Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/379

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365 TITLE 15.-—-com {yVE%=»·c_ shall be liable to an action for damages therefor at tl sui: of t]10_0\\’ll0l' thereof ; and whenever in any such action ”vor<li<·t·is rerxcleréd for the plaintiff, the court may eater jud; \u.t·;.t therein for any sum above the amount found by theyo <\l§¤=: as the actual da-ntages, according to the circumstances 4 _ if. .-mo, not cacéoding Three times the amount of such verdie 1·]}l=»lm· with the costs. (Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592, §“16, 33 Stn t 97% .Il.1l`iSdiCti0H of suits.-—·The_district arid Territorial Codrv .·;‘ me United States and the Supreme Cotirt of the_District { ¤‘·»Z·;¤.¤l;ia glxall have original jurisdiction, and the circuit cout `_ ,.;· ;a;»pe4\;1l,`¢>f the United States and the Court of Appeals ¥=.. ]¥lSYl`iLit'()f Colpxpzbia shall have appellate Jurisdiction < ll.; Cults at law or in `cquity rospcctf1ig' trade-marks registcrc it gm-on·tl:1x1co ivith the provisions of this subdivision of th ` .:;.;l=l·¤·, arising timororxnder, without. rcgardto the amount i ' -.-..,m·v¤·rsy·, (Feb. 20, -1905, c. 592, § 17, 33 Stat. 728; Mar. lvl?. e. 231, § 291, 36 Stat;_1167.) _ ‘ T ' QS. Review by Supreme Court.-#Writs' ofcertiorari may l zz·;l·l;¤·<l by the Supreme Court of tile United, States for L1 ¤·l·~»·é··w of cases arising —un_dor this subdivision of this chapte in sm;. some manner as` provided 'by_ section `347 of Title 2 in No Lu. Cons; Am; Jvnicunay. (Feb. 20,.1905, c. 592, 5 18, E 5:::%/729.) - .` ll ··•‘ ·' `” ’_ A 99. Injunctions; recovery and assessment of damages.-Tl »a»l·x·:ll courts vested with jurisdiction of bases arising uude ‘ ms »_ul>ilivision olthisy chapter shall have power to Klftll l,l._jzlllt‘{,i<)ll'23, according to tho course and prlhciplea of equity ln pr¢·veut the violation bf. any right of the owner Qf—a trad zlmig x·ogist‘erod‘ under said subdivision, on, sup}; terms as tl ’¤···u*‘i umyideom reasonable; and uporl a decree- being mmlore ill any suchbuso for wrongful use ot a trado—mark the com

·i_;.2mmt shall ‘bé entitled torecover, in addition to the pr0B

~r·· no accounted for .by•tl1a·‘dcféx)da11t, tho damages the coz; pililmut has sustaluod thereby; and the court shall assess tl >$*l!R\*‘ or cause the same to boassossed under its direction. Tl ‘ t·4.u¤·t shall have the samepower tb increase such damages, 1 _ its tlisvrotiou, as is glvon by section 96 of, this chapter f< i1;·¤‘<~a1si!1g damages found by verqiot in actions of law; and 1 oe—l·»siug protlta the plaintiff shall be required to. prmia defani mak; sales only; defendant must prove. all elements of col o·l¤;l·l; are plaimcd. (Feb. W, 1905, c. 592, I 19, 83 Stat. 729.). ‘ 100. Destruction oi infringing labels; service of iniunotlo; and procoedlusa for enforcement.-·In auyfpaso mvolvlng tl right to a tradmnark registered in accordance: with the prov _ sélm of this subdivision of this chapter, in which the évordl lm been found tor. the platlntlt, or an injunction issued, tl <···u¤·t may ordér that all labels, Signa, {prints, packaglca, wm i·<·x·~¤,'_or recoptacla in the pcsséasion of the defendant, bea 1;;;:* the trade-mark ot tho plali1tl¤.or~complal¤a¤t, or any r 1~:‘·•=L11¢·tlo¤, counterfeit, copy, or coloral>1o_imitatioa-therec gllanll lgo delivered up and destroyed. Apy ·1ajunctiba'_that mt

  • ·*· s-Sfantcd updu hwrlugyaftar notice to tha defendant, to pr

_‘·’<:ut tho Violation. ot any right of tha owner of ’a Jtrada·ma1 Msistorocl in accordance. with the provisions of this subdlx mm or this chapter, byany district court or the United State ‘·¤‘ by q judge thereof, may be served on tha partlor again whom such injunction may be granted ouywuoro lntatlxo Unite ga Mateo where moy my be toimd,,and ahall be operative, an , amy- be enforced by proceedings to punish for m¤*·é¥¤l>t» ¤ ·oelwrwlso,·tby the court by wiggle]; such lajunctioh was grants or by any other dlatrlét oourt, or judge tharéot, in tl1o`U¤it¢ States, or by the Supreme Courtwi the Distriéthf CQJUEIN ··¤· a judgo thereof, The said ¢om·ta,·_»>r judm tbolfwf, Aha lmxjo jurisdiction to enforce said injunction, as harén provide zag fully as the injunction badbwn grautad· by, the distrt

 4·om·t in which lt la sought to be enforced. Tha clerk! ofltl

·€`0\}1`I’; ormjudgeugrautfxig the lnjtinction .Wb¢¤ féqilifi

runner: nxt) zmnnn §_ 196 xc to do so by the court_be·fore which application to enforce sold `a injunction is mode, transfer without delay to said ~conrt at ge. certified copy of all the papers on which the said} injunction r- was granted that are on file in his office. (Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592, at § 20, 33 Stat. 729; Mer. 3, 1911, c. 31, § 291, 36 Stat. 1167.) £t,` 101, Restrictions on ections for infringement:-·Xo action .t. or suit shall be maintained _11l‘ldc1‘ the provisions of this sub- ' division of this chapter in any cose when the trade-mark is ts 'uscd,‘in$nn1ewful business; or upon any article injnrious in of itself, 01; which mark has been used with the design of deceivts ing the public in the purchase of merchandise, or has been of Abandoned, or upon any certificate of registmtion fraudulently of obtained. .(Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592,-5 21, 33 Stnt;'729.) ad 102. Suits involving interfering registered trade-marks.——— is \Vhenever_ there ore interfering registered trade-marks, any ln· person interested in any one of them may 'have relief ncainst 3, the interfering registrant, and all persons interested under him, ` by suit in equity against the said registrant; ond the court, ie onnotice to adverse parties and other due ])1'O€€Q€Hl1§§S' had 1e' ·o.cc0rding" to the course. of equity, may ndjudge and declare er either of the registrations void gn whole erin part according' 8, to the interest of the parties in the trade-mark, ond may order S3 the certificate of registration` to be dellveredhu to the Coinmissiouerfof `Patents for cancellation. (Feb. 20 1905, c. 592, le § 22, 33 Stat. 729.) . _ _ ‘ er 103. Existing rights and remedies preserved Nothing in nt., this subdivision ofthistchnpter shell preventfs lessen, impeach, y, or avoid `zmy remedy at law or in equity which- any party- e- aggrieved by any wrongful use of any trndemark might hnve te `hadif theprovisions of said subdivision had not been passed. ad_ (Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592, § 23,33 Stat. {730.) ~ $ n- _ M4. Damages from registration procured by fraudulent ts means.}-··A ny_» person who shall procure registration of a n- tl‘K(l€··!D{11‘k, or entry thereof, in the omce of the Commissioner me of Patents hy n false or "frnudulent declaration or representa- 1e tion, oral or ln writing, or by any false means, shell he liable ln to my any damages sustained nt consequence thereof to the ar injured potty,. to `be recovered by anaction on the case. (Feb. ln 205 1905, c} ,592, { 25, 83 Stat. 730.) ‘ ` ` d-7 '1&5. Regulations for registration.-——The Commissioner of st Patents is authorized to make rules tandregulntions, not incon—. , leistent withlew, for the conduct of proceedings in reference. n, to the registration of·trnde—marks provided for by this snhle division of this chapter. (Fch._20, 1995, c. 592, § 26, 33 Stat. ct 106; Articles imported, simulating trade name or trade- 1e mark, not hdmitted to entry.-—N0 article of imported uncrtD·· chnndise which shall copror simulate the name of any domcstiti or- manufacture, or mannfnctnrer on trader, or of- dny mnnnfate to tnrer or trader located in any foreign country which, by treaty, lf! convention, or law affords sclmilnr privileges to citizens of the ny United States, or which shall copy or simulate n trstle-mark ‘c· registered in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision rk"of this chnpterpor shnlbbear an name or nmrk cnlculnted to 1{ induce the pnhlic tobellere that the article is manufactured in S, the United States, or that lt is innnnfnctured in enyforeign st country or locality other then the country or locality in whith sd it is in fact mnnufectured, shall be atlmlttw to entry at any nd cnstotinhonse of the United Smtesyand, in order to nid the or. oQcere of the customs in enforcing this prohibition, enyydo-~ d, mestic Smnnufnctnrer or trader, ond any foreign manufacturer ad orttrhder, who is entitled under the provisions oi n twnty, te. convention, declnretlcn, or agreement between the United States lil end foreign country to the advantages afforded hy law, to _ d, ettinens of the United ~States in respect to trndeannrks and ct. comtomcinl homes, require his nu_rno_ ond residence, and me the mms of-the locality in which his goods are nmnut’act_nrcd, ad and an copy of the certldentocof registration of his trademark,