Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/417

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403 TITLE xc.-ci Flathead River.: thence following ‘s:outherly along and with the middle of the Flathead River to its confluence with the Middle Fork of the Flathead River; thence following the north bank of said Middle Fork of the Flathead River to where it is crossed by the north boundary of the right of way of the Great Northern Railroad; thence following the said right of vvay to where it intersects the west boundary of the Blackfeet Indian Reserva tion; thence northerly along said west boundary to- its inter! Section ·with the internatiuonal bouudzu·y;’thence along said ‘in—_ rcrlnatioual boundary to the place of beginning, is reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or disposal ,-under the laws of the United `States, and dedicated. and set apart as a _puhiic park or pleasure ground for the beneiit andlenjoymeut of the people of the United States under the name of "Tl1e (:`lucier National Park? All persons who- shall locate or settle uyann or occupy the same, or any part thereof, except as hereinafter provided, `shall `bé considered trespassere and. removed therefrom. Nothing herein contained shall affect any valid -¢·laim,‘ location, or entry existing under the land laws of the Fnited States before May 11, 1910, or the rights of any such T claimant. locator, or entrymnn to the full use and enjoyment of his’l:md._ Rights of way through the valleys of the North and Middle Forks of the Flathead- River for steam or electric railways may be acquired within- said Glacier`Nationa1 Park under iilimzsor proceedimzs llneretofore or- hereafter made- or instituted under the laws applicable. to the acquisition of such · rigzhis over or upon the unnppropriated ,pub1ic.`domain_ of the United States, and the United States Reclamation Service may enter upon and utilize for flowage. or other purposes any area within said park which may be necessary for thewdcvelopment and maintenance *of a `Governnncnt reclamation project. . No laude withintlee limits of Glacier National Park belonging to or claimed by any railroad or other corporation having or claiming before May 11, 1910; the- right of indemnity. selection by virtue of any law or contract whatsoever shall be used as , a basis for indemnity selection in any State or-Territory w1nat· "scevcr for any'1oss sustained by reason of. the creation of Glacier National Park. (May 11, 1910, c. 228, 5 1, 36 Stat. 354.) 1622. Same; {control. of; regulations; leases; sale andre-. e moval of timber.-—Glacier_Natioxnal Park shall be under the exclusive control of the Secretaryof the Interior. In addition to the potvg.r.e and duties enumerated in section 3 of this title not inconfsietent with this section, he shall make and publish (such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the United States as he may deem necessaryor preper forthe care, protection, management, and dmprovement of the same, which regulations shall provide for the preservation of the park in a state ot nature so far as is consistent with the purposes of section 161 of thiatltle, and for the care and protection of the, fish' and game within the boundaries thereof. He may, in his discretion, execute leases} 'to parcels of ground not exceeding ten acres in extent at any one place to any one_pereon er company, for not to exceed twenty years, when such ground is necessary for the erection of buildings for the accommodation of visitors, and to parcels of ground not exceedlna one acre in extent and for not to exceed twenty years to permns who have heretofore

 erected or ahem be may hereafter authorize- to erect summer

homes. or cottages: he may also sell-and permit the removal of such matured or dead or down timber as he may deem neeeéig sary. or adviaable for the —protection’ or improvement of the park. (May 11, 1910, c. 226, 4 2, 36 Stat, · . 168. Same; jurisdiction by the United States; fugitive: [rem · justice.-·—-··S.ele‘ and exclusive jurisdiction is asenm® by the United States over the territory embraced within the Glacier ‘ National Park, saving, however, to the State of Montanathe right. to serve civil or criminal. proceed. within me limits of the aforesaid. mrk in suite or pweecution for- or en account of rights acquired, obligations incurred, or crimes committed in

MFSEIBVATION § ]66K said State but outside of said park, and saving, further, to the said State the right to t&x·pers011s and corporations, their franchises and property, on the lands included in said park. All the laws applicable to places under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States shall here force end effectin said park. All fugitives from justice taking refuge in said park shall be subject to the same laws as refugees from justice · found in the State of Montana. (Aug. 22, 1914, 0, 264, § 1, 38 p sm. eee.; · ‘ · i — A 164. Elinginsting private holdings of lands in; timber or public lands of equal value in exchange.—e’i€‘he Secretary of the Interior, for the purpose of eliminating privateholdings within the Glacier National Park and the preservation intact of the natural forest along the roads_in·the‘scenic`p0rtions of the park, both on patented and mark lands, is empowered, in his discretion: (1) To obtain for the United States the complete title,to any or`_all_of the`1ands held in private or State owners ship within the boundaries of said park within townships 32 and 33 north,-ranges 18 and 19 west of Montana principal meridian, by the exchange er dead, decadent, or matured timber of approximately equal values that can be remeved from any part of the park without injuriously aiecting the scenic beauty thereof; or, upon the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, ·__the timber to be selected or exchanged muy, be taken from the Government lands within the metes and boundsot the national forests within the State of·`M0ntana, or, (2) hé is empowered, in his discretion, to obtain for the United States the complete title to any or all of the lands held ’in private ownership within the boundaries of said park by accepting fromt the owners of such privately ownedlsnds complete relinquish ment thereof and by granting and patenting to such owners, in exchange therefor, in eachinstance, like public, land of equal value situate in the State of Montana, after due notice { the pproposecl exolmnge has been given byrpnbliontion for not. less than thirty clays in the counties where the lands proposed to be_exphane;e<l·or taken in exchangeere located. (Mar. 3, 1917; c. 164,’$ 1, 39 Stat, 1122; Feb. 28, 1923, c. 144,_§ 1, 42 Stat. ,_1324.)_ _ ·· . ‘_ · . _ ~ 1_65. Same; value of lands sought to be exchanged;-———For, purposes ot subdivision 2 of, section'164 ot this title the valnef ·0·1’ all' patented lands within said perk, inolnding the timber thereon, odered for exchange, and the value of other lands ot the United States elsewhere sitnate, to be given in exchange therefor, shall be\<a=scertained in `sueh manner ss the Secretarynot. the Interior may direqt; Rnd the owners of sueh pri— vately owned lands within said park shall, before any exchange is edective, furnish the “Secretarx`·0t the Interior evi- " dence satisfactory to him of title to the patented lands of· , {ered in exchange; end lands conweyed to the Government under this section and seetion 164 shall be and remain a part of the Glaoler National Park. (Feb. 28, 1923, c, 144, 5 2,- 42 Stat. 132-16,) I' - _ I · t _ _ ~ 4 166; Same; exchange oftlmber fer private holdings in; vale- 4 nations.-··—For pnrpom of subdivision (1) `ot section 164 of this tttle the vnlneot all `patentedjands within said perk, including the timber thereon, offered for exchange, and the value ot the `tlmber on park lands, one Government lands within the moms and swans ot the national toresm within the State; ot Mon- . tana, proposed to be given ln`exeh_snge`for such pstentcd lands, shall be ascertained iadsuch manner asthe Secretary of the Interior and- tbe;8ecretsry ofAgrlcnltnre may jointly in their discretion direct,··and all expenses incident to aséertalning snobvalues shall be paid by the owners ot said patented Llanels. Such owners shall, before any exchange is e{feetiy`€""fnrnislx_, the Seeretary of the Interior evidence satlsfnotory_tg `hitn bf title to the patented lands oil’ered in exchan;:e~·:pan_gl it the value of tlmlier on perl: lands or on the Government lands in the national forests within the State of Montana exgeeals the value ‘