Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/562

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§ 121|TITLE 19.—CUSTOMS DUTIES|548}}

ported shall be subject to the same rate of duty as they would be subjected to if Imported empty. Par. 387. Azides, fulminates, fulminating powder, and other like articles not specially provided for, 12½ cents per pound.

Par 388. Dynamite and other high explosives, put up in sticks, cartridges, or other forms, suitable for blasting, 14 cents per pound.

Par 389. New types, 20 per centum ad valorem.

Par. 390. Nickel oxide, 1 cent per pound; nickel, and nickel alloy of any kind in which nickel is the component material or chief value, in pigs or ingots, shot, cubes, grains, cathodes, or similar forms, 3 cents per pound; in bars, rods, plates, sheets, strips, strands, castings, wire, tubes, tubing, anodes, or electrodes, 25 per centum ad valorem; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, if cold rolled, cold drawn, or cold worked, 10 per centum ad valorem.

Par. 391. Bottle caps of metal, collapsible tubes, and sprink- ler tops, if not decorated, colored, waxed, lacquered, enameled, lithographed, electroplated, or embossed in color, 30 per centum ad valorem; if decorated, colored, waxed, lacquered, enameled, lithographed, electroplated, or embossed in color, 45 per centum ad valorem.

Par. 392. Lead-bearing ores and mattes of all kinds, 1½ cents per pound on the lead contained therein: Provided, That such duty shall not be applied to the lead contained in cop- per mattes unless actually recovered: Provided further. That on all importations of lead-bearing ores and mattes of all kinds the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores or mattes by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores or mattes at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph.

Par. 393. Lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, lead dross, reclaimed lead, scrap lead, antimonial lead, antimonial scrap lead, type metal, Babbitt metal, solder, all alloys or combinations of lead not specially provided for, 2(illegible text) cents per pound on the lead contained therein; lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glazier's lead, and lead wire, 2⅜ cents per pound.

Par, 394. Zinc-bearing ore of all kinds, containing less than 10 per centum of zinc, shall be admitted free of duty; containing 10 per centum or more of zinc and less than 20 per centum, one-half of 1 cent per pound on the zinc contained therein; containing 20 per centum or more of zinc and less than 25 per centum, 1 cent per pound on the zinc contained therein containing 25 per centum of zinc, or more, 1½ cents per pound on the zine contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of zinc-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ore at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample and report the result to the proper customs officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph.

Par. 395. Zinc in blocks, pigs, or slabs, and zine dust, 1¾ cents per pound; in sheets, 2 cents per pound; in sheets coated or plated with nickel or other metal (except gold, silver, or platinum), or solutions, 2 cents per pound; old and worn- out, fit only to be remanufactured, 1½ cents per pound. PAR. 396. Print rollers and print blocks used in printing, stamping, or cutting designs for wall or crêpe paper, linoleum, oilcloth, or other material, not specially provided for, com- posed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, copper, brass, or any other metal, 60 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 397. Cylindrical steel rolls ground and polished, valued at 25 cents per pound or over, 25 per centum ad valorem. PAR 398. Twist drills, reamers, milling cutters, taps, dies, and metal-cutting tools of all descriptions, not specially pro- vided for, containing more than six-tenths of 1 per centum of tungsten or molybdenum, 60 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 390. Articles or wares not specially provided for, if composed wholly or in chief value of platinum, gold, or silver, and articles or wares plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manu factured, 60 per centum ad valorem; if composed wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, lead, copper, brass, nickel, pewter, ·zine, aluminum, or other metal, but not plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or colored with gold lacquer, whether partly or wholly manufactured, 40 per centum ad valorem. loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall PAR. 400. No allowance or reduction of duties for partifi be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel. SCHEDULE 4.-WOOD AND MANUFACTURES OF PAR 401. Logs of fir, spruce, cedar, or western hemlock, $1 per thousand feet bourd measure: Provided, That any such class of logs cut from any particular class of lands shall be exempt from such duty if Imported from any country, de- pendency, province, or other subdivision of government which has, at no time during the twelve months immediately pre- ceding their importation into the United States, maintained any embargo, prohibition, or other restriction (whether by law, order, regulation, contractual relation or otherwise, di- rectly or indirectly) upon the exportation of such class of logs from such country, dependency, province, or other sub division of government, if cut from such class of lands. PAR. 402. Brier root or brier wood, ivy or laurel root, and similar wood unmanufactured, or not further advanced than cut into blocks suitable for the articles into which they are intended to be converted, 10 per centum ad valorem. PAR 403. Cedar commercially known na Spania cedar, lig- numvita, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rose- wood, satinwood, Japanese white oak, and Japanese maple, in the log. 10 per centum ad valorem; in the form of sawed boards, planks, deals, and all other forms not further MADÚ- factured than sawed, 15 per centum ad valorem; veneers of wood and wood unmanufactured, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 404. Hubs for wheels, posts, heading bolts, stave bolts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, beading blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough-hewn, or rough shaped, sawed or bored, 10 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 405. Canks, barrels, and hogsheads (empty), sugar-box shooks, and packing boxes (empty), and packing-box shooks, of wood, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad valorem.