Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/631

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617 TITLE 20.-- § Nzztional Training School for Boys. (May 27,1908, ce. 200, { 1, nn Sm. 380.) _ { ~ · ‘ 132. Board of trustees; appointment; preside:¤t.·——The Nazional Training School for Boys shall be in the charge of, mel governed and managed by, a board ot seven trustees, mm shall be appointedby t.he·President of the ignited States, upon the recoméendation ‘of the Attorney General, each for l.t· term of three years, but in such a manner. that the terms

 not more than three of theui_shal1 expire within any one

r the Same y*ear.` One of the trustees sballbe elected presi-

 nt of the board, whose duty shall be_preéc_ribed by the

rziwd. (May 3, 1876, c.;90,, $1, 19_Stat. 49; May 27, 1908, c., zoo, § 1, 35 Stat. 380.) ‘ · ‘ e " _, 133. Same; Commissioner of District to be' rnstee.-One oi? me Commissl mers of the Distrigt of Columbia, co be selected ily the Boerd of Commissioners, shall be a trustee, with all me powers, privileges, and duties of other trustees of said wlrool. (June}, 1889, c..121, 21,Stet.—156.) . , . ~ I ` 134. Consulting trustees.--Two consulting trustees ·shall be zappolutod, namely, one Senator of the United Stateo, by the .. llroeiding _0Ecer Tot the Senate, for the tern: ot tour years, and one Member of the House of Representatives, by the speaker thereot, for the term of two years. ( May 3, 1876,*c. 90, g1o,1as¢é¢.s2,>. , .· · ° · n ,135. Corporate capacity and powers of board.--The board of trustees shall be a corporation by the name ot the "‘B0ard of Trustees of the National Training School for `B0ya,." for the purpose ot taking and holding, in trust for the United States property of every description whlclrhas been purchased, approprinted, or t apart for the uae ot the institution, or which may hexmfm be purchased, appropriated, or_set‘·apart for its use, or given or bequeathed to it, or to the said board, for

  • ite use, with all power necessary to barry-. this. purpose

into otfect, and to protect and preserve such propéfty, including the land and buildings, fences, stock, fruit, crops. and trees of all kinds. (May 3, 1876, c. 90, § 2, 19 Stat.}49; May 27, 1-9%, c. 200, §_1,&35 Stat. 380.) — l ~ . “» - ~ 136. By-laws, rules, and regulations;-The b0hi’d_ of trustees may make such by-laws, rules, and regulations for their own and the government of the instltution, its olhcers, employees, and inmates, as they may deenrnecessary and proper. (Mny 3, 1876, ·c._90,,§ 15,19 Stat. 52.) . c ° ‘ .` · ° 137. (`bntracts and purchases; president of board its executiye- eMcer; annual reports.--·All contracts and purchases made for or on_•c~count oi the school shall be made in the name of the board and by whomsoever the board may direct. The president of the boardshall be its executive omcery and it . shell be his duty tof make an annual report to the Attorney General, to be accompanied· by the annual reportot the superintendent and trasurer. (May 3, _1876, c.’90,_¥ 14, 19 Stat. 51.) 138; Superintendent other employees.—··—-The board of trustees may appoint a superintendent, two. or more teachers or assistants, and a matronwhoee salaries are Hxedby law; they may also employ two or more master mechanics, a Iarnxer, a gardener, and anclrother; persongiaa servants and laborers, as may be necessary, and- Ex · their compensation, subject to the approval ot the Attorney General. (May 3, 1876, c. 90, G 3, 19 Stat.49.)_' , `. ` 139. Trenmrer; bend; duties.-The bmrd of trustees shall apl point A treaaurer, who shall, before entering upon the duties ot hleomee, give a bond to ‘ the United Stat_es· with two or more suretim, to be approved by the General Accounting Omoo, ra the sum ot @0,000, or e larger sum, at the option *0t the said General Accounting Odiee, conditioned that he·’slinll faithfully aemunt for ell the money m1=v¤¤‘by him an trwanrer; and lt mah be his duty to keep an dear and {ull record ot his accounts one treasurer, and report an abstract ot the anew to the board . of trnatew once in ewfery two months, and shall also make an

—EDUCaT1t.rN § 145, ( annual report to the board of trustees. (May 3, 1876, e. 90, § 4, 19 Stat. 49; June 10, 1921, c. 18, E zloe, 42 Stat. 2-1.) 140. Superintendenfs b0B£l.·····r·,B€f€l)1°€ entering upon the duties of his office, the superintendent shall give a bond to the board of trustees, with sureties, to be approved by the Attorney General of the United Statcaiu the sum of $3,000, conditioned that _. he shall faithfully account for all money revolved by him, and faithfully perform all the duties incumbent on him as superintendent of said. school. _(May 3, 1876, c. 90, 5 5, 19 Stat. 50.) · 141._ Powers and duties of superintendent and subordinate 0$cers.-eThe superintendent shall reside at the institution eonstantly and he, with such subordinate olhcers as may be appointedin accordance with section 138 of this title, shall have the charge and custody of the boys ; shall govern them in aceorcl- ¥ ance witlrsuch rules and regulations as the board or trustees may prescribe in its by-laws; shall employ them in agricultural, · mechanical or other labor; shall give them instruction in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and ouch other studies and aa such arts and trades as the trustees may direct; and shall employ ueh methods of discipline as will, as far as poaeible, reform their characters, preserve their health, promote regular improvement U in their studies and employments, and secure in them fixed habits of religion, morality, andindustry. (Mar 3, 1876, cL_90, -5 6, 19 Stat. 50.) . _ r , »

 . 142._ Control of lands and other property; hooksof account;

register of boys; examinations of school and accoams.·—·The superintendent shall have charge of the lands, buildings, fami- , ture, tools, implements, stock, provisions, and every other e species oft property pertaining to the institution, within the precincts Ythereoi', under the board or trustees} including the farm at possession of the board kwhere the school was tirst l located; and he shall keep in suitable books, regular and complete accounts of all his `receipts and expendituresgaxad of all _tl1e*property.intrusted to him, eo as to show clearly the income and expenses of the institution ; and he shall account, in such Nmanner as, the, truatees may prescribe, for all the money received by himlfrom the proceeds of the institution or otherwise; _ and lie shall keep.a register ot the and ages of all boys ` committed to the institution,»with the dam of their admission and discharge, and such particulars of their history beforeaud after leavingthe institution as he can obtain. I HIS books. andall documents relating to· shall at all times; be open to the inspection ot the trusteeeyrrho ahall, once or more in every month, carefully examine his accounts, and the vouchers :8110 documents" connected therewith, and make a record of the result of such examination; `and, once ia every three months, the institution shall be thoroughly exam- 5 ined in all its departxneuts by three or more ot the trustees, and a report of,sueh—e'xalni11ation shall be made to the board. ’ (May 3, 1876, c. 90, 5 7, 19 Stat.-50.) _ _ _ ‘ , 143. Report by oieerq to. (kunmiasioaers of Diatrio 5-The °o@cero of said school shall at theend of eachhscal year make a report- to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, which shall embrace a full and complete inventory of all the personal property in detail, the number of employees, and number, ot daysleaeh is employed during the year and price paid each, and .the`amou£t of garden,. held, and otherproducte prodoeed, Together with the disposition nmde of said personal property, products, and so forth. (Mar. 3, 1881, c. 134, § 1,%:21 Stat; 50.) . _ - ·. _ _ —

 144. Disposition of proceeds of farm and shops.··——The proceeds of farm and shops 'ohall be coronal back into the Treasury, to be divided equally between- the Distric-t of ~Uoluml»i.a

and the UnitedStates. (Aug. 6, 1890, c. 7*24, 5 1, 26 Stat. 307.) 145; Hoya committed; eomnaitment by court or iudge,'or by _ president, of board tmateea.——\\’he11e»·er any boy under the age ot bserenteen years shall be brought before any court of the District of Columbia, or any judge of such court, and shall be‘