Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/411

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397 l TITLE 16.-~CO oocupiled by such canals, ditches, tlumes, tunnels, reserYo{rs,i " or other water conduits or water ])l8Il*tS;;0I‘ electrical or other ~works' permitted hereunder, and not to exceed fifty iteet on com side of-the marginallimits thereof, or not to exceed fifty A feet, on eoclr side ot_t·he' center 1ine__of such pipes and pipe lines, electrical, telegraph, and ‘te1ephoneZlines and poles, ·by any citizen, association, or corporation of- the United States, Kr-here it is intended byisuch to iexercise the use permitted here- `mnleror any one or more of the purposes herein named. Such pmnits shall be allowed, within or through any, ofgsaid parks‘ » only upon thenpproral of the chief·.office1·_·ot the department Cromer whose supervision such park falls and_‘upoi1’a iinding M- him that the same is not incompatible with, therpublic in-" ’ wrest, ·AIl‘ perinits given hereunder for telegraph and tele? phone purposes shnllbe subject to theprovision ot nections 1 _z_o 5 andf8 of `Tltle 47, and. amendments thereto; regulating rizhts- of way for telegraph companies over the public domain. Any permission given by the Secretary of the Interior under `zlwl provisions of this section, moy be revoked by ,him‘_<ir his -l1•*`t‘('SS_O[`.iH his discretion, and shall ·_not- be held to` confer {lll};/fight, or easement, or interest in, to, or over anyof said pn`rlss.. (Feb. 15, 1901,- c. 372, 31 Stat. 790.) ° PMOUNT RAQINIER_ NATIONAL PAllKi 9l. Mount Rainier National ·.Park; establishment; tres- ' passers.?-¢-All those certain tracts, pieces or parcels ot land- I lylying and being in the State`, ot Wasningtou,_—‘and’ within e\ ` lmunlelnries particularly described as follows, to wlt·: Beglnnln t · nt fl point three.m`iles·east of the northeast corner of township ¤l·uml»ei·ed 1?§"n0rth,` ot range 6 east otthe Willamette merid- . ionj thence south through the central ports of townships nmnbered 17, 16, and _15.north, of range 7 east of the Willu~1n~ me meridian, "18’miles more or less, subject to the properonstcrlyfor westerlyoffsets, too point three miles ehst of the _nortl1enst_eorner of township numbered _14 north, of range tz cnet of the Willamette- meridian; thence €8St'.Ol1' the township oline hetxveen townships numbered 14`nnd 15 north, 18 miles ~ · more or less to o point;3 mileewest of the northeast corner ‘ of toivnship 14 north, of range ,10 east of the Willamette moritlian`;-tlnence northerly subject the`proper’eaaterly or m·~;t<.·rly offsets, 18 miles more or less, to n point .3 mlleésYwe5st· {tf the northeast corner of township numbered 17 north, ofe rzn»_;.:e” 10 eaét ot the Wlllanaette meridian (but in locating rnnlezxsterly boundary, wliercver the summit of theflasonde { Alountnins is sharply and well defined; theasoid line shnlffollow tltcmoid ssummlt, where the said summit line benrswvest fof, the easterly llue as. herein determined) 3* thence westerly along _;l¤e township line`betn‘een snld townships numbered 17 end 18 _ lu the place ot beginning, ore`de<1icated·and set apart new pulgllc park, to be lmown and designated as the Mount Rainier ' ‘ Xntionnl Park, for tlresbenent and enjoyment of the people; and ull persons who elxall locate or settle upon or occupy the some, or any part thereofjexccpt as hereafter provided, shell be considered trespanoexjo ond, lie reghored t‘licre__from. (Mar. 2, Wifi, c.‘377, § 1, 30 St¤t.,903,.) ‘ · . t t ‘ · · 9;. Some; control; regulations; leases for buildings;. rights oft way to park; Enh nndugagne; removal of treepaosers.-—- Mount Rainier Nntional Park, ohuil be undef the exclusive control ot the Secretary of the Interior. In addition to the . .powers_Znnd duties enumerated in section 3 of .thi_s title. not inconsistent with this motion, he ebelt make regulations pro? A riding for.‘tlne preservation from injury or spoliation of all ·timl¤·r, minerixlillcponlts, natural eurlositles, or wonders within told pork. and their retention in their natural condition. {Tue Secretnrj may, in his, discretion, grnntpnrcele of ground at etnvln places in said pork as shall require the erection of bulld—· ings for the eccoxnrnodntion. of visitors. And through the lands

N.sE1zvlu·r02v § 96 i of the Pgciilc `Natioual Forest adjoining said park rights of wayyaro hereby granted, under such restrictions and regulations as tho Secretary ot the Interior may establish, to any railway or trumway company or corhpaniewthrough the lands of said Bacitic National Forest,. and also into said. park created bysr section 91 of this title, for thepurpose of building, constructing, and operating a' railway, constructing and operating a railway or tramway linoor lines, through said rlouds, also into said parkl Hg shall- provide against thewanton. destruction of the fish and game found within-said park, and against their copi ture or destruction for the purposes of morchaudiso or profit. Ho shall also cause all persons trespassing upon tho éamc to be 1'£X1\0V€d`th£f9ffOm,· ond generally shalllbeiuuthorizcd to take all such measures as lghall bonccessary to fully carry out the objects and purposes of,scctions'91’ to--93' of this title. (Mar. 2,`1899, c; 377, § 2, 30 Stat. _99=;; Juno. 12, 1917, c. 27, S 1, 40* Stut.·153.’) — i _ E _ _ _ · ·‘ - 93. Same; grunt of prior lands to,Northern Pacific Railroad; lieii lands to scttleré:-Upon execution a1;1tl_tiliug with the Soc- ,retary of the Interior, by the Northern Paciiic Railroad Com; pany, of proper deed yrcleiising and conveying to· the, United _Statés the `lands`_'iu` Mount Rainier National Park, also the lands in the, Pacific National Forest which have been heretofore grauted"by the- United States to said cotupany, whether surveyed or unisuryoycd, and which lie opposite. said com;pzmy’s constructed road, said company is authorized `to soloct on tcquarl quantity? of noumincral public lands, so classified as? » __ omninéral at the time ot actual Government survoykwhich

 as been or shall be made; of the UnitedStates uotrcécrvcd

h to which no adverse rightor claim shall havoattaclicd or aver boon initiated at the ‘ timé of the making of such selection, lying within any State into or through wjhich the railroad -0f said Northam Pacific Railroad Company runs, to _tho extent of tho lalnds so relinquished and Telcagod to the - United Sttitcs. Any settlers on lands in saidwrmtional pork · may relinquish their right; thereto and take lother public lands in llétl thbréof, to-the same extent oml__uudc_r_the same limitations tmd conditions as are provided by law for natioml forests and uatiouol parks.- (Mar. 2,*1899, c. 377, § 3, 30 Stat, 994.) 94. Same; location of mining claims.-—y-The location of usinlng claims under the mineral lgud laws of the United Stores io prohibited within tlié area of tho Mount Rainier National Park; in the State of Washington. This provision shall not aHoct_rights acouirod in good faith before May 27, 1908, under tho; mineral land laws ot the United States to any winning. location or locations in said Mount Rainier National I’or.k._ °(May 27, 1908, c. 209, § 1, 35 Stat. 365.) _ l` _ ' 95. ,S5mc;, jurisdiction by the United States; fugitives from justice.;-g——S0le and exclusive jurisdiction is assumed by tho United States over the territory embruccd withiuithe Mount Rainier National*1’ark, slowing, howcver, to the State of \\"uslningtou the right; to késrvo civil or criiniuol within tho limits of the alforoouid park in suits or protaocution for or on t accouut of rights acquired, ollligatioiizs iu-vurrogl, or crimes coxxnuittcd in said. Stotobut outside of said pork, und,} :·:avingfurther to the Said Stuto the right to tax persons and corporw tions, their fxuucliizscis and property, on tho lands included in .-éoid pork. All tho lows applicable to places uutlcr the solo and cxclusivo jurisdiction of the United States. shall liavo iforcomld offvct in said park. All fugitives from justice taking rofugo in- said pork shall lxosulijcct to the sguno laws as refugéos from justicchfound in tho State of Wo.¤»:liiugt0n. (Juno 30,-1916, c. 197, § 1, 39 Stat. 243.). _ — _ . 96. Saimc; part of judicial district for western district of Washington; jurisdiction of district court.——-——§lonn»t Ituinm- Nutloual Pglrk shall constitute at port of tho linitod Statics jmiicial district for the western district of \\’u:~=hiu_t;ton, and