Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/555

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—541·’ ‘ runs 19.-QCUSI . monted, or decorated, shall be subject to Ia dutygof 5 per pentum* ad ralorm in addition to the otherwise chaitwhlen 4 I theree¤·"III·_· I I i— " ‘·_ " ·` 4 IDA;. %: Spectacles, eyeglasses, and gogies, and frames for ; who sane, er thereof, Bnished, or nn§a*l®, valued; at I. not»Io\?e1’ 65; per dosen, 20 c~@ts perrdozen and‘15\ Q eontum ad valorein; valued at.over —®, oper., doeen`and‘_notl ever $2.50 per dozen, 00 cents per- doxen and 20 per centurn ad ··,·;{1orem; valued at over dozen, 40 per centuxn ad l ralorem. ‘ _` I , · M ’=· I, Pan. 220._`Lenses. of e-: or pebble,. tnolded or, pressed; or T ground and polished to I. a spherical, cylHdrlca1, lor prnmatxc. {oral, and ground. and polished plane or éoqulll Qames; wholly · or partly manufactured, with edgu unground, I40 per centum . nd valorem; with the edges ground or beveled, 10, cents per dozen `*pairs and 35 =,per centum . ad. valorexn.; strips of ° glass not ,:nore than ithree Iwlde, gronnd·or polished pn ‘Ioneor both sides to a cylindrical; or prlematlc form, ·including.those used ln the‘£constrnction` of 8¤¤8€$» and glass slides for magic. lanterns, 35 per centum ad yale;-em, r · . ·_ . ‘ . Pan. 227. Optical glass or glass used in the, manufacture of looms or prisms for spectacles, or . for optical instruments or · equipment, or for optical I Imrts, sclentinc ‘ or commercial, Q in any and all ferns, per centu1ngadYvalorexn.I ‘I . ¤ Azimuth mirrors, sextants} and octants; -photo-‘ - greiplnle and projection lenses, opera and held I glasses, Irtele-· scopes, micr and other optical instruments, and frames, and lnountingsior ..the same ;;__ all the foregoing not specially provided `for, 45—per centunr ad ralorern. _ [_ · , I y ~, _ _ ` Pan. 2%. Incandescent _~electrlc·light bulbs and lamps.; with · or without Elements, 20 per centuxn ad valorem. ; » I· - · »'_P.u. or painted glass windows, and parts thereof; and all not specially: provided for, notgex- · ceeding in hundred and fortrfour square inches, with ` or without framu or ears, 50 per centuxn ad yalorem ;_·and all_· ‘ glass or manufactures of glass or paste, or [of which glass or paste is the component material oft chief value-, not provided for, 50 per eentnm ad valoremn , - , I Ps:. 231. Smaltdfrmlngs, and all eeraxnlc and glass colors, . fluxes, glues, and enamels, all the I foregoing, ground or pulverlzed, w` per centnm ad valorexn ;- ln any other form; 40 per » _<.·ent,nm ad valorezn; opal, enamel or cylinder glass tiles, tiling, and rods. 40-per oentum ad valorena · -. · . -. . I Pam 232. Marble; breccia, and onyx, in block, rough or squared ( only, 65 cents per cubic foot ;, marble, breccia, ‘ and onyx, sawed. or dressed, over two inches. in, thickness, $1 per . cubic foot; slabs and paving tiles of marble, breccla,I or onyx, containing not less than four superhclal inches, if not ; more · than •e inch in thickness, 8 cents per superhclal foot; lf_m;ore 0 than one inch and not more than one and one·hal! inches in - thickness, 10 cents per snperhcisl foot; if more than one and one half inches and not moreftlfan two inches lnhthlckness, 13 cents por supernclal foot; lf rahhed in whole. or in part, 3· cents per_ superdclal goot ln addition; mosaic cubes of marble, hreccia, or onyx, notdexeeeding · two énblc inches ·ln‘ size; lf loose, onefourth of 1 cent per pound and 20 per centnm ad valorem; if attached to paper or other material, 5 cents per superficial foot and 35 per ccntuxn ad jvalorem. I I — _ Pas. Marhle, breécla, onyx} élabaster, and jet, wholly or mrtly nianniactured into monuments, Ibenches, vaSea{ and other artieles, and articles of which these I substances · or any of them is the component material of chief value, and allarticles conlposed wholly or in chief value ot agate, rock crystal, or other senalprecioizs stone, except such as are cut into and forms httlng them exprmly for use in the "condruction of jewelry, not specially provided for, 50 per 4 eehtuzn ad valorem- · · , . _ » · Pan. g Burrstones, manufactured orI bound up into millstonu, 15 per centum ad valorem. `

x . · » vous vvrxns § 121 y \ _PAn. @5. Ffreestone; granite, sandstone; limestone; lava, gud all other stone suitnblé for use no monumental or building stem, except marble, breccin, and- onyx, not specially provided rm-, hewn, mw, or — poumeo, or otneywm manufactured, 50 per centnm ad ya1orem;‘uumnn¤tsctnred, or not dressed, liewn, or polished, 15 centsfper cubic toot. · - · o

 Pm. 238. _ Grindstones, nnished or unnnishml, $1.75 per ton.

Put. 237; States, slatoychimney pieces, slam for . tables, rooting shim, and all other 'manutncttires ot slate, not specially provided for, 15 per centmr ad valorem. · Pm; 238. Wntch cryetnls, per. centum gd valorem. , ·scm:m3mi: 3.-é—m¤:·rALs Am>··ul¤imlo·nmm or

 P41:. /301t Iron in ipigs, iron kentledge, spiegeleisen containingdmore,-than 1 Der ééntum. of carbon; 75"eents per1ton»;wronght

and cast. scrap iron,. and ecrap steel, valued at, not more than ‘ Z centeper pound; 7 5 centdl per ton :‘ Prov·§dcd,.Thnt spiegeleisen for the ipurposes of this chapter shall 'be an iron manganese alloy containing less fthan 30 per: centum of mangnneset Providedfuriher, That nothing. shall be deemed scrap iron_or scrap o steel except lseconolmia or waste or refuse ?ironor_stee1.nt only tobe remanufactured. " r " t _ 3 ‘ PAR. 302. Manganese ore or concentrates containing in en- " cess of 30 per. centum _ oi metallic mangs,ne8e, 1 cent per pound on the metallic manganese contained therein ;_ molybdenunr ore or `concientrhtent 35 centslper pound on. the molybdenum contained therein; tungsten ore or concentmteq, 45 centé per boundon the metallic tungsten contained therein; ferromagnneee containing more than<1 per centnm of mrbon, 1% cents per pound on the metallic manganese contained V therein: vided; That fei·r0mnnganese.1or the purposeo of this ehépter shall be such iron alloys gs contain»30_ per centum or more ¤o£__ manganese; metal, silicon, manganese boron}. land ferromnnganese and . con·» . tnlnlqg not more·'thnn_1 centum og. carbon, 1% cents per — “’ pound onrthe manganese contained therein and 15 pu- centum ad » vglorcm ;_ ferromolybdenum,· metallic Anolybdennm, molyb-

 powder; calcium rnolybdnte, ynnd all other compounds,

and alloys of molybdenum, 56 cente pound onrthe molybdenum contalned therein und 15 per oentnm nd ralorem; ferrotungsten; metallic “ tungsten, tungsten powder, tungstic acid, und. all- other compounds of tungsten, 60 cents per pound- on the tungsten contained therein ond 5 por centnm nd valorein; torrochromlum tungsten, chromium tungxen, chromium comlt tungsten, tungsten nickel, and all other loys ot tungsten not specially provided for; _— 60 cents per pound on the tungten · contained therein and 25 per centum ad yalorem; teriosiliifvn. contninlng 8* per centum or more otj silicon and less than 60 percentum, 2—cents per pound onthe silicon contained therein; containing oo°per’¤em¤m vor, more: of. silicon and less than .80 percentum, 3,cents per poundonethe Silicon contained therein; containing per centuxn or more of sil$n and less than 90 percentum, 4 cents per pound on the silicon contained therein ;` containing ,90 per cciltum or more of silicon, and silicon metal, `8 cents per pound on the silicon contained therein ;` ferrochrome o1·°£erroohromium·'contninlng 3 per centum or moreot carbon; 3% cents perpound on thGf·Ch!T0miHIIl contained therein; ferrochrome or ferrochromirum contnining less than `3 centum of carbon, and chrome or chromium metal, 30* per centum ad ynlorem; terrophosphorus ferrotltznium, terrorzinadium, fer? x·oui·a'nlum, ferrozlrconium, zirc0niumferrosillcon,‘ ferroboron, titanium, zirconium, chromium nlckelg vanadium nickel, zirconium:nlckel,_chromlum vanadium, chromium silicon, zirconium eillcon. calcium silicide, and all alloys used in the n1anu·ta<:ture * of steel not specially proyflded for, 25 per centum ad valorem; oerlum metal,·.$2\ per pound; ferrocerium and-all other cerium nlloyn, $2 per pound and % per centum ad vnlorem; ductlle tantalum metal or Mctlle nonterrous alloys ot tantnlum metal, 40 per centum ad valorem. “V