Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/642

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§ 73 TITLE 21.-i-Fo s ful, `nmwlxolesome, or othorwlsetmilt for human food, it shall be destroyed, for food purposes by t/he said .e$eb1ishment iu the.presei1ce‘of an inspector, end the Semtsry of ylculture mg; remore inspectors from any" Qtibllehment wh fails to .:·=o desm>y any so rh.condemhed`csrcass of part thereof. (Mer. 4, 19G7,c.`290’Z,.34 Stat. 1260;.)_ ;_ _—. - ..73. Examination of ¢81'Cl ;‘l1‘0Hght_ irate slaughtering on

   and of meat f••d     from
 returned tkfcto.-——The foregoing provisions  apply tc
 all (!H ·61'Y$,1't3 or rename: or mule; sheep, swine,. `and

gods, or the meet or meat iaroducts thereof ° which maj be

 brought into any slaughtering, meat-cahnix,,·..peckizi.g

&eri.¤g, or slmikr establishrnentg and examination arid 4i§S§(!1!ti§I! shall w had before the saidcarcesses or parts thereof shall be allowed to enter into any —dep:1rtment wherein- the same are to be truted and prepared for meat {ood -produ<:ts; and - the foregoing provisions shall also apply to all such prodjixcts, which, after having been jissued froth any slaughtering, mat-cueing; asltihg, poking, `reznderlng, ··or/ sldiler establishheifl shall be `returnedyx thesemc, or to any similar estohlishmet where meh i¤,gpe·¤‘ ie maintalhed. (Mar. 4, »190?,lc.@07,34Stat. ~ I c"` I,-· t l —~ 74. cf; nut fond products; _¤¢rks of iliqpcction; destruction of condemned product; for»Tcxp•rt.·=4·For like U — hereiuhe1'orQe;=eet=_tortli theQSecremry‘ of Agricultuge shall cause to be made, by inspectors appolhwd for · that " pu1@,' on and lnspectlou of1"·a1l‘_meet {ood eroducte prepared for interstate or foreign. in spy

 ·slaugl1£e1¥mg,- ment-cmamg, uniting,   rergdering, nor

. simile: _ am for the purposu of anyrexamlnation ood t ·s·· o¤'enld·lh®pectorg qh_all·hhve access int ¤lQ1`timw,_by day or night, wlaether the establishment be operated or · not; to every of mid establishment; uid skid i tors shall !nm·k,-stnm@, tag; or label as "_`.I¤s;>eg:ted `d¤d.;£ds$d·" dll such products found to he sound, hedlthtixl. and wholesome, and which contain. no dyes, chemicals, preeu·v•.tives,. or ingredients which render such meat, or ment food prod¤cts‘m1sou¤d,' nnhmlthml, uswuomomew or andt for human tood:`dnd.sa1d inspectors shall label, mark., sump,-or hog. as Wlncspeéted and .co¤de§1ied"’.ell s@ found \1DSO\l1ld,.·u¤h&¤Rl¢hf\11, ami mnwholemme, or which contain dyes; chernlcals, preservatives, or ingredients 1vhlch_re11der such meat or meat food precincts . ud, tmbenlthtul, uhwholesoxiie, or hum: for hu- ~ me food., and all earch. condemned ment food products shall hel destroyed for food. purposwg as herelnbefore prozsjided, and the Secretary ot Agriculture #313 remove inspectors from any establishment which tails to so destroy such rarest todd products: That subject to the rules and regu· Jatioes of the Secretary or Agriculture the provisions ot this. section .111 regard to prwervatlves shall not apply to meat e— food products for export to m1y_·toreign country dud which are prepared or mckod according 'to the specldmtious or direc- . tions of the foreign purchaser, Qwheh no substance is used in the probemtion or pecking thereof 1.11 conflict with the laws of the foreign country tof which Said article is to be exported; ° but it sold article shall be in fact sold or odered torsele for domestio use o1·‘c·o¤sl1m;$ti¢1n they this proviso - shall not exempt. said on-tlolo from the operation of all the otherprovisions of sections 71 to 94, inclusive, of this title. (Mar. 4, 1907, c. 29(9’I.·34 Stat. 1260.) ‘ f ' ..75. remptecles or coverings of meat or meat food products iuwtcd and passed; supervision by inspectors; sales under false names; trade llama.-—·-When any meat or meat food pmqoot Pféverecl for interstate or foreign commerce which hss hom insgioctod as horelnbeiore provided, and marked “In- 'sgwoted ood passed " shall be placed or packed io any can, pot, etiai, oenvas, orxothor receptacle or covering in any establish- _ mont where inspection under the provisions of sections 71—to

·OI,) AND DRUGS 628 l finclusive, of this title is maintained, the person, gm, m. l corporation preparing said product shall cause at label to he e attached to said can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle or » covering, under tm supervmon of an i tor, which label

 shall state that the contents thereof have been ‘.‘ inspected and

_ passed” under thelprovlsions of snch sections; and no 5 tion and examination of meat or lxneatfood xtroducts deposited L orinclosed in cans,‘tins, pots, canvas,. or other receptacle or » hovering. in any establishznent whereinsp&tion antler- the pro-

visions of such sections is maintained shall be oeemo, to be

,· complete Qunursucn meat or meat food products have been _ sealed or inclosed in said can, tin, ipot, canvas, or other recap. [M tacle ·or covering under the supervision of an inspector, and r no such meat or _Il1Q&t_. food prodmts shall be solé or offered g for sale by any person, ann, or corporation iaintérstate or

_ foreign commerce under any false or deceptive name; but es-

., tabllshed trade nameor names vrhichare mnal to such prod-

nets and yvliich are not false and deceptive and ivhi& shall be

t ·—approved by the Secretary of Agriculture are permitted. ( Mar.

 -1,1907, e. .2907,'34·Stat. 1260.).   · 1 ”   . _

.. 76. Sanitary inspection of slaughtering and — packing establishments; rejection of ¤e$ or mat prw·

V nets mint for food.#—r—The S€€1’€t&'I"Y of Agriculture shall canes l

{1 to be made,. by experts in sanitation or by other competent ._ inspectors, such inspection of all slaughtering, mat waning,

salting, packing, grendering, or slrnilar establishments in which .

.· cattle, ‘sheep, swine, and goats__ are slaughtered and the meat ·' and meat food products thereof are for interstate or · foreign coinmerce, as maybe weasel-yd to inform hmlf can- , cer`ning_ the sanitary conditions of the same, and to prescribe V -‘the" rulesdand regulations of sanitation nnmsr which such es., tablishrnents shall be maintained; and where the sanltary iconditions of any `snch establishment are snch that the meat or , meat food products are rendered unclean, nnsound, \mhealth— ful, nnvtgholesome, or otherwise undt for hamnn food, he shall — refuse to allow said meat or nxeat food prodnctsto. be labeled.

 marked, stamped, •r tagged as " inspected ma passed? (Mar.

4, 1907, c._2907, 34 Stat. 12M.) I _` _ . ‘ . _’I7. Examination of cattle and food prodncts thereof, singin- ‘ l ttered and prepared daring nighttime.--*1*he Secretary of Agriculture shall éausein examination and inspection of all mttle, ` sheep, ·_ swine, and goats, and the food pioneers thereof. slaughtered and prepared in the establishments hereinbefore described for the purposes of interstate or . foreign comrncrce l to be made: during the nxhttime as daring the daytlme when the slaughtering of salad cattle, sheep, seine, and goals. or the preparation of said foodaproducts is conducted during the nighttime. (Mar. 4, 1907, c. @07., 34 Stat. 1260.) I .- , n , `78Q Transportation of neat, or neat food products not; prowrly inspected and marked.-——··No person. ilrm. or , corporation shall transport or offer for transportation, and no ` carrier of interstate or Ioreiw commerce shall transport or recelre, for tranwortation from one State or Territory or the = District of Columbia to_ any other State or Territory or the _ ·_ District of Columbia, or to any place under the jurisdiction of the United States, or to any foreip conntry,. any carcasses or parts thereof, meat, or meat food prodncts thereof which have not been inspected, examlned,_a¤d marked as “Inspected and p•s•ed," in accordance with the term of sections 71 to 04, inclusive, of this title, and with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. (Mar. _4, 1907, c. 2907, 34 Stat. 1260.) _ , 79. Forgery, alteration or unauthorised use of ranks, labels, or other identihcation devices or certHe•tcs.···—No person. tirm. or. corporation, or officer, agent, or employee thereof, shall forge, counterfeit, simulate, or falsely represent, or shall without _ proper authority use, fail to- use, or detach, or shall knowingly or wrongfully alter, ddtce, or destroy, or tall to deface or I