Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/399

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385 TITLE 15.4-·COMMER 4-};:::1:0, on other ihstx:ument acquired under this section,ebi1t· v me-- aime_for_ the payment of any suclymite, draft, bm er n 4»·—;¢·h:mge, or other iustfument shall not be extended beyond _S xitwe years from the date `11`p0;1 which such uqte, draft, `bill - »¤ 1 exchange, or other instrument was acquired by the c01‘p0ra· ¤ mn. The ccrpurqtion is_further authorized, upen. suehnterms c new it may prescribe, to pugchase, $e1l,;or otheryvise deal. in c

4·f<·piLiI1C0S, adequately secured, issued by bemtdng corpora-- G

aims urgzmized uude1·.e chapter 6‘ bf_ Title 12,_BAm<s AND s i1x§{KING`Z Provided, That uq purchase of acceptance; qi. the s e::E<l~l>i1l.LkiIlg eorpoxjatiens shall be madeexeept for the pure _11 ‘;..·>·e of as:é{st·iug'.the said` baxgkingl corporations in ijnmming é we ekportatiun of agricultural mid manufactured °p;*0d¤cts 11 1`mu thee United. States t0_‘foreig;1..c0untries. l `N0 ·such_ acs i1 xwmanws elmll `be zpurchgxséd which have _A maturity at fthe 1

m{·—4»fsueh pu`r<‘
h21sc·_0f m0rc thap three years. (Aug. {gl, 1921, _

.·_ su, § 3, 42 St4.3f.’1S2.) ._ ·- _» _ » , 11 319. Aégregate amount *0f aidi*•nccs,"a¤d notes, uu- ja p;¤id.——lThe aggregate amount qf·a1l acjyuuces made under the ic F;-,·.-ming geétioxi, and of all nqtes, drafts, bills of exchange, or c Uxézer securities purchased under the said section remaii1i1lg" iiuliihilidt shall net at amy onetime exceed $1,000,00@000. (Aug. p

·{, ]f91..'1,C. SQ, {33, 42_ Stat.` 183.) 5 " , Q ~— ·_ . e

350; `De6niti0i1s,=-—Whenever in this subdivisioh or the. fol- `a 1 ·wiu;.; subdivision of this ¢»h;1pter the worqs ‘! bank, banker, or ‘ xmét <~¢:·mpz1hyj’ are used, they shalt be deeinegl tp include any 1- zt-gmmhxe add responsible Huancing ipstitutiim incorporated e u.,.!¤»r the laws of any State br of the United Suites with_r`e#“ E e- axrws udL·q1m"te lb `ttge undertaking coixtemplatedg (Aug. '24; wz!. <·. SQ, § 3, 42 Stat. 183.) . _;· _ 351. Reperts fumishegl by Comptroller of Currency to faeilit¢;2a··advances,~Iu orde1•_t0 euz1b1e the corpomtionto cm·n·y t ma; me purpe¤·:es'of this subdivision and the folluwi1ig_su_l¤li_— v —.i»i··n of this ¢·h·:`npter, _ the Comptroller of the Currency, s _:`u:h<»rizcd to furnish to tie corporation for its confidential use 0 emit reperte, xtecqrds, or 0t.her·iufo1fmatibx1 as he may have it m·:1iiaable»_rc1§ting· te @1aaxic·ia1.eouditim; of national banks to t x.»2¤i4·n_ the `éerp0ratieu·-has made or '<·0ntemp1ates·malfi_ng mil e »;·.3¤·e>=. Amd to make, through this examiners, for theecusdemtizil c ¤.~.· of me em·pomtio;§,·exami¤zitions pt banks, tismkers, ortrust I1 4···m;»euiee, ethet than national banks tejsvhich the corporation a lm made er ce1atemplstcS making advances: Provided, That no ·‘e ~m·§z exz{mi1iatiuu· ahh!.} bemade without the C0l1$€i1.C‘Of suchf p mink, ioeakerjér tnget eumpeny. _, (Aug. 24, 1921,0. 80,-5 3, 42 .1 _>{s:st. 183.) ‘ W .‘ .. ° -. * ·. 352. Interest nte_e?n»-loam by permas receiving ¤dvmces.—-—- ( NU ;>¢*i‘¤**¤,· bmik, b¢i¤k<¢1‘,‘er trust yrumpzxny g wider the provisions ut thiajlsubdivjeiop or the (allowing sub- v dlivisiou of this cen ereshall lean such money at a rixte of c imerwt gieater thai; per eentum per annum in excess <if~the F mae at imerest_etha;·ge¢l or received by the eorperution upouesuch .v ixmnvy. (Aug. 24, 1921, c. S0, § 3,_ 42 Stat, 183.) ' { b W MISCELLANEOUS. PROVISIONS _ _ 3 361. ·Q8`e¤s¤;- p¤§ishne¤t.—Wh0ever willfully wiiolsxtes any · 0f _ the provisions of 'thi§ subdivision or the preceding subdiv_i—· E sion of this chapter eicept ‘¤irhere· A different penalty is pm-4 ( vided·in· either et mid subdivisions, ehall 1111¤u·.e¤¤ ’a may eeurt of the» United Statesot eompeteht jurisdietiou, be ”p iixied act more than $10,0Q0—0r__—imprisgiued fer not more then- xi we year, .bi· beth; end whoever lmbwhiglg psirtieipates in ‘0 may such yiqlation, except where s different penalty js pro- 1 { “ u CQHIEQQE DEI See chapter I0 0t·'1‘itle -5,_'Exia0~ — zauumr Owwms nm Euvgdrms · ` - px °m¤ué -_ _ W ._ "SeeTit1e29,`L.m03._ 86jZ70’·#-29--—-25 · the ‘ t '

EOE AND TRADE l ../f ided iq either of said subdivisions, shall be punished by :1 like me or imprisonment, or both. (Apr. 5, 1Ql8, c; 45, § 300, 40 itat. 514.) U . _ ‘ - 362. Pmjtial invalidity.-—If miy CltlllS€,‘S€Ht€'I}C'€?; pnlmgraph, if pért oftliis Subdivisioupr the prclzeding subdivision of this lmpter sha11,"·for any reason, be adjudged by a_ny` ecmrt of ompetent jurisdiction to be irivalid, or. in case gmy court of unlpetent j1;1=isdicti2m"sha111 adjudge tg be im‘:~1Ii<l anywpmvlions h'€.l'0Ofil'1. respect of any class or classos of sccm·ities, uch judgment shall .110t affect, impai1·,`_01• invalidate the rev [1i1_iI1dé1f’0f'$2lid s‘6bdivlsi0113,‘b11t_`sha1l bé confined in its pplfzztiuq to the clausg, sentencd paragrabh, part,. or subjcvt qatter ,0f,said subdix·isi6ns_’cli1¤éct1`y imjolved in the c0n_tr{;>versy n. wlliclrsuch jmlgmeht shall have been rendered. (Apr. 5, ,918, c. 45, § _302,“ 40 Stht. 514.)‘ a V _ . ” » {63. “Securities ” dcined.4-The térm "‘ sccuriticsf sis uscel n this subdivision ·01' the précedjng subdivision bf this? chapter, includes shages oi st0ck, puuels,$;abé11tures.inotcs, ccrtiiiutes of indebtedness, and bther. obligations. _ (Apr, 5, 191S,_ r. 45, § 303, 4Q Stat. 514.) _ _ - · ‘ · ` 364;Persion-defined.-}\\fl1en used in_ this subdivision or the |_1#ECé(1i!]g-§\1t)§]iYiSi0I1 0{ ·this°clgaptér the term __*‘pe1·$on "’ in- 1`udcs partnershlpé, corporations; and 'associaticinsi, Mas well as {nd`iYi_duals.,, (A_ug,· 24, 1921, c. 80, § 1, 42 Stat. 181.) 365. Anienllment ’0r repcal.—The‘right te} ameinl, alter, or bpcul —·t»his subdivision- mj ther preceding subdivision .6f thié:

  • h;1pter is expressly rescrvedi (Apr. 5, 191S,__c, 45, § 304, 40 -

itat. 515.) - ·< ; 2 ‘ h —_ EXTENSION PROVISIONS _ .371. Extension of time for sdvangzes {md piu·chases.¥—'IZhe ime during which the War Finance Q0rin0rati<>r1.m:1y make ad- mnqeé and purchase notes, drafts, bills of xzxchange, or otiwr ecuritiés urider the terms of ‘scétic}u 348 of this chap»€e>17,·-is ·xtez;;_dcd to and including _N0v<-zihlier 30, 1924: Pm·v·ided, That f `gmy application f••i·._an advance or for the puréhase by he Wap Finance Corporation of notes, drafts,_`bills' of exlxaugc, or ‘0tl1er_se<:uritics_ is receivcd_ at the office of the l. nrporaticn ini the District of Columbig rin -or-before Novemnér 30,_1{l24, such application may be acted mum and approved, md the udvgngze mujffbé made or `tbé notes; dmfts,_bilIs of mzhange; or _0the1·-securities may be pm.·c_hased at any time vriqr to December, 31, N1924. l (Feb. 20, 1924, c. .37,. § 1,:43 Stat. .4;), - -372. Extension éf timeifct psym¢¤t£—Q——'I'l»e corporation imag mm time to time, through renewals, substitutions ot new oblirations, or `otherwise, {extend tpe time qt payment of hay admxce macle nmdei authority c0nfegred‘ in seétion 348* at thisl »h&ptci‘; but the timc"·I01.•—the payment 'qf any emgirh uelvamcé· hall ‘ not be `extended beyond January 1, 1926,_ it such ad—— ance wats originally made on ui- béfore_Jan11&ry 1, 1:1;}:;, or »eyc»ud three ·$*eérs from thé date gpo;} which such advance was »rigiu&lly— made, if such mlvahce was* originally mmlé after Fanuary 1; 1923. (Feb, 20, 1924, c. 32*, 5 4, 43 Stat. 15.) 373. Activities [cf Wa; Finning iC0rp¢iréti¤n revived.~4~'l‘hc ; igcrotary of *tl1e_Tréasury:&¤cl° the members of thé 'War Fimmcc ' Jnrpointion are direvted us _0f Ja¤uary‘,4,,· 1921, to réllve the__

ctli7ltieé"0f·the War_Flmmce Corporation, and ttgut said cor-

IOI‘&ti0Il~‘bB hs of that xiafé rehabilitated with— the viéw of .ssistl~ngl in the Gnancinz of the exportation of agricultural and mlm; products toliorqgn markets. (Jan. 4, Q2}, c; 9, .41_ Stat. PABTMENT _ 1 Utnvm Dmmm·nmNrs Arm Gov- _- BTRIAL IRELATIONB