Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/56

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§ 242 TITLE 5.4-—1J.Y.ECUT1l’E DEPARTMEQ as the Department of the Treasury, and a Secretary of the Treasury, who shall be the llezld thereof, '(R. S. 5 233.) l “ Cross referenee: Salary ot secretary; seesectlcm 3 oi thistltle. . 242. General. duties of Secretary of ,'1`reasury.———The Secretary of the Treasury shall, from time to time, digest and pre· Jpare plans for H1€‘im}%i‘O\’€Il10Ht and management of the revenue, and for the support bf the public credit; shall superin-’ t 7ter1d·tl1e.e0llection of the revenue;) shzill, from time to time, prescribe the forms of keeping and renderi11g'zill·pub1ic Accounts mail making returns ;. shall grant, tiuder the Iimitatiqns herein esmlxlislled, eito lgefprovided, all warrants for m<5¤eys—t0 be issued from the,Treusury_’ ill-A])l1l’SUitI1C€,-Of appropriations by law; shall make report and give information to either brunch ef the legislature ___in person or in writing, as may be required, respeeting all matters ·refer1jed. t0:llilI1 by the Senate or House ef Representatives, or which shall eappertaih to his eilice; and generally, shall perform z1l11su`ch services relative to the —Hl1&lI1C€S_7 tlS.hB shall be directed to pérfetm, _ (R; S. 5 248.) ‘ -- 3 l 243. ‘Restriptiou$ upon Secretary of. ·Tre;nsm·y.4—-N0_ person appointed to the oflice of 1 Secretary of the _T1•e,€lsury,- o1·_ Treas,. urer, or Register, ,-8118:11 idirectly. or indirectly be concerned 01* int rested, ll., carrying on the business of trade 01··c0mme1·Ce,.0r be Swnertin whole or, in part oftany sea vesseljor purchase by himself, or .zmother_in trust for him, any public lands bij other public property, er be COilC€1’l1€d--111, ,the;>u1*c11£tse Ur disposal of any public securities of any State, O1; of u1Q..U"11ft€d Smtes,7 or take or apply t0,Ml1is¥0wi1,usé_ any einolument or gain for negotiating 'or tmhsacting any business ini the .T1*easuryi»D.e;>0art- " ment, other that! wxmtlsuallbe allowed by law; and every persexfwho offends against any df the prohibitifbns of this section shallwbe deemed gnillty ofla high mis8emeaupr_ and forfeit to the United States the penalty of three thousand dollars, and , shall up0n`c0ns’icti·0p'be removedifrom office, and forever thereafter be incapable of holding any offlée under the United States`; and if any other .pe;·s0i1 than a public prosecutor sha1},gi£·e infernnmtion of any such offense, upon whllclya prosecution 'zmd conviction shall be hud, one-half the aforesaidlpenalty of three tlmusaxid dollars, when recovered, shilll-befqr the use of the-· person giving such_informa»ti*0n,` (R. S. S 243.). ' ‘ `244.° Undersecrctary df Treasury; sa_lary; idutics.————There shell be in the Department, 0£A·t11e_'1`reasury an Undersecretary of the Treasury, to be appointed by the President, by imd with the advice &!1dj(!0Ilt$€’I1t· of the,Senate. The compensation-of the_Ur1dersecretary‘ of the Treasury shall be at the rate ot » $10,000 pen; annum. T Ile shall perform Msuch duties in the otllée of the Secretary es-ma-y be presérlbed by the Secretary 0£ the , Treasury or by law. .1 4;Feb. 17, 1922, c, 55, 42 Stat. 306; Jail. f8,- 1923, c. 22, 42 Stat. 1087; Ap1•.‘4,,1924, c. 84, Title I, 43 ` StH€2·64; Jan. 22,1925, c. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 764.) 7 I ,245; Same} performance of duties of Secretary.·—¢—·The"Undle;·- 7 seereitary of the Treasury, in cage of the death, resignation, ahsenee, Of sickness of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall perform the duties of the Secretary until 0; successor is appointed or such al»=enc,e 0; slcknesé shall cg¤se.” (Feb. 17, 1922, 0 c. 55. 42 Stut.’3G0; .}a1n..3,_1923, (:.022, 42 Stat. 1087; Apr. 4, 1924, lr. S1, Title I, 43 Stat. 64..) _ y 1 __ t 1 246. AssistanfSecret§ries» of Treasury.-—'l”lxere shall be in the Depurtulent (of the Treat:-;uz·y ul1‘(*€;A§S&iSt£IIlt Secretaries et , the Treu*s1u·y,_wh0 shall bc nppoiutcll by the President, by and with the mlvlce and c01ns~=ii211t»_0f the Senate. _(R. § 2347: July 11,-1890, c. 607, 5 .1. 20.Stut, 236; Mar. 3,*1917, c. 103, _§ 1, 739 Stat. 10%; Oct. 6, 191.7, c. 79, § 1, 40 Stat., 347.);, _. l ~ ~ 1 217. Same; duties.-»·The ASSiSllll]£ S(?C1’G(§1_l"iGS of the ‘1‘l·ez1s- ‘m·y shell exmniue letters, cqutmcts, uml weitrfants prepared. fer "~ the silsmature of the Se¢·rethry of the Trenslnry, znndt perform 0 suvh 0tl1e1··di1ties in the oflice of the Secretary of the T1°€*9"Sl1lf§' V as may be presg:rlbcd shy the Secretary or by luw. (R. S. 9 24:;) /\’ ‘ ‘

NTS, OFFJUERS, AND EMPLOYEES ,;;,2 248. Same; signing warrants.-——The Secretary of the Treesury may, by on appointment under his hand and oflicésl seal, delegate authority to the Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury to signin his stead, and be may ein like manner dole, gnte, such authority to E1 clerk in his office to sign in his name. an warrants for the puymentpf money into the Public Treas. nry ond lull warrants for the disbursement from the Public Treasury of money cjertiiied by the General Accounting Oilitee to be. due upon accounts duly audited and settled by them; also all accountable. warrants placing money in the iT-rensnrvv to the credit of disbursing and other fiscal oflicers, and all appropriations, reptiy, and transfer, warrants. The ·werrnnts so signed by either of the `Agssistant Secretaries of the Treasury or by the designated clerk shall be in all cnses of the same validity as if they hse\`been signed by the Secretary of the Treasury himself., (R. »S, §_ 246; Mar. 2, 1910, •c. 71, § 1, 36 Stat. 231} June 10, 1921, c. `18 § 304, 42 Stat. 24.) » ' 249.,Chief clerk and superintendent to be ehicf executive officer of department.-$—The` chief clerk and superintendent ef, the Treasury Department, shall be the chief executive officer iof the department, and maybe designated by the Secretary of tl1e.Treasury to sign ofllcinlipapersnnd documents during the temporary absence of the Secretary, Undersecretary, and Assistunt Secretaries of tbedepartment. (Mar. 3, 1917, c. 1%,* §o1,°.39 Stat.'1083; Feb. 17, -1922, c. 55, 42 Stet.” 367 ; Jan. 3, ?1923, c. 22, 42 Stat. 1088; Apr. 4, _1924;` 84,-Title I, 43 Stat. 64;. Jon, 22, 1925, c. 87, Title I, 43_.Stst. 764.) i i 250. Deputy disbursing clerk.--The deputy disbursing clerk shnll have authority to sign checks `in the name of the disbnrs-, ding clerk; he shall give bond to the disbursing clerk in snob sum- as the said Idisbnrsing clerk may require, and when so outing for the `disbnrsing clerk shall be subject to all the lisbilities and penalties prescribed by law for the officisl misconduct in like cases of the dislmrsing clerk for wbonn he acts, and the official bondof the disbursing clerk executed hereunder shoil be made to cover and apply to the acts of the deputy disburs- 4 ing clerk. (June 17, 1910, c. 297, 5 1, 36 Stat. 487.) ’ — 251, Government actuary; salary.--The salary of the Govern? ment actuary, so long as the position is held by the incumbent on June 2, 1924, shall be at the rate of $7,500 a year. (June 2, i 1924, 4 :01- p; nn., e.‘234, S 1102, 43 Stat. 353.) . _ . p 252. Salaries to Treasury Department o&cers holding over.-- The Secretary. of the Treasury lissonthorized and directed to pny to all ofilc·ers·nnder the Treasury Department whose, terms j0f,otll<;e_ have expiredtor shall expire before the appointment ond qualification of their snc‘cessors, ·snd who here been performing orlshall perforrngtbe duties of their respective oflices after the date of such. expiration, the salery, compensation, `fees, or emoluments authorized or provgled by low in. each case for the respective incnmbents of the olliees. y No such payment shall be mode for any services rendered by any such onicér wrongfullyholding utter the nppointmentnnd qnnlificntion of • his successor. y (Mar. 2, 1895, c. 187, 5 _1,_ 28 Stat. 843.) l 253."Enfoi·•:enxent oflews relating to Treasury mpsrtment; detail of persons paid from certain sppropriationstfor.~—'17be Secretary of the 'ilfrensuryp is authorized ·to use for, end in connection with, the enforcement of the lows relating to the Trensnry Department and the several branches of the public i service under its eontrol, not exceeding at any one time fonr persons poid fromthe nppropriaption for the collection of ons? toms, `funr persons paid from the spproprintionfor salaries ond expenses of internal-re\·enne agents or from the appropriation for the foregoing purpose, and four persons paid from the spproprintion for suppressing counterfeiting send other crirnes, but not exceeding six persons so detailed susnxtoe employed nt any one time hereunder; Nothing herein eontained shall be construed·'toAeprlve the Seeretnry,.-of the Treasury from mak- _ lng any detail otherwise authorized by existing low. (June 12,