Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/445

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431 L www 16.-¢ have mmplled with the laws of that State so as to entitle them to do buslnew therein. Nothing mall operate to enlarge the rights of any- railway company to_ cut timber "on the public domain. `(Jsm. 11; 1921, c. E, 41;Stnt. F · , ~ ·613. Same; jimitationicf use of timber taken not to apply to certain territory.——Thé provisions of section 607 of- this title, Prmuc Lhmzs, ‘ limiting the use of timber taken from public lands to resident! of the State in whlchsuch timber is found, for usewithln said Stute,_shnl1 not apply to thesouth slope of Pryor Mountninn, in the Statue of Montana, lying south of the 0row—Reserv;tlou, west of fthe Bi§—Horn River, dud east of Sage Creek ;a but the abovadwcribed bdundnries the provision or said section shall apply equally to the residents of the States of Wyoming und Montana, {ud to the use of timber mken from the abovedéscrlbed tract in. either of the above-named States. (Hur. 3, 1901,`c.·862, 31 Stat. 1§39.) ’ " ’ ‘ . " ‘ @14. Sale ofdtimber killed or damaged by- forest- £rep.—The Secretary of the Interior iis. authorized, under such rules' as` he may prescribe, te sell ind dispose of · to highest bidder at _ public auction, or through Sealed blds,__the· timber. on any lands ` of the United Stntes, outside the boundurles of notional forests, including those embraced in unperfected claims _¤lld€1‘ anyloi the .public·lnnd lows; also. upon the ceded Indian lands; thm S may have hem killed-or seriously and Défmanentlyidnmaged by forest fires prior to March, '4, 1913, the proceeds_ of all such sales to be covered into the "llreasury of the United States The damaged timbenupon any lands embraced in an existing · claim shall be disposed of only upon the application or with the written cement of such 'Gqimnnt, and. thermoney received t from the éule of damaged timber on any such lands shall be kept in a special fund*t0_nwait the dual determination of nucl: clairn. ‘ (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 165, § 1, _37 Stat. 1015.) _ . , , 615. Disposal of of sale of burnt timber on exist- ` ing claim.-—-·Upon the certification of the `Secretnry of the Interior that any claim under section 614 of-this title han been _ ilnal1y..n;§provcd`and` patented the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed -to pay to such claimant, his heirs-01 legal representatives, the money received from the sale of the damaged timl5er,upou._his land, after deducting therefrom the expenses of the sale; and upon the certltlcution of the Secretary of the Interior that any such claimhas been finally rejeéteci and canceled the .Secreta.ry of the Treasury `is hereby author iized and dlrected totmnsfer [the money derived from the sole of tlaednmaged timber upon the lands embracedin such clzrirr to the generaljund in-the Treasury derived from the sale ol public lands, unless by legislation the {lands from, which the timber had been removed had been theretofore appropriated tx the·hcm·tlt of an—Indian_ tribe or otherwise, in which evept the net proceeds derived fr0m' the sale of the timber shall ‘b< [transferred to the fund of such ti·ibe’or‘otherwise credited 01 distributed as by lavspprovided. (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 165, § 2 37 Stat. 1016.) ~ d · , I _’· Chapter 5.-—··PR»0'l`EC'l‘ION OF FUR SEALS {XM) OTHER FUR-BEARING ANIMALS. d · Sec. . ‘ 631. Control, {md so forth, of fur seul, salmon, and other Hsherlen bz .Departrnent of Commerce. V / _ 632. Killing seul or an otter l¤‘ certain waters of the North Pnclflq prohibited,. , A . , ._ ‘ ‘ 633. Equlpplng vessels for pelagic. scaling or scwotter hunting for hidden; use of ports of United States. ‘ 034. Natives permitted to clnrry on pelagic llshing. (335. Importing illegally when siklnn; forfeiture, · tiiso; Regulations mode by Pregident: enforcement of low and . regulntionsf. .» . · " 637. Punishment for violations of law: forfeiture. 638. Premmptlnu as to violations., ' (339: Venue of prosecution:. · _ . 640. Guard or patrol of waters; seizure and search of vessels withll jurisdiction of United States. . `

TONSERVATION § , ,64l,,__Seizure oi {vessels outside of jurisdiction of signatory powers: _ , · procedure. ~ . . I .) _ ’ 642./ Delivery by, receipt and disposelof skins by 'the-Un{ted States _ under ,cenyeution‘ ot ·Iuly 7, 1911; performance _0£ articles · · thereunder. . , — I ‘ J

 643._f‘Pelaglc sea1ing" defined; {person" construeds , .

_ _644. -Ki1ling‘ of certain fur-bearing animals in Alaskanforbidden; ¤’ ~ punishment and ferfeitureypewer bt Secretary of Commerce to » -· » nuthoilzexkilling; duty td execute law. . fm 645. Jurisdiction of offenses. j B 646. Pribilot Islands a f special reservation; landing son islands I unla*wfnl. _ _ 1 _- N — . [· ‘ 647. Killing seals on Prlbllof Islands_1tegulatcd·; tlrcarms forbidden; l _ regulation cilprlvlleges of natives. · _ ·· ’ __ ·

$8. Killing seals on 'Bribilof lslands, by natives; disposal of skins

L _ by Secretary of Commerce. - _ . · 649. Killing female or seal less than one year old, er killing in waters { _ j adjacent -t0 Pribllot Islands or on beaches or -cli1!s; punish- . ‘ ment, and'for{eltmje. · · · · · 4 ,_ Killing ot seals on Prlbilot Islands; regulatiensf restricted to , ``'‘ * odlcers and natives under:their.direction; number to bekilled. _ ,651. Sale ot `sealskins; proceeds; subsequent treaties. _ . · ’ 652, Employment of natives of Pribilef1slands in killing. seals and l _ curing skins. · _ » “ · , 653. Same; depots for and transportation or provisions from main-

land to Pribilot Islandsycare of natives, ‘-

_ 654. Investigation as to seal lite on the Prrlbllof Islands. . ' 655. Agents to be_ disinterested. _ · ' V Same; administering certain oaths and taking testimony, l 657. Traveling expenses. I r `L . .'.__ _ · I _ . 658. Additional officers· and- agents to- enforce seabtisheries law. { Section_·631. Control, and so fertlnqef fur seal, salmon, and _

  • _ etherniisheries by Departmentefi Commerce.-·~The juxmic-

I tion. supervision and control ever the fur seal, slams rid. ' other fisheries of Alaska are vested-in the Department of Com- ‘ xnerce. (Feb. 14, 1903, c._552, ,§ 7, 32 Stat, 828.) ‘ — _· 632. Killing seal or sea utter in certain waters of the North Pacilic prohibited.-—N0 citizen of the United Statesnneraperson I _ owing duty of obedience to the laws or the treaties of the Ujnited S States, nur any of their vessels, por any vessel of the United, _ States, nor any person belonging to or on board otfsuch vessel, I shall kill, eapture,-or pursue, at any time erin any manner

 whateyer, any fur seal in the waters of the North Pacillc Qceain

S ·n0rth~of the thirtieth parallel of north latitude and including I the seasof Bering, Kamchatka, Okhotsk, and Japan; nor shall _ any`sucl1.pers0n or vessel kill, capture or pursue sea. etter in _ any of the. waters mentioned beyond the distance of three ~_ in miles from the shore line of the territory of the-United Statesl t (,A_ug. 24, 1912, c._;373, § 1, 37 Stat. 499.} · — · ` B *633. Equipping vessels for pelagic sealing or sea·etter ) hunting forbidden; use of ports fof United States.-—·—No citizen , of the- United States, ner person above described in section g 632 of this ·title, shall equlp,_ use, or employ, or furnish aid in C. equipping, using, ·or employing, OI? furnish supplies to any y vessel used or eniployed, or to be used_or employed, in earrying on or taking part in pelagic sealing or in seaiotter liiiiiting in said waters, nor shall- any; of their vessels nor any vessel of L the United States be. se used or employed; and no person or ‘ vessel shall use any of the ports or harbors of the l'_ni_tud · States, or.any part of the territory of the _United· States,_ for s' any purpose vsiliatseever conneetedvwith the operations; of N pelagic sealing- br sea-otter hunting in the waters named in

 section @2; and no vessel which is engaged or employed, or

a intended to be engag/ed or employed, for dr in connection with . pelagic sealing or seajotter hunting in such \\"!ll€,}l°S_'S‘llllll use any or the ports or harbors or any, part»oi' the terrimry or i the United States for any purpose Rvhatsoever. (Ang. _:2~l, 1912, 373, § 2, _37 Stat; 500.) [ ,. , F _ ` 634. Natives- permitted_1Q;.38Hy on pelagic !ishiug.—·——'l‘he‘ provisions of sec·tion's,. 6.*%*2 and 633 oftlnis title shall not apply I to Indians, Aleuts, or other aliorigzlnes dwelling on the, Anl¢·ri·_ can coast of the waters inentioned in section U320! this titles