Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/614

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§ 465 .__ TITLE, 19.--0UB except; in cases where an appeal may be Bled by either xgnnqign the United States Court of Customs Appeals within the the and in the manner provided by law. The conslguee may, with the consent of the Secretary of the Treasury, at any time prior to three years ." from the date of `original importation abandon to the Gorernment any merchandise in bonded warehouse: and be relieved of the payment of duties thereon: Provided, That the portion so abandoned snail notrbe less than an entire package and shall be abandoned in the original package without having been repaoked while in bonded warehouse. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356,_'1‘itle IV, 5563, 42 Stat. 978.) · 465. Lien for freight, charges, or general average contrié bution.-——·Whenever a collector of customs shall be notified in writing of- the existence of BJ lien for freight, charges, or éon= tribution in general average upon any imported merchandise sentto the appraisers store forexsmination, entered for warehousing or taken possession him, he shall refuse to permit delivery thereof from public store or bonded warehouse until ` proof shall be produced that the said lien has been. satisiied or d scharged. The rights or the United States shall not be preju-‘ di or afiected by the tiling ot such lien, nor shall the United St tes or its omcers be liable for losses or damages consequent npr such refusal `to permit delivery. lf merchandise, regardo g hich such notice of lien has been died, shall be forfeited or abandoned and sold, the freight, charges, or contribution in general average due thereon shall be paid from the proceeds ot such sale in the some 'manner as other lawful charges and expenses nre paid therefrom; (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, 5 564; 42 Stat. 9785 ·_ ·o · ‘ a “ 1 466. Cartage of merchandiser$=——'I‘he cartage of merchandise entered for warehousing shall be done by cartmen to be appointed and licensed by the collector of customs and who shalligiire a bond, in e penal sum to be fixed by such collector, for the protection ot the Government against any loss ot, or damage to, such merchandise while being so carted. The cartage of merchandise designated for examination at the appraisers stores and ot merchandise taken into custody by the collector as unclaimed shall be pdformed by uch persons as may be designoted, under? contract or otherwise, by the Secretary ot the Treasury, and under such regulations for the protection of the owners thereof and or the revenue as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, (Sept. ,21, 1922, c. 856,, Title IV, t sos, 42 sm evo.) . _ » 467. Deposit of imported liquors in bondd warehouse.- All distilled spirits, wines, and malt liquors, imported an pipes, bogsbmds, tierces, barrels, casks, or other similar packages, shall be_tirst in public store or bonded werebouse, and shall not beorexnoved therefrom until the same shnlllysve been inspectw., marked, and branded by o United States qustoms· · guuger, and n" stamp smxed to each packme, indimting the dateand particulars of such inspection; and the Secretary ot the Treasury is authorized to prescribe the form ot, pro-» vide, the requisite stemm. and to make all regulations which · be_ may deem necessary and ‘ proper ior carrying the torqoing requirements into efiect. Any pipe, hogsheadg tlerce, barrel, ‘ cosh, or other package withdrawn from public store or bonded warehouse purporting to,contsin -importw‘ liquor, found without having tbereon·the.stamp hereby required, snail be, with its contents, forfeited to the _ United States: and whenever any caslt or package of imD01’§M¥ distilled Spirits of not lm than nve ‘ wine-gallons is dlled for shipment, sale, or delivery on the premises iq! any. wholemle liquor dealer, the same! shall be stamped with a special stamp for imported spirits, under mob ~ rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Rove nue has prmcribed, or may hereafter in me com ot domestic distilled spirits. (Mar. 1, 1879,4; , I 20 Stat.

{TOMS DUTIES ay 468. Stamps and brands efaced on emptying package; atm" imported liquors.--Every pexson who empties or draws oft, or causes to be emptied or drawnpolt, the contents of any package of imported liquors étamped as above required, shall, at the tmne of such emptying, eiface, obllterate, and destroy the stamp thereon, and also all other marks or brands which shall have been placed thereon in accordance with the law or regulntiene concerning imported liquors {every cask or other package from which the stamp for imported liquors required by mention 467 ot this title to be placed thereon shall not be eHaced,'—obliterated, of destroyed, on emptying snch package, shall be forfeited, and the same may be seized- by any omcet of internal revenue yvherever found; and all the provisions and penalties of section 337 ot Title Q26, relating to empty `caeka or from Whiéh . the marks, brands, or ptamps have not been eilaced or obliterated, and relating to the removal of mumps from packages, and _; to having in po wssionany stamps so reinoved, shall apply to the stamps for imported. spirits herein provided. for, and to the éasks or other packages on- which such #st shall have been used. (Mar. 1,.1879, c. 125,} 12, 20 Sat. 842; May 28, 1880, c. 108, { 12, 21 Stat. 148.) _ . ~ _ 469. Dealing in or using empty stampede imported liqnor cont¢inémsQ-——I£ any person shall purchase or sell, with the imported-liquor " stamp herein required remaining thereon, or any of the marks or brands which shall have bow placed thereon in accordance with the laws or regulations concerning imported liquors remaining, thereon, any eask or other package, after the same has been once used to contain imported liquors and has been exnptled: 0; if any person shall nee or have in possession such cnek or package, with any imitation ot such- marks on brands, for the purpose of. placing doqestic distilled spirits therein for sale: every such cask or package, with its contents, it any, shall be forfeited to the United States. And every such person who shall violate any nf! the proyisiona of this section shall be liable to a penalty of %0~1'er`every such cesk or package so purchased, aold, need, or had in poeseaaion. ·(Mar. 1, 1879, o. 125, { 13, 20 Stat. ,348;. May 28, 1880, c. 108, § 13, 2r Stat. 148.) _ l 471. Ownership of bonded warehouses. by enatoma olcers 1 prohibltedo;`,contrsct• for lease or nie of b%gs for pnblic nse.·———·No collector or other omcer ot the customs shall own, in a whole or ln part, any bonded warehonae or enter into any contract at agreement for `tbe lease or use oi any building ato‘_be_erected~aa a pnblio storeor warehoneeeo (Sept. H, 1922, c. 856, Title IV,"I ISM, 42 Stat. 977.). _ `· · . 472. Special delivery and appnlsenent of lnported articles of Jimlted nine `· and weight.--·Artlclee, not merchandiw ln- ` tendm for sale, not exeeedin: *8500 in value., imported in packagm not exceeding one hundred pounds in weight, in vessels of the United States, may be delivered to and [appraised at the pnblle stores, and the entry thereof liquidated by the collector under ouch as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, and after meh appral t and liquidation may be delivered, upon ·h¤?ment ot the llqddated duties under the bond provided ·1’or Jin section 473 ot tnlal title, to exprevs companies or other duly incorporated inland carriers bonded for the transpontation of appraised or nnappralaed merchandise between the several perm in the United Btntu. Not more than one auch consignment to one ultimate connlmee tron; the came ennslgnor endl be imported ln any one vwl. The original appraiaexnmt ot and liquidation of duties on such lxnportadons abnll be nnal against the owner, importer, agent.? or condmee, except ln the an ot manifest

 erro¤‘e?` BI Provided fora in section 407 of this title;

Notllmz eontalned in this section and sections 473 to 415 shall apply to explwlrea, or any article the importation ot'- wlilob - is prohibited by law.` (June 8, IM, c. 871, S 1, 29 Stat. 263.) ·/“`T '%