Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/432

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§ __ TITLE 16.—-j—·CGZ\ the fort grounds. (May 26, 1914, c. 10-0, 38 Stat. 382; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 425. 4Q §tat. 1109.) · 449. Same; closure in times of national emergency.——Thc Secretary of War may, in case of a national emergency close the said Fort. McHenry and use it for any and all mllitary purposo during the period of the emergency and for such period of time thereafter, as the public needn may require. (May 26, 1914, c. 100, 38 Stat. 382; Milli': 3, 1925, c. 425, 43 Stat. 1109.) t L MISCELLANEOUS 451. Limit on cost or buildingserectod in national parks.-- N0 expenditure for construction of administration or other buildings cost in case of· any building_exceetll11g’$1,500 shall be made in any national purk exéept under express authority of Congress. (Aug. 24, 1912yc. 355, § 1, 37 _Stat. 460;.July 1, ) 1918, c. 113, § 1, 40 Stat. 677.) · _ n . _ 452. Revenues of national parks covered into ,Treasury;‘ cstimdtes for cage of parks.-——+All. revenues of, tho mttitmnl parks shall be covered .iuto tho Treasury 'to the,·crt-dit of misg·<·llant·0us 'tecelpts, except! in case of Hot Springs National Park snob as nanny be necessary to pay obligations putettunding on June 30, 1922. and the Secretary of the Interior is . directed to snbmit, annually, estimates of the amounts requlrod for the care, maintenance, and developmont_.of the said parks. (Juno 12, 1917., c. 27. § 1, 40 Stat. 153; May 24, 1922, 0. 199, 42Stat.590.) - _ - ·_ - __ ` 453. Donations of lnnd for park `pnrpopegg near or adjacent to National Forest Rescrye-in North Carolina.--flihe Secretary of the Interloxj is authorized to ncoopt for park purposes any lnndé and- rights of wa?. including tlné Grandfather Mountain, ucar 0;* "ndjncont to the Government National Fcnresttlixu. western North Carolina.. (Jtme 12, 1917, c.- 27, § 1, 40. Stat. .152.) 454. Goths: to expense aooounts.———·-The sxnperintexitltmt. the acting nuporintendexat, custodian, and prinizipal clerks of the va:·i4»u.s'11a1ti 0x1al pqrks and other Government reswvattions, arc required, exnpowered. and authorized, Wll9D`¥Qt]\l€!ét(*d, to administer ontlxs, required by law or otherwise, t0~_nc<·0untn for travel mj other expenses against the Uulteli States, with like force and effect as 0@t·ers having a seal; for such services whom so rondered, 0%* when rendered on demand by notnrieaé. pnbllc, who or tho time arg also salaried omcors ot employees. of the U¤ited·$tates, no charge slw.l—l be made;. nm}. np ren or money paid for the serjviccs herein tle·3crlht~d shall be paid or n·imh§umod_ by the United States. .(_Aug. 2-1, 1912, c. _355,° § 8, 37 Stat. 487.) · ·. . · " ` Cl1nptcr`2.—-THE NATIONAL FORESTS. ‘ v ( ESTxBLlSliLi·ENT AND ADMINIS‘1‘B.\'1‘ION i 473;. Nntiongl toresta;.estnb1iohmont: limitation on nddttions In com ~ `tnln States; lands suitable for production ot tlxnbor. · 472. Low; a@octlng national forest lands. - _ .473. itogocation, modiicntion, or vacation of orders oz; proclamm [ tions ontnblltshlng notional forests. t Q H4. Surveys; plats and held nptos; maps; moot under Act Juno . .· 4. 1&97.· . i · ·. l · 475. Purposes forwhlch national forests ma`y be cstnbllshcd and nd· _ mlnintered. ° ` 42*.6. Solo of tlmber. ‘ 4-T7. Uno of timber (and stone by settlers. 478. Egress or ingress of actual settlers; prospecting. 479. Sites {or schools null clmrchos, _,

 Civil and criminal jurisdiction. .

•1S1.,_}7se of waters. `I _ 482Z Mineral lnntlui réstorntlou to public domain: location `nndoutrj. 4§3, Exchange of lands in 'national forests with- persons who have .. relinquished lands an basis for llvu nt>1l·l·tl¤¤; préeeduro ;I Bidi ‘ , llnquislament of original lands to such pomoq. * · ‘ 484, Snmogf selection of other Glands ln 1-lou of lands rellnqunlsghod. 435. Extdanngo of lands lu national Inrésts: cutting timber in no- A t;iona1l tbrostoln (exchange for landu therein. `

FSERVATION 4 -418 486. Exchange of lands in national forests; reservations of timlwr _ minerals, or easements. ' 487. Cutting timber on land added to Siskiyou National Forest. 488. Establishment of extorior.boundarles of notional forests. 489. Sale of mature; `dcsd, and down timber. 490. Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of disposing or debris. 491. Export of timber and other products. 492. Earth, stone, and timber for Navy, War Department, and Govern. I . ·ment works in Alaska. . 493. Nebraska National Forest: trees from; for homestead settlers. . 494. Calaveras Bigtree National Forest. 495. Leases ot lands for sanitarlnxns or hotels. .496. Same; disposition of funds from. 497. Use andoccupation or lands for summer homes, hotels, and Stores, 498. Disposal of moneys received; refund of excess; 499. Disposal of money received by or on account of Forest Service; _ - refund of excess,. and `moneys erroneously collected; receipts · _ froxnpcrmits. " ” -- 500. Payment ol'. receipts to Statorfor schools and roads. 501. Expenditures from receipts for roads‘and_tralls`; cooperation with · State authorltlesp e · 502. Reimbursement to owners of equipment damaged or destroyed while fire fighting. _ _ 503. Appropriation for roads·nnd trails; cooperation of States'; ng- . . gregauyexpcndlture. · _ , I . . 504. Pnrchasesot tree seed, cones, and nursery stock for national forests. ' ‘ » 505. Use of national forests established on land reserved for purposes . of national defense; malntenaxxce‘ayallable. - '506._ Agricultural lands opened to homestead entry} 507. Additional; homestead right of entry to former settlers. 508. Entries in Black Hills National Forest subject to mining laws , -. and to appropriation of `wnters. l _ , . 509. Future settlexnents on lands within reserves, and rights of former ' _ laonatlde settlers. ·· , o ` 510. _Ri¢§la't ot homestead entry extended to certain lands. 511. Rbinstutemenxt otnentrles canceled or rellnqulshed. · 512. Segregation ot lands for homestead entry. . . 513. National Forest Reservation Conltnlssion; annual report `to Congress. i ·_ ° · 514. Appropriationtor expenses of rommlssion.; payments. - 515. Examination, location, and recommondation for purchase of forested, cut—over, or dennded lands, and report by Secretary ot Agrlculture. - . · ’ S 516. Purchase of lzmds approved by commlssion: consent of State; _ ‘ _ exchange of lands: cutting and removing timber. - o 517.v'1`ltlé to lands to be acquired. _ _ 518. Actiiulsition-ot lands not defeated by rights Qohway, easements, ‘ and reservations._· _ _ — .519. Agricultural lands Included ln. tracts acquired; sale for home-. ‘ · steads.1 . »_ · "_ · 520. Regulations as to mineral resources. .- . ,521. Lands acquired to lie rcaerred, held, and national ` . forest. lands; designation. _ 522. Rights of way for electrical plants. _ " ` 523. Rights ot way for clectrlcalpoles and lines. ‘· 524. Yllghta ot way for da1na,.rea>erv0lr8, or water plants for punlcipolq ‘ `mlulng, andrtnllllui QHFQGRGS · . ‘· V ’ 525. Rights ot way for wagon roads or railroads. ` Section -*471. National forests: eatahlhhnzent; limitation on additions in certain Statu; lands. galtable for production of timber.-—-·'J.‘he President of the United Statx, may, from time to time, set apart and; reserve, ln any State or- Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands ‘ I __ wholly or ln part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether _ ot commercial value or not, as national forests, and the Presi-· dent shall, by public proclamation, declare the ‘ establishment of such forests and the llnalm thereot. ·' . ·(a) No natioml forest shall be created, nor shall any addi— tions be made to· one heretofore created within the limits ot_ `the States of Calltornia, Oreion, Washington, Idaho, Montana. Y Colorado.- or _Wyoming,` except by Act ot Congress. .- · - ‘ (b) The President; in his discretion is authorised to establish as national forests or parts thereof, any lands within the boundaries of Government remrvations,. other than national parks, reservations for phosphate and other mineral deposits, or Water-power purposes, Rational tnonuménts and lndlan T reservations, which- ln o the opinion ot the Secretary