Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/45

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tgl t TIQLE 5.e-—EXECUT1\·’E D;b.’1’A41€TMENT p,.M—1€1;·41 for in ciiapter 13 of this title; *(Aug. 5, 1882, c. 389, age 5 .;_ 22 Stat. 255:·M&1‘. 4,1923, c. t265,.‘42 Stat. 1488.) t _ » · fg;) t 47, Penalty fer wivletieus not sectiem 45* and _46;_of thi; 6, 3

}{lg¤,·~··.~\11)’ pexésfm viclatiug the provisions or seetiens»·45.am1__ $1

4.,; of mis.tit1e’shal! be summm·i1y—*removed from omce, and may pg gw, gpbxl conviction the:eQft_be~ punished by a fine tot; not o‘·, im

¤~:·¤ than $1,()0()01• by in]prisonme11ttfc_r_;n0t- m0;·e._than·0ne», off

»;»m·_ (Aug;g23, 1912, ¢.‘3·’50, »··1 § 5; 37 Stet;414.) 1 5 _ my i gg, Legal assistance in examination t of t witr;es¤e3.-7-Wh;m- pm m»;· any hesxdef at department- or bureau eehavingi made np- by ·;,;ii·:ztie§1 pursuant to sectigm 94·0t th-is title, turf a subgiqme Q to gn p:·<>cuz·e the etteudanee bf a witness to be examined, is of Ta ‘§SI|§I`$i()!1_ that the interests 0£_the_United States¥.req‘ui1:e the at- 1;;} gymxzxzice een. of emmsel Qat the exa·mi.nati0u,- or require legayig-.~ ~»4 X-.·Szi»;;s;tiei1 of any!claii1i'pe~¤dingtiu i11s;depart1ne1;t’ or bip·eau;f tex; gp smut egivejimtice thereof to the Att0rney_t1Geuera-1 and of A a t_ gu facts necessary tot meme me Attbmey Geuemn `to rqmxsnt qu; · gm qwr prrifessiozieji t éervice tink atieudi11g‘*si1ch4 eiamiqatibh, _ or .-`lililkillgl such ~i¤vestigatiQn_,.' and it shalt the Vdpty of the jwl

,immey·_ General` to provide for such service. _ (R; $,5 181;) {ma

» 49; EmPi°!¤¢¤¢ of lffcrheys on ccuinselgq-N0_theed of,a de- ~ su -p;»x·tment shall empl0y“att0tneys__ or couhsele a;t_·the expense ot. thi: {ho Uxiited States; but when in tneedot.counse1Qrtadv1ce, shalt toiml! »u;¤m' the Department _0f ·Just icé,· the ;0iIiqex—s of ‘w_hichfslu1ll_ ma

:i¥(f*!1(_l tO the SMIQB. V(R._S.;·§ 189}) A   ·‘     _ 7 V I1  

A 50.. meiney1i»ac¢ruing.frcm·lapééd salaried or eri Auhused qppf¤printions·f6r`§§lirics.-=-All moneys ac·cruing» from wl

1;mse—<l salaries, bt from unused   upp1iOpi·iat_i0ns·  for-  sulurics,_'_  bu

shui! be éovéred inte tlie_Treasury; Any person aviolatinge me by ti;»rm·isions bt this section"stml1 be summarily removed from; _ eiI_i€·<·. and may upon conviction thereof punished by\ by za {mc ct nctmote tha x1·$1-,000 orby imprisonment t<>r_·n0t m0re\ efoe mm qhe year. (Aug. 5, 1992,;; 389, 5 4, 22tStat, 255; A1ig. 23,,% 'wl 1912; c. 350, §;_5; 37 Sgetg 414.) · 1 M ¥ $2 r 51. Extn mmpens;-ti01n_tg clerks.-—->l*0‘n10ney‘shal1 paid \·_ St ` fo any clerk—emp loyed in anydepartment at an annual salary,. _ em: coxnnpeneatipn for extra eeiwices, unless expressly authorized- Aa Ly law. (R. S.] $0.) e· ‘ »_ t " eg: e ,52. Unauthorized: ¤&ce, m~n1¤ry‘erb¤.-exo moneyéhall be to

4p::i¤l) from 'theTreasury_ to any person uctix3tg or assuming  Ci

$.i('tjll£_§¥l (§mC§1;_, Tcivil, mi1i4tary,_t0r naval, as sala1*y,_iii1-any omce ’ 01 when the q$ce is not authorized bye some previously e:§isth1g‘ -·i'i‘ law, uumgtsueu omce is subsequeutlytsanctioned by law; (R. §— t 53. Detective agency "empley¢e;_ auth be-empl¢>yed.i-eNo em-—‘ N pmyee of the Pinkerton Detective_Agency, °_or*eimilhr agency} of sim! heienxpioyed in B.!iY..GOVGYl]ID€DC service or by any officexi m nf the District ’e£ Columbia. f(·Ma‘r,. 3,[1893,V c. 208,*.% 1, 27 C4 · 54. Pubiicity experts not ·t6_ be employed without Ipetiiict L1 ¤Dpmprigtie¤.·—-—-N6 nmmey sippfopvriated by any act shall beused sn f¤»r4t}\é compsmsatjon of any publiéity ·expett unless speéihcally 3, =¤131#r0priuted for tlmt purpose. ·(0et.~22,V. 1913, c. 32, 38 Stht. f

  • 212.) g ·(.` J Q e A “1 t..‘ 4- e lu

‘55._Expert¤;e compensated without ,¤peci§c. provision for.--· tk lixvept ag; _other¤svise ptovideq in section SQ ¢t ,*1‘1t1e 31, ne bz l•$1r/tent any mxzmey appr0px‘iaétd_ in any Abt shall bc{‘ii1sedA fore! in 4 ·»»m;»ensation 01‘·D8§’l§lQI1f pt eexpeneess ct accountants. or other tt <·xpm·ts tnaugurating ne‘#év`°h0r changing pld metlmdspt Jruxnse ex uptiang tthe_.bi1sine=·is`0te the_U'nited”Stutes pr the Dietrict ot no l`<»I11mhi‘a, unless authority for employment et sueh services or Us payment ot such egpemsee is stated in spegide terms in the Act ttl making pmvigion therefor mq thek rite of z!Qm,§0lISlltiV(1ll"'·f($I' D ¢f¤<·h {servmeé or_e‘xpeh5es·is· gpeeitlcinlly fixed therein, bf. be ueede J1 for compeusagiem crm- expexises for persoris, aiding er assisting 41 such accountants mgother expertSQ unless the rate at compen- t satione of or expenses fo1T.8llCh- essistantels iiixed by omcers»0r· tel employees of the Uni'ted—States or District of,C0lumbia ihaviug ‘a1 .. W t Q t `

S, OFFICERS, AND EJIPLOYBES ¥ thority to do so, and such mtesof compensation or expenses fixed shall beepald orily to the person se employed., (Apr. 1914,_c. 52, § 5, 38 Stat,335.} ih `· 2 ki 1 , l _ . 56. Salaries to ¢éItZ_il\_I'§¢£ appointecs.-4-No money shall be id from the Treasury, as salary, toany person appointed dur-

the recess of the Senate, to illl h evacnncyiu any existing

i<ie, ii‘lthé?vaca1icy existedhwhile the Senate was ih eessitm d was by law required to {be iilled by and with the advlee and nsent of the Senate, until such appointee has been eoxiiitmed the Senate. . The provisioné of this sectjoh shhlkuot apply any person hppointed ae hn; original member `ot the Board of lx Appeals, it. such. appointment was made prior to December- 1924, (R..,S. §_1761»; June 7, 1924, e. 377, 43 Stat. 669.) 52. Appoftionmeht ofQcompé¤satien.·—All‘h0mcers, agents, and nployees, of the United; States, serving forts less? period than year, 1 ,she,ll, not1be’pa id for the entire year, but éhhll be lowed';111 no casein lgpeatter than a pre rata el the maximum mpexisatiou of such omeefs reepectively for the time only`. mlch they*ve, whether the same hndef one or )l'Q`}1})i)0iHtII1Q11tS,W`_·01‘, before of after conhrmitions And ho ch lofilcei, `agent, or employee shall, in guy case, metve, for l s eervices, eithe1·_a§*fees, salary, hues, lpenaltiw, `forfeitureé, otherwise, for 1t‘hef;time he may in service, —*be5*ot1d _ the liiximum. pr0_=rata lmte, provided by law. This séection shall. gapplied- atgd; enforced ,111 to omcers, agents, had nployees of the United States jwhoztisoevery asl iell as!. those dose *8 compensation lsoifdetermiued by _ e t commlxioh eu » dislrsemettts, not to egceed an annual maximmh, as,&0se paid, {salai·y"or,otherxvise.`__ (R.,S._`§e%7.)__ 1 . , r l 58. Double solnries.-·-Unless othertilse specihoally authorized · law, no money, appropriated? by auylacth shall he available r payment to any jietson receiving. more the.n§one,_ salary hen the o6¤1bitie(lY·um0¤nt‘of Said, selerles eicoeeds the smh of T l,0o0_pe¤ hnhum; (R; S. {1763; May 1Q,e1816,~c._117, §_6, 39 l ot. 120;CAu§. 29, ,1916,_c._ 417, 391SthfI`5&d) Z, ” l 8 59. Same; excegitiohd: retixjed woot: exihgtdemea of o rmY»_ Navy, Marine Corm,»m? Gund, or @cers and slistod hmetrof iK;Hti8.¥—;·SéCti0§l se of thietitle shall not apply retired officers or enlisted men ot_ the Army., Navy, _Hatiue nps, er Coast Guard, lor, to `omcerq and enlisted Qmen yet the rgsmlzed Militia niid Naval Mil_it_i=n11h the several States, Ter-· , tories, endl the Distriét of Columbia, (May -10, ,1916, c. 117,* < ·· 8, 39 Stat. 120;. Aug, A , 1916, c.&417, 39 St¤tQ_§&.) __ ». , 60. Same} exceptions? éwployeuh of,Lih·•ry of Conggase-— 0 additional compenssitiou paid to employees of the Llhmry Y who perform special fuhctlohs for the ;perform· ace ot which funds have been entrusted to the Libmxjy of . ongtiess. Trusf Fund. Board or the Llbngian of —Co—¤gresS, or econuectioh with cooperative undergklhp, in which the l lbraryiot Congress, is- enS¤8¢@• shall be construed,has·& double » nluéy node: the pwvxeaepe ot section 58 otlthis title; (Mar. 1925, c. 423, { 6,¢¤$,Stet;‘1108.) l 8 1 - 8 · 61. Same; _»school,;te§k:hers tend employees in District of,§o4 lmbin.-—-Section 58 df this title srmurnet apply to teachers of . le t’t ’publ,ic séhoq1s’0f the Distrlothf Columbia when employed ‘ reany of the executive departments ll— m independent estnbll»h· lente of the United Stotes Goverhmexit; nor; to tehchers lu ne public schools of the District of Columbia who are also nployed as teachers Yot night_sch0ols.am1 ommnen schooled: or toemployees. of the school garden- depertment ot the puby c schools, of the `DiStriot·of Qglugnbin; nor to employees ot ae eommunityecenter depax·t·mex1t ot lthewbuhllo so_hools»'of the détrict of Columbia. (Oct._`6,` 1917, ci 79, { 9, 40 Stat. 384; L1ly_»8, 1918, ¢,` 139, 5 1,8 é,01Stnt, J_une,5, 1920, c. 253,, `§ 1,_ l Stat;1013’.1)—» .l_, he l Y1 1, _. , 1 62. Holdinzothef lucrative o§ce.¥·-——·No person who holds an moe the`Qgela”ry _0`x·? £lDl”l11{l1)_`COlIl[l€[l8&lZiOD ottaclned to ._\\']llCll mounts to the sum of two thousand Eve hundred dollars ,