Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/434

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§ 479 Tzrm 16.-~e1 under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed ln the Secretary of Agriculture. Nor shall anything herein pre hibit any person from entering upon such national forests gc all proper and lawful purposes, including that of prospectirl; loeating, and developing the mineral resources thereof. Sue persons must eognply with the rules and regulations coverin sneh national forests. (June 4, 1897, c.j2, 5 1, 30 Stat. 36.). 479. Sites for schools and churches.——·Tl1e settlers residin within the exterior boundaries of national forests, or in tlt vicinity thereof, may `maintain schools and churches withi such national forest, and for that purpose may occupy any pai of the said national forest, not eitceeding two acres for eae schoolhouse and one acre for a church. (June 4, 1897, c. 2, 5 i 30 Stat. 36.) ( _ ·. · . `_480. Civil and criminal jurisdiction.·i#Tl1e Qlurisdiction, bot civil and criminal, over, persons tvithin national forests sha not be affected or ehanged by reason of their existence, exee; so far as the punishment of offenses against the United State therein is concerned ;` the intent and meaning of this prorisio A being that the State wrherein any such national forest is situ ated shall not,»by reason of the establishment thereof, lose_i1 jurisdiction, nor the inhabitants thereof their rights and `priv leges as citizens, or be absolved from their duties as citizens < the State; (June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 36; Mar. 1, 1911, · 186, § 12, 36 Salt. 963.) { ‘ ._ ·’ ;_ n t 481.. Uae of waters.-——All waters within the boundaries 4 national forests may He used fordomestic, mining, milling, < irrigation purposes, under the laws of the State wherein sue national forests are situated, or under the laws of the Unite States and the rules and - regulations established. thereunde (June 4, 1897, e. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 36.) . I h 482, Mineral lands; restoration to public domain; locatiu and-cntry.——gUpon the recommendationof the Secretary of th · Interior, with the approval of the President, after sixty day notice thereof, published in two papers of general eirculatio in the State or Territory wherein any national forest is situ ated, and near the safd national Ioresat, any public, lands en braced within the limits of any such forest which, after du examination hy personal inspection of a competent perse appointed- for that purpose. by the Secretary of the. Interio shall bejound better adapted for mining br for. agricultura purposes than for forest usage, may be restored to the publi domain. And any mineral lands in any national forest dwhie have been or which may, be shown to be. such, and subject 1 entriy under the existing 'minlng laws oi the .United_ State and the rules and regulations applying thereto, shall continu toibeisubject to such location and entry, notwithstanding `an provisions contained in this chapter. (June 4,, 1897, c. 2,t 1, .30 Stat. 36.) .— ‘ - ·· - *_ 483, Exchange of lands in national forestb with persons wh have relinquished landsas Basis for lieu aelection; prooedura relinquishment of original lands to such persons.--Where an person or persons in 'good faith relinquished .to the Unite I States lands in a national forest as a basis for ea lieu seleotle uuderthe Actooflune 4, 1897, chapter 2, section l, Thlrtiet Statutes, page 343, and failed to get their- lieu seleetionsw record prior to the paaaage of the Ac-t of March 3, 1905, chapte 1495, '1‘l1irty-third Statutes, page 126Zf, or whose lieu selection though 'duly filed, are fnnally rejected, the Secretary of tl Interior, with the approval of the Secretary of Agrloultur upon. application of suelrperson or persons, 'thelr heirs or a signs, is authorized to oaeeept title to sueh of thebase -l·a`tfds as are desirable for national-forest'purposes, which lands sha thereupon become parts ot the nearest national forest, and, 1 exchange therefor, may,·iasue" patent for, not to > exceed a equal qalue ot. national-forest Iahd, unoccupied, eurreyed, an nonmlneral ln eharaeter, or the Secretaryaot Agriculture ma authorize the Ngrantofyezut and remove an equal value 4

GONSBRPIQION ‘ 42+} »y· timber. within the national forests of the same State. V\’1m·a- 0- an· exchange cannot be agreed upon the Gemmissioner· of the ar General Land Omce is- hereby authorized to relinquish anu, g, quit claim to such person or persons, their heirs or assigl ~, eh all title to such lands which the respectivoerelinquishments lg such person or persons may have vested in the United States Such person or persons, their heirs or assigns, shall, within _ ,g five years ·afte1·· September 22, 1922, make satisfactory prmi le of the relinquishment of such lands to the United States by gn submitting to the a,~ Commissioner of the General Land Oillve as rg; abstract of title to such lands showing relinquishment of the gh same to the United States, which abstract or abstracts slum 1, he retained in the tiles of the General Land 05300. (Sept. 2:; · 1922, c. .40-1, § 1, 42 Stat. 1017.) · ' ,h 484. Same; selection of other lands in lien of lands relinll quishedi-elf itshall appear that any of the lands reliuquislnsl R ;to the United States for the purpose stated in the preceding ,.5 section have hcen disposed of or iapproprlated to a public use, ,n other than the general purposes for tvhich the national- 1'oresr u'_ within the bounds ofcwhich they. are sitnate was created, such [S lands shall not be relinquished and qnihclsimed as provided li, therein, unless the head of the department having jnrisdictiem ,f over ·the lands shall consent to- such relinquishment; and it c_ he shall fail to so consent. or if any of the lands so‘relinqnishe;l “ have been otherwise disposed of by the United States, other )f surveyed, uomnineral, `unoccupied, unreserved public lands of H. approximately_ equal, area and Jvalne may be selected, ana ,h pa_ten,ted in lieu of the lands so appropriated qi disposed ot in .,1 the manner and subject to the terms and conditions prescribed r_ by1said_Act of June 4, 1897, chapter 2, section 1, Thirtietn Statutes, page 36, and the regulations issued-thereunder. Apm‘ plications to make such lieu selections mast he Bled in the .9- General Land Oiilce within three years after September 2*2,

 1922. (Sept, 22, 1922, c. QM, 5 2, 42 Stat. 1017.) k _ `

mk 485._ Exchange of lands in national forests; catting timber u_ in national forests ·in exchange for lands-therein.-4-\\'hen the n_ public interests will benedted thereby, the `Secretary of the, N, interior. is authorized in his discretion ·to·accept on behalf of M the- United States title to any lands within the exterior 1,; boundaries, of the national forests which, ln the opinion of the ,1 Secretary of Agricnllture, are ehiedy valuable for national- Ic {forest purposes, and in excl1ange.,therefor may patent- not toi ,1, exceed an equal value of such national-forest land, in the same go State, surveyed and nonmineral in character, or the Secretary es of Agriculture may authorize the grantor to cut and remove ne. 'an equal value of tlmher within the national forests of the ly same State; the values in each case to be determined by the vg Secretary ot Agriculture; Before any such erchange is effected notice of the contemplated exchange recltlngthe lands involved ,0 shall he published once each week fort four successive weeks E; in `some newspaper of general `clrenlation in the] county or ly .counties `in·whlch_ may he situated the lands to he accepted, pd, and in some like ne\vspaner pdblished in any county in which m may be situated any lands or timber to be given in such ex-

h change. Timber given in such exchanges shall he cut and

yg removedunder the laws and regulatlo11s_relatlnng to ·the nagf tional forests, and under the dlrection`·and (supervision and in S, accordance with therequlrements of the Secretary ot_ Agrie m culture. ··Lands conveyed to the United States nnder this G, sectioneshall, upon .acceptance,ot title, become parts of,tl1c,___ S- national forest wvithln whose exterior boundaries they are gs located. _(Mar. 20, 1922, c.`105, ·§ 1, 42 Stat. 465.) ° · - .11 486. Exchange of lands in national forests; reservations of in timber, minerals, or eawmenta-——Either party to an ekchange ln may makereservations of timber, minerals, or easements, the `. ld values or which shall be duly considered in determining the ly` valuw of the exchanged lands. Where reservations are made at in lands conveyed to the United States the right to enjoy them