Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/283

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Egg l TITLE 12.-BANK1 p {,,,,,;(·,vg~1;i<·l1 books lq·¤¤ted& in Alaska. or is e deperideney or ’ ~,,,,,,;,;;~ possession; ercooy pm‘t,e!‘the United States outside ,,§_,1,,;» eergti¤eot_ol United States,} and not e {member ot the ‘ ,~,,,;,¤,~,;; reserve systeist sgidll bevijsquired to keep, may e:m· ss of hslesees dee Q to an gssocletio¤,__from associations hp- ,,,,,1,-,;,,; sy the _C·omptrelier_ of the Ourrescy located in any one ,,,~ gee <·ostrsl reserve or reserve citiw enumerated iolgeetiqe iii or is esypther reserve ear; es new or hereafter dedued gs ,`1es·“i1ied for by section H4 of this title. ·(R. S, 5 5192.) · — 1,13. Tressm‘y" ¤otes.···—Tressiury jiotesg issued in ewence ess me provisions of the Act of July 14, 1890 (chspt 708, , ·;·,,»o»1,1;1·-sixth Statutes, page 3%),·vb·i1e11 held by any national iszsesgg sssoeistion, may be coentedzss a port of its lawfql

 ,,...,~.,1.®g,.1¤1y_;=l,d18ed·e. tos,} 2, so see, 289.1 [ “ 1 . ·

, 116. Gold end silrér c~erti§ogtes,4Gold certificates, issued » zssivr se<2ti£ms··429 of Title `31, Money and Finance, as also silver - ,-,,,ss;1·;1tt=s, xijlien heldsby soy ustiouel banking association, shell xs es1;zt;.·tl es wrt of its lawtulreserve; usd no ; 1 ‘ se: sssegeistion shall bea me ber;of any clesririg h0use.ln‘ which _ .}·§_i#’§l teertificstes shslljnot to rcceivoble-‘i¤_the- settlement of _` @111-111;:-lxouse ibslsucesf Theprovisious of section 582 of this me shell be epplicsble to-such gold certidcates. ?(Ju1y 12, 18$2,_· e zso. § 12,-22 Stat. 165.) · , · .- " ‘ 1 l’;{}l{3lATION OF ASSOCIATIONS TO ISSUE` GOLD ' l NOTES 131. _Orgenizatio¤ of associations to issue gold.x;otes.—4Ass0· · ti;11eers they be organized is the meimer prescribed by this f ¤-is11s2·z· furthe purpose ofissuing notes payable lu gold ;.s11d isgoos me deposit, of _ soy. United States bonds bearing interest I }_¤ii§'2tl#li* io gold with the Treasurer of the United States, in. 1111. iomjumuiprescribed for 'otherf associations, It shall be law-. _ mi mr me Comptroller ot .l.h€’*Cl11‘l‘OI1CY to issue to theuawocia- , zéeis 1seki_og‘the depmmit circulating notes ot_diiferexit“_denomi¤a,· 1 ¥§¢11s<.`li11t eo11e_·"0£”themoflw thax1·'$5, mid not exceeding ‘ lull ;1111¤·_ust” per ceotiim of the. par value of the bonds -de·· l pi 4:1*12, which shall express `thedpromiseoot the -association· to @11:51: ziiem, upos presentatiotiv at me o&Z:§e at which they are i~.»§§*‘*l, is gold eoin of the United States, sud shrill be so re- ` 1i<···es1i1le._ {R. S. 5 5185; Jan. 19, 1875, c. 19, 18.Stst;'302.)' 1 132. Lswfulo modey reserve of associations issuing gold elses; receiving notmof other ;@ntior;s.——Every_¤ssociation -1 e:’;.;;111iv,rt1 under the precedihg shell at all times keep # he séilsl not less theo Qdipercestum of its outstanding circuls-· 1 lion. is goldtor silyer coin of the UnitedStates; .a!id_8h&1l l' rr1»—ive at por ih the payment of ·debts` the gold mites of every · 11:21re- such association which at the time ot such payment is 1 f~»§<s¥1siog its dreulati¤g‘· som in gold eois of the United y >1·;11rs, esd shell he subject to all the provisions of this title: F 1w·~ri1l¢.·11, That, is applying the some to swistious ofzanized _ 1 lor issuing gold hates, the terms " lhwful mosey " sod ‘j° lawful Q 1 !:s~s1·;· of tile United States" shell be construed to mean gold 1 or ~11v<.·r coin ot the U11ited.Ststm ; and the drculstien of such 1 s1oss·ietioos shell, not be within the limitation of circulation 1 llwsliutieii in this title. S. { 51,86.) ‘ V s` H ‘ = 1 l Q3. Coméersios of gold into currency banks.-—-·Ahy W

,·11s1nel gold bank organized usder the provisions of the laws l

<2'”~¥h<— Ui1ited;Stotes, easy, in the manner sod subject `to the I gswisicass by seetion 35, for the eonversion ot l lomks l¥1(}(l1°§$1‘§t&(], under the laws of soy Stste, C€&S=B {Z0. M ll 11 ,t;e11i book, sod become suehosn association as is nuthorized" l luv section 21, for esrryiug on the businms of banking, ; and shell have the 'someepowers and privileges, and shall be sub- I ·5r1·: to the same 'dotiles, responsibilities, sed rules; iuell re· z Sl1<·ctS,, as are `by law prescribed for such associations: Pro- j

s ey;} BANKJNG §‘ 165 viéed, That all éertidcetes ~ of organization which shell he issqed under tbisxseetionishell bear the date of the original organization of each bank respectively as es gold bank, (Heb. 14, 1880, c.‘25, 21 Stat. 66.) · z BANK EXAMINATION$§·; a REPORTS 161. Reports to Comptrolleg of the Cnrrexzcyi publication.-- Every association shell make to the Comptroller of the Cm-- rency not less than three feports dnring eeeh yeas, according to t-heform which maybe prescribed by `bim, verified by the oath or niilrniatiozn of the president or castiiex of Snell essecintion, and attested U by the signature oi, et eleast three et the direétors. Each such reporhwsll exhibit, in detail and under appropriate bends,. the resonrces end liebilities of the association at the close qt business on enypast dey by him speémed, unda shall be transmitted —. to the comptroller within _flye days after the receipt of e request. or xjeqnisition therefor from.him, and in the- semen forniin which it is made to the comptroller shall be published __ in e mewspaper published ··in the piece" where. such association is established, or if there is no newspapexi in the plbfce, then in the one pnblished neerest tlleretoin thesame county, et· tbeexpense of the essoelntien; and such pxjocrf of pugbgationzshnll be furnished es may be required by the 'comptro er. The conxptroller shell also have powe1‘·t0 call for special reports from any particular ns.societion whenever in his judgment the same are necessary in order to it full and complete knowledge of its geonklition. `(R. S. § 5211;. Felx 27, -1871, c. 69, S 1, 19 Stat. 252; 'Dec. 28, 1922, eL 18, .42 scat. 1062.) _ .· - _ —_ t ‘ . A 162; Veriieatiem Vof i·epoxtts.>-——The_ oath or emrmetion re· ¢ quitegi by section ¢161; verifying the°retm·ns' xnede by netionel ‘ banks-; to the Cognptxfoller of the Cn1·`reney,_ when taken before a 'notaty publicf pi·0be:ly·` i&l1I}lld1’lZ€&`( andf comnxissioned by the- Statein- whiclfsuch notary resides end me is`_ Ioeeted, or eny other officer hqviing an owcial seal, authorized in sneh State to administer oaths; shall. be h snEcient€‘yeriqention es contemplated by said. sectlun_161: Provided, That the `otiieer ; administering the oath ls.,'not nn 0m€€l‘ of thefbsnk. (Feb. 26, 1881, ct 8,2, ·21' Stat. 352.) ”' , _. - ‘ 1 · ‘ 163._»ReP¤!.’§ of dividends andonet earnings.--—In addition to the reports required by the pfecedlhg section, eaéh essociatioe shall report " to the Comptroller of tbe=_·Gum·eney, within ten d8.YS.·RflZé1° deelefring any clhyidend,1 the amount of seeh. divl-· dead, and the ‘am0unt. of net in excess of such dividend. Such reports shall beiqttested by. the oath of the president or ¢sbie;· ot the ossotngtion. (RQ 5 5212.) , /‘164.’ Penalty. for failure to mike repqrts.————Every association which" fails to make and Ttransmit any repott required under either -o1"the two pfeeedlng sections shell. be subject to e· gjennlty of. $100 for each .d&y‘.efter the nefiods, -respeetlveIy}‘> therein mentioned,. that it deleys to melge end trninsmlt its _ ‘ report. Whenever any sssoeletion _ delays or — refuses to pay _ the penalty herein impose<l,—efter. it has been assessed by the" Oomptrolleg of the Currency, the amount thereof may be retained by the Trensnrer of the United _Ste'tes, upon the, oxide: nf' , bbe·_G0inntrollez~ ot the.Cnrrency, ont otetlne interest, és it may _ become due to the essofgiation, on the hoods nenosited with him to‘rculetl_on. y All sums ot money eollected`fox·· penalties under this sectioxl`··shnl`l»be pnld into the Treasury of the United Stetes. (R.·BQ_§ 5213.) “Q, · VS ‘ 165. Limitation of `vlsit0rial°·powers.——No association shall be subject to any `visitorinl poygers othet than such as ere authorized by this `chnpter, othere vested Vin the Weonrts of Iustlcp."~·(June`3,,°1804; c. 106, { 54, 13 Stat. 116.) _ . ‘ , Q