Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/384

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§(_ 156 —; TITLE'15.—GOMHER¢ In tho éaso of o deposition the testimony mall be reduoed to ox writing by the peréon taking the dopmdou pr onder his dime- re tion, and shall than be K subscribed by the doponent. The reg-l ot lstrar, or any omer, employee, or agent. of tho United States éla authorized. ln writing by him, may administer oaths and ox-. m amino any wimws. Any. witness summoned or whose- dopésl-. Y 86 tioo. lsjtakén, gmder this section, shall bopold the éomé foes _` ond mileage os, are paid witnossoom tho courts of tho_·UnIted N States. _ · "J A . IT: (b)· Ixrthe césé ot failure to comply with anysubpoena or. in m the case of the ocntumacy ot any witness bofore the rogistrar,- th or any individual m authorized by hlqn, tho reglotmr or · such or i§ld!Yid¥1&l. may invoke the oid of noy§.Federnl district court. tr · Such court may thereupon order the witness to éomply with oi that requirements ot such subpmoa hud to. give evidence t0uch—. -01

 ing the mottoriu question. Any failure tooboy such order may t0

obo punished by_ such; court as n oontemptthereot t. l or (c)‘ No person sholl he oxéusedjrom so a.ttoxldlng'and_,tosti- or fylog*or depcolng, hor from so producing any book, paper, docu- ol mont, or evidence on the ground thet the Qtéstimony or m ovidooco, documentary or oiherwéisc, of him may tend — ln to him or subject him to o. pgmqlty o1·’_fc•\; st but no imtural person shall be prosecuted or qobjoétcd to guy sm pqnaltj omtortollturé {or or on aécount of- any ·tro.§salcti05u,` in matter, or thing ao- to ywhlch, in obedience to Q subpmna intl be under ·0&ti1,lhE may so testify, oxcopt·`thot‘oo person shall be ye . exempt f}·om` prosecution and prmlshmoxit for perjury comlmittm in so;teotifjipg.· I ‘ , ~ ‘ [ ·” I -, tm · (el) 1For tho omcleut administration of tho functions v@tod un rin tho registrar hylhis chapter, ho,.~or any .o§oor, employee, or or

 of tho? Unitoé Stgtoo authorized ix; writing by` him, éhall wi

at all ·rooson$b1e.times—for` the giurposo of·EX8§11i§1#lZi0I1 have wom to and tho right . to "tzopy any book, account, rooordQ or paper, or corrospondcooé relating to the buslnm .or"a.ffnlro ot c. a C liao. Trodo Act éorporqtfou, Any person twho upon demand . ref soo tho registrar or any duly authorized omcexy omployw. A1 or. goat such access or opportunity to copy; or hinders, ob- pe _ otru. or resists him to the exercise of oooh _ right, shall be liable too. penalty oi not more thou w,000 for oaioh emonsé. th Such penalty shall be rocororaldo, lo a civil suit brought in the M name ot tho Usmitod States. (Sept. 19, 1922, c, 346, S 15, 42 Stat. to 156. Dlssolptivonoof corpontion;ttrtlst·ccs.··—Io cose; of, tho, Ly voluntary dimlutiou of or Cl1lna‘2Trado` Act oorporation or M roromtioo of its oertltlooto of iuoorporatloht tho directors ot to the corporouon shall - he trustees for tho creditors and §tock·- Ho holdtoro ot the oorporotion; except that upon applloution to the " (E United 8tatm' Court for China by may iotorostod portal, or upon Q'} tho motion `of soy court ot competent juristllotion in any pro·· oooding pending before lt, the oourtn uaoy in_its¤lscrotion all- ·U1 point as tho .tmstooo oooh persons, other than the dlroctoro, as it pr may dotorogino. Tho tmsto&. oro mvésted with tho mowers, 85 . ond oholl do ull acm, nmmry to wind up the oftoiré tho l corporation nod divlglo among tho stockholders `aocord% to po their roollootivo llltoroézto the property of the corpomtio ré··· oh ’molnlo_g oftor all obligations against it have boon. settled; For ~th; the purpooooof this ooctlop thotrustoos may noo md be sued , lu tho mmlo of the oorporotlou and shall be jointly .1md sovob mlyllloblo totho stockholders and crmltors of tho corponttoo · _‘ to tho oxtont of tho proporty coming lokto tholr Ahnngls as Bol Yl`\l8{&&S,' loop; 1o, 1922,c. seo, mo, 42 sm. sow x ~ 157. Regolatlcm fm; diswltian of fm and pn¤;l· Ng tion.-··—(.a) Tho Socrotary*lsoauthorfzed_ to moto nucl: regular uu tions as my ooinoomory to mrryuto moot the W vootétl lu him or in tho registrar by this chapter. . __ g tb) The Socrotarylls authorlzodto prescribe and ¤x tho amount ·m of snob {eos (othor time tho’_in¤:0x;pon¤c¤` £aq):to ·b§_pnld 111

m` ..41v1>‘ TRADE ‘ 370. r the registrar for services rendered by the Seeretgry oi- {hg &ti·v.r to any person in the adxninistratlpn oi the pfovisi·<ms§_ T this chapter. All tees mid penalties paid under this éhapt.3; tall be" covered intdthe Treasury? of the United Stateshs iscelluneous raécipts. '( Sept. 19, 1922, c. $46, _§ *17,·_}12 Stat, 54.) I _ .- · , ___ ·· .. . ‘· !· · A -158. Falsg or fi·aq&¤lent·state1¤¢1rts'pri>}1ibited; penalti§g, o stqékholder`, director, ofkcer, employee, 0: agent. qt n China rude Act corporation shgll make,-iwuc, or publish g;1y°sta'm. ent, .w;¥itten Q1- 01.11,, ér advertisement in any form, as to te iralgg sins tb t1:•”i'ncts‘§i!eq:ting wcjalue of docks, bonds, r- bthexi evidences dt debt, or as to the Bnnncigl condition of ansactipné, bt facts. smécting such cmiditlem in- transactions, E suchicorporsitiqn if it has `issuéd or is to issue sfbckég bémls, r Tothet eyldénkzes qt debt, whenefgsr m knows or ms reason » pdigve. that any material representation in mm statement raidzcrtiseincntl is false, No stockholder, Alrcctcr, éméerg » nplqyee, oxwxgent bt n. Chinxi Trade Act cvrporuhcza shall, it 1 the Authqrizéd éapital Stock thereof pas; not been paid hi, ` akg, iséue, or pttblish any written étatemgnt or dvertisennént, pany form, stating the amount of authorl@ capital ‘ ock without also stating as the ninotmt actually phid in, a rm not greater than. the amouht paid in. Am? violat- . tg any provisiogs of this seirticn shall, upon cmvlcticn thereof, z fitted. not 1iwm.tha¤'$5, imprisoaedjclt hmm than ten zag, or both! (Sept. 19,1922; c. 346,} 18, 42 Stat. 8%.) » 159. Unanthosiizeyi me of l§g¤é'; push}.-·——Na individual, zrwrship, or association, or V corporation tpmrpomted — ide: this chapter; or tindet srlnw of the United States, sha-ll mage in business _·wltl;in_Chiua under a‘ mm in cmnection. ith which the legend “Federal Inc. .U. SQ A."’is` med. · Aniy zrmu violating this section t shall lI}JOH“ conviction thereof be ted mt more than $1,000 {cr each, violation. (SQ. 19, 1922, 346,'§19tz428tat.%5.) _ · Q 160. Msiintenapce afpgént far ¤erviée.···-—-Every China Trade . at -c0rp0r§t.l<m shall maintain in the District ct Gcmmbia a· eréau as Yits accredited agent upon whom legal www may e served,-in my shit to be bréught in the Gdurt of e District oi Columbia, and wha is gutlmrlmd tq enter mv rpmrance in its beltglt. In the eymt of theémth 6: inability sérvé, or the resignatlnn or rm0va1,'.c1'·s¤ch puma, subh wporatzlm ¤hn1l,`\vithi¤`s¤¢h tim as-me Secretary by nexumm prxcrlbéa, appoint I succgmr. meh shall; e. with the Secretary •.. éertided copy pt each p0sm1·`0f ati may appointing ai persésa nizdcr this mbdlvldoxyaad n pertixi Imp; of the written `m@.t at each pew sb appointed. WPL`19. .1922. ¢· 346. S $0. 42 `Stat. 855; Feb. '%.`—19%. c·_ 345. ` 10, 43 Stht. 996.) V · · _ K t 161. Altcrnthn, gnmdnmt., or renal.-4'me Gcngmm ot the nited States reserved the rlglit to alter, or repeal. any qvisinn of this matituerv, (Sept. 19, BE, c. 846, l 28, 42 Stat. 162. Ctcatidn af ,CbisiA mstrktdé-—-—-No c0r~ mation for the at eugnging in lmstmm within Chim: all bc created mzdcr my law of the United States ether than is chapter. (Fel). 28, 19%, q._3·t5, _§ 18, 43 Stat. 997.) naptcr 5.--·-THE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND HOMES- “ TIC OQMMERCE, t · ?· - l *• ’ . l . 1. Establishment; c0¤solidatio¤· o£*cther’bure:1ua. » » 2. Transfer of dutlm at Dep¤.rtment_£•f Labor; speplnl investigations. B..A¤¤tml :¢m°rt Wén- stntistigs at commerce and navigation. · — t. Ragulntloai impcmd gn. colleatan. 5. Additional duties at Btxmm, 5. Catlectlén _¤( mmzqnrcial statistics. T. Returns qt exports b; mil. `. » , . . . 5.. ,B¢D0l"€I at fcrhn and interstate ummm and transportation. · ¤· ¤¤•r¢•rl: www at mma wd §¤=¤¤=¢¤·