Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/488

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§ 192 rzma 18.-———C'RIMINAL conn 41 19,2. (Criminal Code, section 168.) Trading nt public prop- o t crt}; by collecting or disbunaing oQcer.mWheever, being an I officer of the United States concerned in the collection or the 5 dieburwment of the revenues thereof, shall carry on any trade 3 or business in the funds or debts of the United States,ior of any State, or in any public property of either, shall be fined not Ii mere than $3,000, or imprisoned not more than one year, or A both, and be removed from office, and thereafter be incapable of s holding- any office under the United States. (R. S. §§ 1788, o 1789; Mar. 4, 1909,‘c. 321, 5 103, 35 Stat. 1107.) d 193. (Criminal Code, section 104.) Court ofticials purchas- a ing. fees at less than face value.—~—-·Whoever, being a judge, p clerk, or deputy clerk of any court of the United States, or of I any Territory thereof, or a United States district attorney, o assistant attorney, marshal, deputy marshal, commissioner, or c other person holding any omce or employment, or position of 1 trust or prodt under the Government of the United Stateashall, c either directly or indirectly, purchase at less than the full face a value thereof, any claim against the United States for the fee, c mileage, or expenses of any witness, juror, deputy marshal, or 1 any other officer of the court whatsoever, shall., be dned not [ more than $1,000. (Feb. 25, 1897, c. 316, 29 Stat; 595; Mar, s 4, 1909, c. 321, § 104, 35 Stat. 1107.) ’ · o 2 194. (Criminal Code, section 105.) °Fa!sely`certifying as 3 to record of deeda.———Whoever, being an officer or other person z authorized by any ldw of the United States to record a con! I vcyance of real property or any other instrument which by such ¤ law may be recorded, shall knowingly certify falsely that such 1 conveyance or instrument has or has not been recorded, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned nog more than I seven years, or both. (Mar. 4, 1909, c._ 321, § 105, 35 Stat. < 1107.) , · l _ 1 195. (Criminal Code, section 106.) Other false ccrtihcates.-— 1 Whoever, being a public officer or other person authorized by ( any law of the United States to make or give a certificate or 1 other writing, shall knowingly make and deliver as true such < a certidcate or writing, containing any statement which he z knows to be false, ju a case where the punishment thereof is 1 not elsewhere expressly provided bylaw, hall be fined not < more than $500, or imprisoned not more than one year, or • both. (Mar.°4, 1909, c. 321, 5406, 35 Stat. 1107.) . 1 1%. (Criminal Code, section 107.) Steamboat inspectors I taking illegal fees.--Every inspector of stmmboats v who, upon e any pretense, receives-many .fee or reward for his services, ex- e cept what is allowed to him by law, shall forfeit his ofdce, and 1 be dned not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than slx 4 months, or both. (R. S. § 5482; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, S 107, 1 85 Stat. 1107.) 198. (Crininal Cok, section 109.) Omccrs interested h claims against United States.--Whoever, being an omcer of i the United Statm, or a person holding any place of trustor 1 pront, or dlechargln; any omctal function under, or in connec·· w tion with, any“_exec·utlve department of the Government of the · United Statu, or under the Senate or House of Representatives · · of the United States, · shall act as an agent or attorney for · proaecutlng any claim against the United Staten, or in any : manner, or by any means, otherwise than ln discharge of his g proper omclal duties, shall aid or assist ln the proaecution or ` support of any such claim, or receive any gratuity, or any 1 share of or interest ln any claim- from any clalmantagainst the j United States, with intent to aid or assist, or in conéderation 1 of having aided or aaalated, ln the prosecution of auch claim, shall he nned not more than $6,000, or imprisoned not more 1 than one year, or both. Members, of the National Guard of ; the District of Columbia who receive compensation for their services as such shall not be held or construed to be omcére of the United States, or persona holding any place of trust or pront, or discharging any o@cial function under or in connec-

VD SRIMINAL PRQOEDL‘RE t {{4 lon with any executive department of thefovernmont or me Jnlted States within the provision of tfthis section. (B. S. ~ 5498; Mar. 1, 1901, c. 670, § 1, 31 Stat. 844; Mar. 4, 1909, 4;-, L21, § 109,35 Stat. 1107.)' . 199. (Criminal Code, section 110.) Accepting bribe by dember of Congress.———Whoever, being elected or appointed a demlxzr of or Delegate to Congress, or a Resident Commis. toner, shall, after his election or appointment and either before »r after he has qualified, and during his continuance in effico, lirectly or indirectly, ask, accept, receive, or agree to receive, my money, iproperty, or other valuable consideration, or any nromise, contract, undertaking, obligation, gratuity, or security for the payment of money or for the delivery or conveyance »f anything of value to him or to any person: with hfs consent, rom1lvance,`or concurrence, for his attention to, or services, or vvith the intent to have his action, vote, or decision lnduenced, m any question, matter, cause, or proceeding, which may at my time be pending in either House of Congress or before any eommittee thereof, or which by law or under the Constitution nay be brought before him in his odlcial capacity, or ln his >lace as such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, shall beilned not more than three times the amount asked, ‘ accepted, or received, and imprisoned not more than three wears; and shall, moreover, forfeit his omee or place, and therexfter be forever disqualified from holding any omce of honor,

ri1st, or proht under the Government of the United States.

[R. S. §§ 1781, 5500, 5502; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 110, 35 Stat. 1108.) · 200. (Criminal Code, section 111.) 0EeringV/bribe to Member of. Congress.—¥—Whoeve;‘ shall promise, offer, or give, or zause to be promised, otered, or given, any money or other ching of value, or shall make or tender any contract, undertaking, obligation, gratuity, or security for the payment of money ar for the delivery or conveyance of anything of value, to any Member. of either House of Congress, or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, after his election or appointment and either before or after he has qualihed, and during his continuance in omce, or to any person with his consent, eonnivance, ar concurrence, with intent to- innnenee his action,. vote; or decision, on any question, matter, utlse. or proceeding which may at any time be pending in either. House of Conyw, or before any committee thereof, or which by law or under the Constitution may be brought before htm ln his omclal capacity or in his place as such Member, Delegate, or Rmident Commissioner, shall {be fined not more than threewtlmmjhe amount of money. or value of the thing so promised, given, made, or tendered, and imprisoned not more than three years. (R. 8.15456; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, { 111, 35 Stat. Mw.) s 201. Use of appropriations to pay for personal service to lninmle Member of Congrm to favor- or oppose legislation.————No part of the money appropriatm by any Act shall, in the absence of express authorisation by M used directly or indirectly to. payfor- any personalf service, adveri tlsement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device y intended or designed to inhuence in any manner a Lkmber§of »Con¢ress,` to favor & oppose, hy vote, or otherwise, any legislation or appropriation hy.Congress, whether before or after the introduction of any bill or resolution propming such legislation or, appropriation; _ but this shall not prevent omcers and empxoyees of thellnited States from com! municating to Members of Congress on bathe request of any Member at or to, Congrms, through the proper omeial, channels, regncsts for legislation or appropriations which they deem nec%ry for the emeient conduct of the public business. , Any omcer or employee of the United Stakes who, after notice and hearing by the superior omcer rested with the poyvekf of removing him, is found to have violated or attempted to violate this section, shall be removed by such superior omcer from