll§€!l‘_;1l¤?i§’ bél._El¤Qsl£L¤1!§El9l§€£¥°L_§Lll -· L Territorial court of the United States held within the district , in which such association may be established, orin any State, [ county,. or municipal court in the county or city in which said l association is located having jurisdiction, in similar cases, _ (R: S. § 5198; Feb. 18, 18?§, `c. 80, 5 1, 18 Stat. 320.§)‘_ ’ _OBT.tINING AND ISSUING CIRCULAHWNG NOTES E f 101. Delircry ·of circulating nots; dwosit of bonds.———Upon . the deposit- witlrthe Treasurer of the' United‘Statm,’ by any · national banking hssociation, of any bonds of the United States · ·tn·~ the manner provided by existing law, such assmiation n shall be entitlw tosrecelve from t E Comptroller of the Cur-

rency circulating notes in 'blank, _ stored and countcrsigncd

·' as provided by law; equal in amo st to the par value of the -` bonds so deposited; and any nationalbanking association. now . having- bonds on deposit for the security 'oflcircnlating notes, n and upon whlch in amount of circulating-_ notes has `becn E issued less than thepar ralue of the bonds, shall be"' entitled, l upon duo application °to· the Comptroller of the Currency, P to, receive additional clmalating notes in bleak to an amount n_ which will Increase the circulating notes held by such essoeia· , tion to the por value of the bonds deposited, sueh additional . notes to, be held and treated in the sense way, as circulating notes of national banking associations heretofore issued, and ,. nl subject to all the `provisions of law aHecting such notes: · Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed Y, `t0'!!10duY`0F repeal the provisions ·of..section ·175_of this title, { authorizing the Comptroller of the Currency to require uddilj tionaledeposits of bonds or of lawful n1oneyt°in‘ QRM the market { value of bonds hold` to secure the circulatine notes shall falls r belowthe par value of the circulating notes outstanding for l yvhlch such bonds may be deposited as security: And provided