Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/354

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§ 7 nrt: 14.- 7. Preeedence as between Cogst Guard 1m! naval oMce1 when eooper§ting.—#Whenever the personnel of the ‘Coast·‘Gus¤ or auy»pa1§t thereof, is-operat1;1g`with the persox;ne1`o·f·stt Navy in accordguce with low, precedence stoned o@cers. of corresponding. étédes in the two seyvices ahh be ‘d€t€l'1IliH€d` by the date ot commissions in those (fade `- (Aug. 29; 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 600.) `_ l “D " é` — 8. Pregedenee betweeni line and -p$cers.——~In 'tl _ Cogt Guard thexprecedehce between line aid engineer omceu i · of the same funk shall be determined by length oi continimot setvice as a commissioned officer. (Apr. 16; 19Q8,‘e{ 145; C 1· ‘35`Stat.__&.) --. ° " 9.· Relative-‘raxik_ of éoremiesioned o&cers viith respect ‘1 Army and Navy.-·Tl1e commissioned officers of the Oohst Quai shall rank ifiel be otcorrespggding grade as follows: -` Captains- and captains (engineering) with upmsus in Vt! 'Nnvy a`nd·éol‘onels_in the Army: = - I " i " · Commanders and. eommeuders (engineering) with 2 con manders in the Navy and lieutenant colonels in the .Ai·my; ·‘_ Lieutehant commanders mid lieutenant commeriders _(_ei1g xreering) -_Wiu1 llenitengut pommunders in the Navy Land mzijol lh theltrmy; ‘ · I _ -_ Lieutemnnts mid lieutexlahts (e;ig1heer1¤g> 'with_lieutenan= ingxe Niwjysnd captains; ii1.·-the Army; [ ‘ '_ _ ·ieg1te;:&nts (junior gfade) and' lieutexiants- (junior grade (engineering) with lieutenaots .( junior grade) .in the Navy an .` érst-lieutengnts in the_Army; . _ " · ‘ · t `_ Eusigus and ehslgus- (englueerl_ng)' with ensigns in the Naw " and second Iledtenants lin the Army. .‘(‘Apr. 12, 1902, e. 501, { Stat.! 100} Apr, 16,1.908, c. 145, 35 Stef. 61, ‘83;_ Jan. 28, 191 c. 2Q,»_38 Stat. 800.; June 5, 1920,*0; 235, 41 Stat. 879: Jan _12, ;1923, c. 5. 42 Stat. 1130;) * _ O _· ‘ - '

  1. L6. Distribution in grsiics of permanent commissioned ol

ears.-The nuinberlof permanent comnnissioned line ·of‘Hcers_· the Coast Guard authorized. by law shall be distributed 1 gradeé, as zfollows:~0né conmmodant, seven eg1}ituins,·twel¤ oommandegs, ·thirty-five lleutenanit commanders, ‘thirt&-sexe · lieutenantsx and seventyseven lieutemuits (junior grade) az ensigxis; eucbthe number of permanent commissioned engiuee omem authorized .by— la·w_shall -be"gllstribul;ed‘ in grades; s £o1lows:·($ne-eng·l¤eer_ iuchlet, three captains (engineering sit commanders (engineering), twelve.lieuten_aht commnuden 'leugineeriug), twentyhvo lleutenanits (englneering),.and tort; two Ileutemnts (funnier grade) "(engineerlrig)’ and eneign (engineering-). Promotions to the grades_.of captaln‘Q captai (engineering), and commander (engineering),. shall he may from the nest lowegi graclexby seniority: Provided, Tliatlieutel ant; and Qlleutenants (junior giade), both lirie and epginee ing, may be promoted} subject 'to examslnatioges provided ln law, without regard, tojiumber or length of service in grad _ to sueh grades lu: the Coast Guard not above lieutenantcou mander or lieutenant commander (engineering) » as teorrespon m.the permanent ranks and grnilestlmt may be attulnedl accordance with law by line citllcers of the Regular Navy 4 _the same length. of total commissioned service, and°'omce1 thus promoted shall be extra ._Dl1ll'1'|h€1’!· in their rmectis grades, whlch extra numbers shall not at any one time ez ‘ ceed the following, respectively: Twenty lieutenant commune ere, dfteen lieuteuants, ‘¤fteen· lieutenant commanders (eng peering), epd €ighC•1[€Ut€H&llt8 (engineering), but no odlec shell be promoted miller this proviso who would thereby I advanced lu, rank abeed of an otilcer in the osmoe-gndoan éorps whose name stands above luson the ometnl llei: Provided further, That mpta&s c¤D¤i¤I L ing) shall have·'the_reuk ot, and be ot. eor1'Mp¤¤4i¤¢ tilde ta [° (°•fl‘[lt8iHS in the—’NavyQ Mid ¢0ml¤§J1¢&‘|‘ ( ¢·l _lm\·e the rank of, and be of Q, in

-0Q.t81{ GUARD- 34() ry ·`m¤¤de1.·¤ in tpo Navy. -(J·au. `12, 1923, 9. 25, 5 1, 42 Sing; d.· 1180) ; r t o , no ‘ 11. Coummdant; appointmégnt; rank, pay, etc.; appointment s- vu "additionalynumbér iii grade of gaptai¤.—v—Tho Piesieléxxt i- 11 authodzed to appoint in the C»ozist_'Guarq;.by and with they s: jidvico 8-ild’.¢0II8€!‘1t ot tho _Sen£1te,` one copxgmandaiit for- a. · period ot tc»ur_-yous who may be reappointed for further peri. 1a ods of top: yous ouch, who shall oct as chief of the Coogt Guard. rs Tho commandaht Shall be selected from the active list ot .m{o xs 0m(!é1;B··B0t below tho grade of cqmmpnder and shxiil have, 0, while serving as fcouimaqdant, the rank, pay,;`and‘al1owqmQS q of _¢ lrehr admiral (lower hall) of the Navy: Provided, That tp uh officer whosetcrm of seivice as bommandgrit has éxpiml pd may be appoiutod a captain smd`shn11 bean additional n_umb&~r in- thet graQe—; but if not so Jappointed, he 'shall take the- plum ‘ 1 $013 the lincal Iistfin the- grade oihlf would .h%Yé attained- 'had he not sexjvéds as commdndaxit gud be an additional num- ¤- bor in such grade.: Prov&1ed_furtIier,.T’t1nt the poéitiqh vacated ` by an omcor appointed comrhanda11t_sha1rbe` filled by ‘pi·om<>- yi- tion according- totlaw, {Apr; 16, 1908, c. 145, J5`1,`35 Stat. rs 61°;·Jan._12,`1¥)23, @*25; {.2; ¢2.S·tat.-1136.) — ·· ._ · ~ · ’ 12.- Engineer in chief'; appointment; rank, ;¤y,'ctc;; appoigttg merit as additional numbqv sq {ride of oosnnimdcr (eniineer- _ ing).--1*he President io authorized to gppogt in the .Coust· ,)"- _Guax·d, by gmd vvith the advico‘aud°c0¤oent of the Senate, one K] ongineér in— qhtct for a period of four years who may re- ‘ s{ppointed_ for further periods of four years each. The engineer ry` inichict, while go serving, shslfhave the rsnkvlpty, and allow-

2 aqncos of u captain (engineering) in the Const Guard, and the

5, téhgimaen in ohief shall .bé_ selected from the `activé fist 'ot n. rcuginvor officeis not below tho grade oflieutenant commander — {cuginéeriing) : Provided, That on 0B¢er Whose térm of service 5- Tas engineer in chief hhs expired `may bg ¤pp0i1;téd_n commander Dg (engineering) _ and_ shall be additional ninmbcr in that grade; {D but if not so appointed, he shall take the @ce org` the lineal. pg `list in the grudo that he, would have attain had he hot séi·ved_ gn "as ongincér in vbiot and in 'agiditiorigl number in ouch gi grade`: And pmvidod_ fisrthor, That the pos tion vacated by an Br offiver éppoitntcd engineer in chief shal1`bc‘Hlléd byjromotion ,8 u`ccording to law; {Abt; 16,1908, c. 1e;t5,'§ 1, 35 Stat.`61; t), Jan. 12. 1923, c._ 25, 5 Zz 42 suit; 1130.) ~ ps 13. Sale of clothing to enlisted men.——Tho Secretary of the y;. Treasury is aqthorizéd to purchase from the xppfopriudon for ug the maintenance of the Coast Guard uuitqrmxilothjng for tho in enlisted men of sai;} service, tho same to_bé sold to theorews, ge of vessels `in Service: Provided, That tho actual costof the n._ clothing thus sold `to enlisted persons shall bé withhold from I-; their pay 1md* repaid to said appropriation. (July 1, 18%, py ic, 546, Q 1, 30 Stot. 604.) J —- · ` Q, 14. Ensign (engineding) ; appointment; probationary term.-- ¤. Appofutnients into tho. grade of eeinsigq ’(€Dgii'1(§€l'h)§;’)· in. the Kr Gout Goard ehgu-bg so pm: no Juno 23, 1Q)6,‘axcept mm, . ln _ before help; commissioned, tho candidate who has successfully at pissed tho roqndrod oxazninationwsholi nerve a· probatimmry rs term of not lm than six months as a cadet engineer to deterre mins hb Umm for • commimion in said service': Provided, z- Thit uq person shall be comniosionod an onsigu (engineering) I- who In lou than. twenty-ono or more than twenty-si_x yours or 1- gn, ¤m"I.1Dt1l he shall have tho probntiomgry térm heresr in` required. (Juno %, 1996, c. 3520, »§ 3, 34 Stat, 452.) ro · ,15. Cadets; ounhw "ottlficatiom: ox•mi¤•tions;_ obligaml thm; dhih•d.—’Pho·ounbo:.ot cadets or the uno mowed in

0 tho Gout Glttrd shall be inch no to provide for Blllng th-?

r- YIGIIIGQ that may in gmdo of ogusign in said- servo, bo: .Pr•¤¢¢o¢, That Q person to be eligible for appointment as I1 •-moot I tho @ étll produce oitisfgctoty evidence o1’_ good h- h•H BO R0! ll! more than A